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Flood Barriers and Sandbags: Effective Techniques for Flood Defense

9/12/2023 (Permalink)

Floods are among the most damaging natural disasters, causing widespread destruction and loss of life. Floodwaters can rise quickly, and without effective protection measures, homes, businesses, and infrastructure are vulnerable to significant damage. Flood barriers and sandbags are two effective techniques for flood defense. In this blog post, we will discuss these techniques and how they can help mitigate the damage caused by floods.

Flood Barriers

Flood barriers are physical structures designed to prevent floodwaters from entering an area. They come in various forms, including permanent structures and temporary ones that can be erected quickly in case of an emergency.

Permanent Flood Barriers

Permanent flood barriers are designed for areas that are at high risk of flooding. These structures are robust and can withstand extreme forces generated by floodwaters.

Concrete walls, earth embankments, and steel barriers are some of the common types of permanent flood barriers. They require significant planning, investment, and construction time to ensure they are effective in protecting the area from floods.

Temporary Flood Barriers

Temporary flood barriers are designed as a quick response to an imminent flood threat. They are lightweight, portable, and easy to assemble, making them ideal for quick deployment.

Temporary flood barriers are made of materials such as sandbags, inflatable tubes, and portable barriers made of plastic or aluminum. They can be built in a matter of hours and can be removed quickly when the threat of flooding has passed.


Sandbags are a traditional and effective way of protecting buildings and infrastructure from floodwaters. Sandbags act as a barrier, absorbing water and creating a dam to prevent floodwaters from entering a building or an area.

Here are some tips for using sandbags effectively:

  • Fill up sandbags with a mixture of sand and soil. This will help the bags mold themselves to the shape of the area you wish to protect, making them more effective.
  • Overlap sandbags: When stacking bags, make sure to overlap them, like brickwork. This creates a more effective barrier.
  • Ensure full contact: Once the sandbags are placed in position, make sure they are tightly packed and in full contact with each other.
  • Use plastic sheeting: Placing a layer of plastic sheeting between your sandbags and the building or area you are protecting will help prevent seepage along the base of the bags.

Flood barriers and sandbags are both effective techniques for flood defense. Permanent barriers may be appropriate for areas at high risk of flooding, while temporary barriers and sandbags can be deployed quickly and effectively during an emergency.

It's essential to note that flood barriers, whether permanent or temporary, may not provide complete protection from floodwaters. During severe flooding, water may still enter from underneath or above the barrier. Therefore, the best approach is to use a combination of techniques to mitigate the damage caused by floods. Stay informed, stay prepared, and be ready to take action when needed to protect yourself, your family, and your property.

The Role of Business Interruption Insurance: Protecting Your Business in Times of Crisis

8/20/2023 (Permalink)

Business interruption insurance, also known as business income insurance, is a type of coverage that plays a crucial role in helping businesses recover from unexpected disruptions. Whether it's a natural disaster, a fire, a cyber attack, or a global pandemic like COVID-19, unforeseen events can significantly impact a company's operations and revenue. In this blog post, we will explore the role of business interruption insurance and why it is a vital component of business risk management.

Understanding Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides financial protection by compensating businesses for lost income and additional expenses incurred during a period of interruption or forced closure. It typically covers the following:

Lost Profits: Business interruption insurance helps replace the income lost during the interruption period, allowing businesses to continue paying bills, salaries, and other ongoing expenses.

Extra Expenses: In some cases, businesses may incur extra expenses to minimize the impact of the interruption or to speed up the recovery process. Business interruption insurance can help cover these additional costs, such as temporary relocation expenses or the purchase of necessary equipment.

Extended Closure: If a business is forced to close temporarily due to a covered event, business interruption insurance can provide coverage for the extended period of closure, giving the business time to recover and rebuild.

Key Benefits of Business Interruption Insurance

Having business interruption insurance in place can provide several key benefits to your business:

Income Protection: One of the most significant benefits of business interruption insurance is that it helps replace lost income during a period of interruption. This allows businesses to keep their cash flow steady and meet financial obligations, such as loan repayments and utility bills.

Continuity of Operations: By providing coverage for the necessary expenses, businesses can continue operating even in challenging times. This can include setting up temporary locations, hiring additional staff, or purchasing new equipment to minimize the impact and maintain continuity.

Peace of Mind: Knowing that your business is protected against unexpected events provides peace of mind. Business owners can focus on recovery and rebuilding without the added worry of the financial strain caused by a prolonged interruption.

Determining Coverage and Policy Limits

When considering business interruption insurance, it's essential to assess potential risks and calculate adequate coverage and policy limits. Factors to consider include:

Historical Revenue: Analyze your previous year's revenue to estimate the income you would need to replace in the event of an interruption.

Recovery Period: Estimate how long it would take for your business to fully recover and return to normal operations. Consider potential delays and the time it would take to rebuild clientele.

Additional Expenses: Assess potential additional expenses you might incur during a period of crisis or interruption, such as relocation, increased marketing efforts, or temporary staffing.

Insurable Events: Identify the types of risks specific to your business and verify that they are covered by the policy. Review exclusions and limitations, and seek clarification from your insurance provider if needed.

Business interruption insurance is a critical component of a comprehensive risk management strategy for any business. Its role extends beyond simply replacing lost income; it provides financial stability and peace of mind during times of crisis. By understanding the coverage options, calculating adequate policy limits, and working closely with your insurance advisor, you can protect your business from the potentially devastating financial impact of unforeseen disruptions. Remember, the right insurance coverage can be the safeguard that keeps your business running, ensuring a swift recovery and a bright future ahead.

Help! My Dishwasher is Leaking

7/27/2023 (Permalink)

A leaking dishwasher can be a frustrating and potentially damaging problem in your kitchen. Whether you notice a small puddle or a steady stream of water, addressing the issue promptly is crucial to prevent further damage to your flooring and cabinets. In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps to take when your dishwasher starts leaking, helping you resolve the issue and restore the functionality of your appliance.

Shut Off the Power and Water

As soon as you notice the dishwasher leaking, turn off the power supply to the appliance. Locate the circuit breaker for your dishwasher and switch it off to eliminate the risk of electrical shock. Next, locate the water supply valve under the kitchen sink or near the dishwasher and shut it off to stop the water flow.

Inspect for Obvious Causes

Before proceeding with further troubleshooting, visually inspect the dishwasher for any obvious causes of the leak. Check the door gasket or seal for tears, cracks, or misalignment. Ensure that the dishwasher door is closing properly and that no objects or debris obstruct the door's complete closure. Additionally, examine the dishwasher's hoses and connections for any signs of leakage or disconnection.

Clean and Unclog the Drain

A clogged drain can cause water to back up and leak from your dishwasher. Remove the bottom rack and inspect the drain area for any food particles, debris, or hard water deposits. Clear away any obstructions using a brush or toothpick and rinse the area with warm water. This simple step can often resolve minor drainage issues.

Check the Float Switch and Float Assembly

The float switch and float assembly are safety mechanisms that prevent overfilling in the dishwasher. Inspect these components for any blockages or malfunctions. Gently move the float up and down to ensure it moves freely and is not stuck in the raised position. If the float switch is faulty, it may need to be replaced by a professional.

Examine the Dishwasher's Seals and Gaskets

The door seal and gaskets play a crucial role in preventing water from leaking out of the dishwasher. Inspect these components for any signs of damage, wear, or debris accumulation. Clean the seals and gaskets using a mild detergent and warm water, removing any food particles or residue that may interfere with a proper seal.

Test for Leakage

After performing the above steps, turn the water supply back on and run a short cycle on your dishwasher while closely monitoring for any signs of leakage. Use a flashlight to inspect the areas around the door, hoses, and connections. If the leak persists, it may be necessary to call a professional dishwasher repair service to diagnose and resolve the issue.

Contact a Professional Repair Service

If your troubleshooting efforts do not resolve the leakage problem, it's advisable to contact a professional dishwasher repair service. Trained technicians have the expertise to diagnose complex issues and safely repair or replace faulty components. They can also provide guidance on whether it's more cost-effective to repair the dishwasher or consider a replacement.

Dealing with a leaking dishwasher can be a hassle, but by following these steps, you can effectively address the issue and prevent further water damage in your kitchen. Remember to prioritize safety by shutting off the power and water supply before inspecting and troubleshooting the appliance. If the leak persists or you're unsure about performing repairs yourself, it's best to seek the assistance of a professional dishwasher repair service. With their expertise, your dishwasher will be back in working order, and you can enjoy clean and dry dishes once again.

Buying a Home in a Flood Zone: Steps to Protect Yourself

7/6/2023 (Permalink)

Buying a home in a flood zone can be a risky proposition. Floods can cause significant damage to homes and can be expensive to repair. However, there are steps you can take to protect yourself when buying a home in a flood zone. In this blog, we'll explore some of the things you should do when buying a home in a flood zone.

Research the Flood Risk

Before buying a home in a flood zone, it's important to research the flood risk in the area. You can start by checking the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Map Service Center. This will give you an idea of the flood risk in the area and whether the property you're considering is in a high-risk flood zone. You can also contact your local government's planning department for more information.

If you're buying a home in a flood zone, it's important to consider flood insurance. Flood insurance is a separate policy from your homeowners insurance and can help protect your home and belongings in the event of a flood. It's important to note that not all insurance companies offer flood insurance, so be sure to check with your insurance provider.

Get a Home Inspection

When buying a home in a flood zone, it's important to get a thorough home inspection. A home inspector can identify any potential flood-related issues, such as a faulty foundation or inadequate drainage. This can help you make an informed decision about whether to buy the property and can also help you negotiate a better price.

When buying a home in a flood zone, it's important to consider the elevation of the property. The higher the property's elevation, the lower the risk of flooding. You can check the elevation of the property by obtaining an elevation certificate from the seller or by hiring a surveyor to conduct an elevation survey.

Check for Flood Damage History

Before buying a home in a flood zone, it's important to check the property's flood damage history. You can obtain this information from your local government's planning department or from the seller. If the property has a history of flood damage, it may be at a higher risk of future flooding.

There are steps you can take to mitigate the risk of flooding when buying a home in a flood zone. For example, you can install flood vents or elevate the property. You can also make sure that the property has adequate drainage and that the gutters and downspouts are functioning properly.

Consider the Resale Value

When buying a home in a flood zone, it's important to consider the resale value of the property. Properties in flood zones may be more difficult to sell in the future, and may require a lower selling price. It's important to consider this when making a decision about whether to buy the property.

Buying a home in a flood zone can be a risky proposition, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself. By researching the flood risk, considering flood insurance, getting a home inspection, checking the elevation of the property, checking for flood damage history, taking steps to mitigate flood risk, and considering the resale value, you can make an informed decision about whether to buy a property in a flood zone. With the right precautions, you can enjoy your new home without the worry of flooding.

Lightning Strikes: Can They Really Start a House Fire?

4/22/2023 (Permalink)

When you hear the word "lightning," what do you think of? If you're like most people, it's probably something along the lines of a bright flash in the sky followed by a loud crack--and then maybe some rain. But lightning is more than just a dramatic event; it can also cause serious damage to your home and even start fires.

In this article, we'll explain what lightning is and how it can cause house fires if left unchecked by proper safety measures. We'll also cover some ways that homeowners can protect themselves against this natural phenomenon so they don't have to worry about their homes being damaged or destroyed by fire caused by lightning strikes during storms!

What is Lightning?

Lightning is a sudden electrostatic discharge that occurs during a thunderstorm. It's caused by the build-up of positive and negative charges in the atmosphere, which causes electrons to move rapidly between atoms. This creates an electrical current that travels down through clouds as well as earth, causing them to glow brightly.

Lightning can strike anywhere in the world but it's most common in tropical regions where there are lots of thunderstorms and rainforest trees with high moisture content that act as good conductors for electricity (this means they allow electricity to flow easily through them).

What is a house fire?

A house fire is a fire that occurs in a building, such as a home or apartment. A house fire can be caused by several things, including faulty wiring or appliances that are not properly maintained. The most common causes of house fires are careless smoking and cooking accidents.

How can lightning start a house fire?

Lightning can strike a home directly, causing damage to the structure and starting a fire. Lightning can also strike nearby objects and ignite them, such as trees or cars. In addition, lightning striking power lines can cause sparks that start fires in homes with faulty wiring or other problems with their electrical system.

Preventing a House Fire Caused by Lightning

Lightning rods are a great way to prevent lightning from striking your home. They can be installed on the roof of your house, and they will channel any electrical charges that hit it away from the structure.

In addition to installing lightning rods, you should also try to avoid using electronics during storms. If you're not going to be able to unplug these appliances before a storm arrives (for example, if they have an automatic shutoff feature), make sure they're plugged into surge protectors or surge suppressors so that any power surges caused by lightning strikes won't damage them as much.

What to Do If Your Home is Struck by Lightning

If your home is struck by lightning, it's important to evacuate and call 911. After the storm has passed, check for any fire damage and electrical damage. If you notice any smoke or flames, get out of your house immediately--and don't go back inside until emergency responders have cleared it.

Insurance and Property Damage

If lightning strikes your home, the damage can be extensive. To ensure that you are covered and that your insurance company pays for repairs, it's important to check your policy and contact them immediately.

You should also document any damage as soon as possible after a strike: take photos of any visible damage; make notes about what happened (when did it happen? where were you when it happened?); record how long it took for power to return; and keep receipts for any expenses related to cleanup or repairs.

Lightning can start a house fire, but it's not the only thing that can. If you're prepared for the worst and have insurance coverage in place, then you can rest assured that your home will be protected from damage caused by natural disasters like lightning strikes.

If you want to learn more about how to protect yourself from lightning-related damages, contact us today!

How To File Water Damage Insurance Claims

2/10/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage is one of the most common causes of insurance claims. Water damage can also result in significant damage to your property as well as mold growth if not properly cleaned up immediately. That’s why understanding how to file a home insurance claim for water damage is so important: knowing what coverage you have on hand can help you make better decisions about filing an insurance claim if disaster strikes.

What is a water-damage claim?

Water damage is a common cause of home insurance claims. It can be caused by a number of things, including burst pipes and overflowing bathtubs. Even hurricanes can cause water damage if they flood your house with rainwater or wind-blown waves that come in through windows or doors.

If you have suffered any type of water damage to your property, it's important that you file an official claim with your insurer so they know exactly what happened and how much money they have to pay out as compensation for repairs or replacement costs.

Contact your insurance carrier.

As soon as you notice the water loss, the first step is to contact your insurance. Be ready to provide them with as much information as possible, such as your policy number. The insurance agent will open the claim and guide you through the next steps.

Fill out and submit claim forms.

Next, your insurance carrier will provide you with the necessary forms to fill out. It is important to fill out the forms with as much detail as possible.

You can submit your claim through an insurance company's website, by mail, or by phone. If filing online, make sure that all fields are filled out accurately before submitting so that no further action is necessary on your part once they receive the forms!

Make temporary repairs

It is important to make temporary repairs as soon as possible. These repairs will help prevent further damage and can be done by you or a contractor.

If you do not know how to make the necessary repairs, contact your insurance company. They will provide you with a list of contractors who are insured and qualified to perform water damage restoration services in your area.

Provide documentation.

In order to receive the proper compensation from your claim, you'll need to provide documentation. You should provide receipts for materials and services used, repair estimates, and pictures of the damage. Pictures of your property before and after the water damage will also be helpful in filing your claim. When working with a restoration company such as SERVPRO, they can take care of the entire claims process for you, including providing detailed documentation of the damage before, during, and after the repairs.

Call a Water Restoration Company

Once you have a claim number and the details of your claim, it's time to get started on repairs. The first step is hiring a company that specializes in cleaning up water damage and restoring the property. You can find these companies through an internet search or by asking your insurance carrier for a referral.

Wait for the insurance adjuster and final approval.

The insurance adjuster will review your claim once it is completed. They will make sure that they were provided with all the necessary information to process your claim. They will most likely send an insurance adjuster to your home to evaluate the damage and create an estimate of the cost involved in mitigating and restoring the damage. Once approved, the insurance company will send you a check for the estimated cost of repairing your home.

If you're unsure about whether or not your home insurance covers water damage, it's always a good idea to call your agent. They can help you understand how this type of claim works and what steps need to be taken. You should also contact your insurance company immediately after any incident where there is water damage so that they can start processing your claim as soon as possible.

How to Deal with Mold After a Fire

1/10/2023 (Permalink)

Fire Damage in a home After a fire, a professional restoration company can remediate any mold that remains and restore your property.

How to Deal with Mold After a Fire

Removing mold from your Rosemont, IL home after a fire can be a complicated process. Whether the fire was caused by an electrical issue or an industrial accident, it's important to get your property back to its original state as quickly as possible. In this blog post, we'll explain how you can deal with post-fire mold growth and what to expect when working with professional restoration services.

How Does Mold Grow?

You may be asking yourself, "How does mold grow?" The answer is simple. Mold needs moisture, oxygen, and organic material to grow. You can find these requirements in many different places. For example:

  • Mold spores are everywhere! They're in the air and on surfaces (like walls and floors) all around us. Even if you don't see any visible signs of mold growth yet, it could still be growing behind closed doors or inside walls where no one can see it without taking a closer look.
  • Molds also live in the soil and plants that we use every day such as fruits and veggies.

Identifying Mold Species

Mold is a fungus that grows in warm, moist environments. Mold spores are microscopic and float in the air, so they can be found in water damage, fire damage, or flood damage.

The first step to identifying mold species is to examine your home for signs of moisture. If you have a flooded basement or attic after a fire, there may be standing water on the floor or walls that needs to be removed before it can cause mold growth. You'll also want to make sure any wet items like clothing and furniture are properly dried out before they contribute to mold growth as well.

Preventing Mold Growth in Your Home

To prevent mold growth in your home, keep the humidity level below 50% by using a dehumidifier. This will help get rid of excess moisture and reduce the chances that any mold spores will have enough water to grow.

If there's been extensive water damage, make sure to clean up immediately and dry out all affected areas with fans if necessary. You should also lower the temperature in your house so that it stays below 70 degrees F during this process — this will slow down the reproduction rate of any molds present in your home after smoke from fires has spread into them.

Tips for Preventing Mold After a Fire

Mold can be a major hazard, so it's important to take steps to prevent mold from growing after a fire. Here are some tips for preventing mold growth:

  • Keep the area dry. If you have access to water, use it on any wet items in your home as soon as possible. If you don't have access to water, find other ways of keeping moisture out of your home.
  • Use a dehumidifier if needed. You may need to use a dehumidifier if there is excessive moisture in the air after the fire has been extinguished and all other sources of water have been removed from the area. 
  • Open windows and doors whenever possible - especially during warmer seasons - so that fresh air can circulate throughout your property instead of stagnating inside closed spaces.

The Importance of Professional Services

While you may be tempted to tackle the cleanup yourself, it’s important to remember that proper mold remediation is a specialized skill. Mold remediation requires specialized equipment, training, and certification, as well as experience for the job to be done properly.

A professional restoration service can remediate any leftover mold and restore your home after a fire.

If you’ve experienced a fire, you want to ensure that your home is as safe and clean as possible. A professional restoration service can perform mold remediation, which will remove any remaining mold left in your home. Remediation is a complex process that requires specialized equipment and training. It also requires individuals with experience in performing this type of work to avoid further damage to your property or issues for yourself or family members. If you are looking for help in restoring your home after fire damage, it’s important that you hire someone who has experience in the field — this way, they will be able to prevent unnecessary problems before they arise while still getting the job done effectively.

If you think you might have a mold problem after a fire, it’s important to take action right away. In addition to the risks that mold can pose, it can also cause damage to your home and personal belongings. If you don’t address this problem immediately then it could result in serious financial losses down the road. The best way to avoid these problems is by contacting a professional restoration service immediately after discovering any signs of mold in your Rosemont, IL home.

Everything You Need To Know About Mold

12/7/2022 (Permalink)

Everything You Need To Know About Mold

Mold is a problem that is not often dealt with properly. It can be a serious problem, and it's important to know what you're dealing with and how to handle it. This article will cover everything you need to know about mold, including what it is, why you should care about it, and where to look for mold. Plus we'll give you tips on what you can do yourself—and what needs professional attention.

What is mold?

Mold is a fungus, not a plant.

Mold is a type of fungus that grows on food, wood, paper and other organic materials. Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that do not photosynthesize and are made up of specialized filaments called hyphae (singular: hypha). A single fungal colony can contain many individual hyphae connected together into one large network.

Why you should care about mold

Mold can cause a ton of problems and damage to property. If you have mold in your home, you should be concerned about the following:

  • Mold can quickly spread throughout your property and cause a ton of damage.
  • Mold can lower the value of your home if the mold is visible from both inside and outside the house.
  • Mold cleanup is often expensive due to the time it takes to remove all traces of mold from affected areas and prevent them from returning.

Where to look for mold

Mold can grow anywhere. It can be found in bathroom and kitchen tiles, under carpets and floorboards, and on wood and furniture. Mold spores are microscopic, so you won't always be able to see them—but if you notice any of the signs below, it's worth investigating further.

  • Damp areas: Look for mold in bathrooms or kitchens where moisture builds up naturally (e.g., behind sinks or near showers).
  • Flooded areas: If your property has been flooded recently (or even just had a leak somewhere), chances are that there is mold growing somewhere on it now—and probably more than one type!
  • Leaky pipes or roofs: This sounds obvious but don't forget about checking behind radiators/boilers/heating systems to see if water has been leaking into unseen corners where mold will thrive!

What a professional can do to remediate your black mold problem

A professional mold remediation company is the only way to ensure that the mold problem is completely solved and that you aren't just moving it around. While DIY mold removal can be effective, it's not guaranteed to get rid of all traces of toxic black mold in your home. This means that even if you think you've removed all traces from one room, there could still be a hidden colony growing somewhere else in your house, which could cause an entirely new outbreak later on.

To avoid this possibility and make sure your home has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected so that it's safe for habitation again, hire a professional contractor who has experience treating black mold outbreaks. 

Mold is a serious problem that needs professional attention.

Removing mold is not as simple as just throwing out the affected items and cleaning up the mess. Remediation of a contaminated area requires specialized training to ensure that all of the places where there may be hidden mold growth are treated appropriately so that the problem doesn't continue to spread throughout your home or office space.

The most important thing you can do is learn as much as you can about mold and its effects. This will help you to diagnose any problems and take the right steps to control them. Remember that you are not alone in this fight, and there are plenty of resources available online to help guide you through the process. If your home or building has black mold and needs remediation services, then we encourage you to contact us today!

What Do I Do If I Have A Burst Pipe In My Home?

11/3/2022 (Permalink)

What Do I Do If I Have A Burst Pipe In My Home?

When you have a burst pipe in your home, it’s not just an inconvenience—it’s a disaster. Not only do you have to deal with the mess and damage that comes with flooding, but you also have to figure out how to get water damage repaired before mold can set in.

Here are some tips for what to do if you have a burst pipe in your home:

Turn off the water to your home.

The first thing you want to do is shut off the main water supply. This can be done by turning the valve on your water meter, which will stop the flow of water immediately. Make sure it's off before doing anything else.

Next, you'll want to turn off any electricity in the room where your burst pipe is located and/or shut off power to that breaker box entirely if necessary. This means no lights, no refrigerators or freezers (if they're located near where the pipe burst), no stoves or microwaves, no washers or dryers—basically anything that uses electricity should be turned off until certified professionals have dealt with it properly and deemed them safe for use again.

Remove your pets or children from the area.

If you have children or pets, it's important to protect them from any potential damage. There are many dangers associated with burst pipes that can cause harm to animals as well as tiny humans, so it's best to keep them out of the way while you deal with the situation. 

Drain faucets.

The next step you will want to take is to drain the remaining faucets in your home or business. This will drain water out of the pipes and minimize the chances of further damage caused by flooding.

You should also check all of your faucets to ensure that they are not leaking, as this will increase the amount of water that is lost and could cause additional damage to your property.

Call a water damage restoration company.

If you have a burst pipe in your home, the first thing to do is call a plumber. You should then call a water damage restoration company. If you don't know who to call, or if the situation is too complicated for you to handle on your own, just call someone who can help with this type of problem.

There are many reasons why it's important not to try fixing something yourself when there's an issue with your plumbing system:

  • You might cause further damage by trying to fix it yourself
  • It could be very hard for you (or anyone) without professional training and equipment

Keep an eye out for mold.

When a pipe bursts, it's important to keep an eye out for mold. If you have had a burst pipe in your home, then you should be aware that mold is likely to form in the affected area. In fact, mold can grow within 24 hours of a water leak—and this can pose serious risks if left untreated.

If you contact a restoration company, they will take necessary precautions to ensure that you do not have a mold infestation break out in your home or business.

If you have a burst pipe in your Des Plaines, IL, home, it's important to take action quickly. Don't delay when dealing with burst pipes—the longer you wait, the more water damage will happen and the bigger your bill will be. But don't worry! We're here to help. We know from experience that this type of emergency can be stressful and overwhelming, but if you follow our advice above, we're confident that everything will turn out all right.

Is Security Fencing Worth the Investment?

10/4/2022 (Permalink)

Is Security Fencing a Good Investment?

If you own a business in Park Ridge, IL, you know that fires can ruin your business in a matter of minutes. It can be hard to recover from the aftermath of a fire, especially when it happened at your place of business. There are many things you need to consider—such as fire insurance, rebuilding your building and repairing any damage—but one thing not often considered is how to secure the property after a fire. A security fence is one way to help keep your building safe after an incident like this occurs; however, many people don't know what makes them so effective or why they're important for commercial buildings. This article will explore some reasons why security fencing is necessary for commercial buildings, as well as explain how it works in detail so you can decide if this would be a good investment for your specific needs!

You need to protect your property after a fire.

Regular security fencing is a great way to protect your property against theft and other damage. When you have been affected by a fire, you will want to make sure that the area is properly protected before reopening for business. You should also consider using a temporary or permanent fence as part of your ongoing security measures, depending on how long you plan on staying in one location.

Security fencing can help protect employees and customers from intruders who might try to break into your building after a fire. It will also help prevent theft of equipment and property while repairs are being made or if there is no return date yet set at all

Security fences fit in with your business style.

Security fencing can be designed to fit in with the architecture and style of your building. The fences can also be designed to blend in with the landscape and surroundings, so they're not always visible from a distance. This allows them to be an attractive feature rather than a massive barrier that makes people feel unwelcome or uncomfortable.

When you're looking at security fencing options for your business, take a look at how well it fits into the overall setting -- this will help ensure that you get something that looks good and prevents intruders from getting close enough to cause damage or injury.

Security fencing can help ensure the safety of your commercial building, even after a fire.

Security fencing is a great way to help keep your employees safe from harm, as well as ensuring the safety of your commercial building and its contents. Security fencing can also prevent vandalism and theft by keeping undesirable individuals away from areas that are not meant for public access. Additionally, security fencing helps improve your business image by making it clear that you go out of your way to ensure the safety of employees and customers alike.

Security fencing is required in many areas where there is high risk of fire. Fire codes require that buildings be protected with a certain amount of space between them and other structures or objects; this space should be unobstructed so that firefighters can access any part of either building quickly during an emergency such as a fire outbreak. In order to comply with both local ordinances regarding zoning restrictions and federal statutes regarding workplace safety regulations such as OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration), businesses must install appropriate measures such as security fences around their facilities.

Security fencing helps protect your commercial building and its contents, even after a fire. If you want to keep your employees safe and the building secure after a fire or other emergency, security fencing is an important part of that. Security fences can also fit in with your business style, so they’re a great choice no matter what type of business you run.

4 Steps To Restore a Fire-Damaged Home

7/25/2022 (Permalink)

Fire Damage in a home Fire Damage in a home

Four Steps To Help You Get Back In Your Own Home As Quickly As Possible

Most people have practiced fire drills since elementary school, and many have developed family plans in their own homes. Fewer families in Park Ridge, IL, have taken the next step: getting emotionally and physically prepared for what happens following a home fire, such as the need to contact a fire restoration company to restore their home to the way they remember ASAP. Here are four steps that can help every family get back in their own home as quickly as possible.

1. Be Prepared
It is a great idea to prepare in advance for any disaster by developing a family emergency plan. Here are a few ideas to consider:

  • Memorize your emergency contact numbers
  • Practice home fire drills
  • Take pictures every year of each room
  • Have digital copies of photographs and home movies

2. Stop Further Damage

When that horrible event happens, the damage can be devastating. When there has been a large fire, the home may need immediate attention to protect the interior from further loss. This may require boarding up windows and doors or closing up the roof. The water from the fire truck also needs to be removed and dried out as soon as possible to prevent mold and mildew.

3. Remove Soot and Smoke

Smoke damage and soot need to be carefully and thoroughly removed. Every surface in the home may have been affected and will require specialized equipment. A professional process to clean each item is crucial to successful fire restoration.

4. Repair and Restore

Once the damage cleaning is finished, the rebuilding really begins. New materials replace those that were damaged or lost, including flooring and appliances. Necessary repairs to plumbing and electrical fixtures need to be completed. Everything else should be restored so each family will feel "at home" again.
Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Having a plan in place may help to avoid the loss of valuable photographs and family mementos in a home fire or flood. Whether or not there is a disaster, having a fire restoration plan in place just might add some extra comfort to each family.

How to Stop A Commercial Toilet That Won't Stop Flushing

7/15/2022 (Permalink)

How to Stop A Commercial Toilet That Won't Stop Flushing

If the toilets in your Park Ridge, IL, building are equipped with flushometers, you know that they do a great job most of the time. Sometimes, however, a flushometer can get stuck in a cycle of endless flushes, which could lead to a toilet overflow or even a toilet flood. The best way to stop a toilet from flushing repeatedly depends on the type of flushometer.

Automatic Flushometer
To fix an automatic flushometer that won’t stop flushing, first shut the water off to the device. You can usually do this using a large flathead screwdriver. Next, press and hold the manual flush button.

If you hear a series of two clicks, then the problem is most likely with the diaphragm assembly. You will need to remove the top of the flushometer and clean any dirt or debris from the diaphragm. Check your manual for the exact steps for your flushometer model. If the flushing persists, you may need to replace the diaphragm assembly.

If you do not hear clicks, the issue may be with the solenoid. Follow the instructions in your flushometer’s manual to remove the top of the flushometer and locate the solenoid. Tighten all connections and check for any missing or improperly stacked bowl rings.

If the toilet continues to flush, try replacing the quad seal to avoid a toilet overflow.

Manual Flushometer

Shut off the water to the device as described above. Using a wrench, loosen and unscrew the cap on the top of the flushometer and remove the cap. Next, remove the flange cover to reveal the gasket. Remove the gasket and clean it thoroughly under warm water. Use a small pin or needle to ensure that the gasket’s weep hole is completely clear of any sediment. Return the gasket and reassemble the flushometer. If the flushing continues, you likely need a new gasket.

If your building has a toilet that won’t stop flushing, make sure you repair it right away. Otherwise, you could find yourself dealing with water damage restoration as a result of a toilet overflow.

What's the First Step To Take After a Burst Pipe?

7/8/2022 (Permalink)

What Is the First Step After a Burst Pipe?

After the initial shock of a broken pipe wears off, many business owners begin to realize the enormity of the pipe burst cleanup process. As these feelings settle in, don't wait to call a sewer cleanup company in Chicago, IL. In fact, some insurance companies tell their clients to call cleanup and restoration specialists first. This is because the sooner you begin cleaning up, the better able you'll be to limit the damage.

What To Expect During Cleanup

Professionals who handle water damage restoration can prevent significant destruction, keeping your restoration costs down and protecting your building from secondary damage. The cleanup process entails several steps:

• Removing standing water
• Installing specialized dehumidifiers and equipment to dry the area
• Assessing moisture levels with thermal imaging cameras and moisture meters
• Repairing water damage to drywall, carpeting, air ducts, etc.
• Mold prevention and protection

How To Clean Items After Water Damage

The contents of businesses often need specialized attention during and after pipe burst cleanup efforts. For example, upholsteries may require dry cleaning. Residue from water can be cleaned with wet rags or abrasive materials. Some items, such as certain electronics, should be sprayed with appropriate cleansers and wiped down. Carpeting and some upholstery should be treated with foam cleansers. There may be other items that require complete immersion in a cleaning solution. Whether you tackle these tasks on your own or turn them over to professionals, it's important to establish the right tactic for different items.

When To Call the Professionals

There are some items that should only be treated by professionals in Chicago, IL. For example, televisions, computers, and other electronic equipment pose serious risks to your safety. An electrical device that has been damaged by water could cause injury. Running that equipment before it has been repaired could lead to further damage, corrosion, and other risks.

You don't have to deal with pipe burst cleanup on your own. Share the work and the worry with professionals who know how to handle the damage.

3 Reasons To Carry Business Insurance

6/20/2022 (Permalink)

Three Reasons to Insure Your Business

Even if your business in Rosemont, IL, is doing great, risks are always present. A simple mistake could lead to a costly lawsuit. A storm could knock out a window in your building and damage sensitive equipment. Theft and vandalism could happen at any time.

Business owners account for these risks by purchasing various types of business insurance. Some common types include commercial property, liability, auto, and workers' compensation.

Businesses in different industries may face different types of risks, but all businesses should carry some kind of business insurance.

Here are some of the main reasons to make sure your business has coverage.

1. Protect Commercial Property From Water Damage and Other Events

Water damage to commercial property can stem from a variety of sources:

  • Plumbing issues and broken pipes
  • Heavy storms
  • Leaky HVAC systems
  • Damaged irrigation systems

You cannot predict when any of these events might occur, so it is important to have a commercial property insurance plan that covers water damage.
To address disasters associated with water or fire damage, be sure to contact a professional restoration company as soon as possible. Water cleanup is often covered by commercial property insurance, and professional services will help your business recover more quickly.

2. Avoid Expensive Out-of-Pocket Costs

If your business experiences an event for which you do not have insurance coverage, you will have to pay the full cost yourself. Depending on the severity of the incident, this could be financially devastating. Insurance allows you to soften the blow.

3. Move Forward With Confidence

Life can throw a lot of things at your business, and you want to make sure you are ready. If you have not yet conducted detailed risk analysis projects, there may be dangers that you have not accounted for.

Business insurance allows you to take control of the business you have been working so hard to maintain. Risk management is an important part of any solid business plan.

3 Steps in the Fire Damage Restoration Process

6/9/2022 (Permalink)

The Fire Damage Restoration Process Has Three Steps

A fire in your Park Ridge, IL, home can cause catastrophic damage that you won't be able to handle yourself. Fire damage services will use specialized cleaners and tools to ensure they remove all traces of the fire and restore your home to new. Here are three steps that professionals take in the fire restoration process. 

1. Board-Up the House

Fires can easily knock out windows and burn holes in the walls and roof of your home. When these access points aren't closed up, people and animals can easily get into your home and do more damage. The restoration professionals will secure strong boards over any missing doors and holes in the walls. They will also use tarps to cover holes in the roof to keep the weather from getting inside. 

2. Remove Smoke Damage

When not treated and removed correctly, damage from smoke can irreparably harm surfaces and might be impossible to remove entirely. The professionals will remove and catalog all the damaged items they take out of the home. In the next step of the damage cleaning process, they'll remove all traces of smoke and soot from the home and clean and sanitize everything to ensure the smoke smell doesn't return. 

3. Complete Restoration Construction

The final stage in the fire restoration process is to restore your home to the way it was before the fire. Construction services you need could be replacing electrical components damaged in the fire, fixing holes in the walls, or replacing smoke-damaged or destroyed sheetrock. The restoration company will work directly with your insurance company to ensure that you know exactly what is covered and what isn't. 

Dealing with the aftermath of a home fire can be a lengthy, stressful process. However, when you rely on fire restoration services, you can rest assured knowing that everything is being handled appropriately. 

Exterior Home Modifications That Minimize Flooding

6/6/2022 (Permalink)

Flood-Resistant Exterior Home Modifications

Outside flooding at your Chicago, IL, home can pose a threat to both your home’s yard and the structure itself. Although a certified restoration company can help you get your home back to normal after a rain storm, it is easier to prevent flooding in the first place. There are several exterior modifications you can make to protect your residence.

Modifications to Yard
To make your yard more resistant to outside flooding, try the following modifications:

  • Grading
  • Installing heavy mulch
  • Planting vegetation

If your lawn currently slopes toward your home, have a landscaper grade it so that it slopes away. Installing mulch increases the amount of water your lawn is able to absorb. Choose a heavy mulch so that it doesn’t wash away, and make sure it is located at least six inches away from the sides of your house to prevent wicking that leads to water damage. Planting flowers and filling in bare spots with grass also helps your lawn absorb more water.

Modifications to Home

To minimize the chances of outside flooding causing problems for your home’s structure, there are changes you can make to the exterior of your home. For example, clean your gutters and direct the drain spouts away from the sides of your home. Repair cracks in the foundation or exterior walls, and make sure windows and doors are watertight. Flat and gently sloping roofs can be converted to a green roof — a layer of vegetation planted in a growing medium installed on top of a roof. As with vegetation on the ground, green roofs are able to absorb a lot of rainfall.

Flooding damages your home and yard and can be difficult to clean up. When working on your lawn and the exterior of your home, focus on rain drainage and absorption to help your property better withstand excessive rainfall.

My Home Has Flooded but I Don't Have Flood Insurance! Now What?

5/26/2022 (Permalink)

A restoration machine is cleaning water damage in a home. This home had a lot of flooding after a recent storm. SERVPRO of Park Ridge was quick to start helping, and get all of the water out of the home.

My House Flooded, And I Don't Have Flood Insurance! Now What?

Many people aren't aware that standard homeowner's insurance policies typically don't cover floods. If floodwaters infiltrate your home in Park Ridge, IL, but you don't have flood insurance, you'll likely wonder if you'll have to pay for the restoration yourself. The good news is that all hope is not lost. There's a good chance you'll qualify for some type of financial assistance if you take the following steps.

1. Apply for an SBA Disaster Loan

The Small Business Administration provides low-cost loans, not only to businesses but also to individuals (owning a business is not a requirement). This assistance only applies to damage to your primary residence and only damage that your homeowner's insurance doesn't cover. These SBA disaster loans are the most common type of federal disaster assistance.

2. Check Into Local, County and State Government Services

In addition to federal aid, local, county and state government emergency management departments offer various types of help. They can often help you decipher your flood insurance coverage and apply for federal aid.

3. Reach Out to Nonprofit Organizations

The American Red Cross, United Way and other similar nonprofit organizations are constantly preparing for disasters to be ready to help at a moment's notice. They offer everything from food, shelter and clothing to flood damage restoration information, counseling and financial assistance.

4. Receive Assistance From FEMA

To receive a Federal Emergency Management Agency grant, the president of the United States must first declare the affected location a major disaster area. The county in which you reside must also be included in this area for the victims to receive assistance.

Whether your property is located on a flood plain or not, you always need to make sure you're prepared for storm damage. Fortunately, even if you don't have flood insurance, various types of assistance are available to help return your life to normal.

3 Essential Measures Businesses Owners Should Take After a Fire

5/23/2022 (Permalink)

Following A Fire, There Are Three Important Steps That Business Owners Should Do.

When sparks fly, they spread quickly, wreaking havoc on company property. During the rebuilding process, owners face several issues, including managing fire restoration efforts and maintaining operations. It's challenging to know what to do and where to begin. The following are three essential measures owners should take after a fire.

1. Start a Fire Insurance Claim

Owners shouldn't wait days to notify the insurance agent of a fire. Call from the worksite, requesting the agent open a claim. Be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Date and time of the blaze
  • Your insurance policy number
  • Name of any leading rescue professional
  • The number for any fire report

2. Reach Out to a Fire Restoration Company

The property remains vulnerable. The fire crews may have busted windows and opened the roof to assist their efforts. In addition, the flames consume structural materials, creating breaches in walls. These exposures allow the weather, trespassers and animals to enter. In Chicago, IL, a fire remediation team should seal off these holes to minimize future complications.

3. Discuss Plans for Cleanup Procedures

Once the building is secured, turn attention to remediation efforts and alternate locations. Soot, ash and water inhabit the working space, limiting the ability to use the facility or claim any valuables. Discuss water and smoke cleaning with the restoration experts and ask about what must stay and what may be removed.

With permission, pull out significant documentation such as financial paperwork and contracts. Then, find a temporary spot for office staff to continue their work while the remediation workers deodorize, scrub and dry out the facility.

In Chicago, IL, owners should not immediately enter their building after a fire. Instead, initiate contact with fire restoration professionals and insurance agents. Follow their lead to rebuild and clean. While they focus on sanitizing and repairing, owners may concentrate on establishing temporary office space.

Eliminating Smoke Damage and Fire Damage After a Commercial Fire

5/18/2022 (Permalink)

After A Commercial Fire, Removing Smoke And Fire Damage

While commercial property owners might believe that a fire is the most devastating and challenging event of the disaster, they might find it surprising that the aftermath can be more traumatic and difficult to manage. Fire and smoke damage are not run-of-the-mill issues, and they often require the experienced hands of skilled employees working for a fire remediation service in Rosemont, IL. These professionals understand the four-step remediation process better than any property owner ever could.

1. Mitigation

Before you can deal with soot damage, you will most likely need to protect your property from any further damage. Mitigation is when a company comes into board-up, fence off, tarp, and secure your property. Mitigation procedures are essential to most insurance claims.

2. Initial Cleanup

Aside from protecting your property, remediation specialists will get to work performing any initial cleanup tasks, such as removing excess water from the rescue or throwing away any clear debris. The initial cleanup phase allows you and the service to understand any structural damage better.

3. Smoke Cleaning

Eliminating smoke damage is easier said than done. The substance can infiltrate and penetrate nearly every surface and material in a facility. It is not unusual for companies to find appliances, computers, and other machinery irreparable after a significant fire disaster because of smoke and soot.

4. Restoration

When all the cleaning stages are complete, it is time to restore the business to pre-disaster conditions. The remediation service will ensure that all integral and structural components of the facility are in working order before covering the walls and refinishing floors and other surfaces.

Commercial recovery from fire and smoke damage is time-consuming and involved. Professional remediation services can remove some of the pressure from business owners, allowing them to focus on operational and employee issues and traumas, which should be their primary focus.

How To Create a House Fire Evacuation Plan

4/12/2022 (Permalink)

How To Make A Fire Evacuation Plan For Your Home

A home fire can begin at any time, anywhere in your Chicago,IL, home, so fire preparation is critical. Creating a fire escape plan for your household is simple yet could be a lifesaver in the event of a disaster.

1. Draw a Floor Plan

Draw a floor plan of each of your home's floors. The drawings must include every window and door of the house. You also need to identify and label two ways out of each room.

2. Agree on a Meeting Area

Decide on a meeting place that's a safe distance from the house. Everyone should congregate there after evacuating the home.

3. Teach Your Children About Fire Safety

A significant part of the fire escape plan is making sure your children have a good understanding of all aspects of fire safety. Show them what to do and not do if they hear the alarm sound. If there's smoke, they should get low to the floor and crawl to the nearest exit. Demonstrate how they can use the back of their hand on a closed door and doorknob to check for heat before opening it. Tell them NOT to open it if it's hot. Make sure they know to NEVER return to a burning building after exiting.

4. Practice a Fire Drill

Practice your evacuation plan at least twice a year. Since a home fire can break out at any time and in any part of the home, you should practice different scenarios at different times of the day and night. Firefighters and fire damage experts recommend using a stopwatch to time how long it takes for everyone to get to the meeting area after the alarm goes off. You should aim for under two minutes.

Keep your family safe. Devise a fire escape strategy as soon as possible. Hopefully, you'll never need it but practice it regularly to make sure everyone is prepared if the worst occurs.

The Absolute Necessity of Good Commercial Storm Insurance

4/6/2022 (Permalink)

The Unavoidable Need For Good Commercial Storm Insurance

If there is one thing a business owner or manager knows, it is that nothing can be taken for granted. Stuff happens every day, and it is not always good. Storms have the potential to inflict serious damage to your company in Park Ridge,IL. With the right precautions, you can limit or eliminate some instances of storm damage, but no safeguards are infallible.

This is why commercial storm insurance is mandatory to protect your company and manage risks. Powerful storms can break windows, rip off roofing systems, start fires and cause flooding.

Understanding the Aspects of Your Insurance Coverage

Your policy is structured in a fairly straightforward way. It is important that you understand the policy so you won't be surprised by large bills. Your insurance agent can explain your policy in detail. In the simplest terms, a storm insurance policy has the following features:

  • The annual premiums your pay for coverage
  • The deductibles for each storm damage event
  • The areas of coverage and the exceptions

In most cases, the damage caused by a storm will be covered by your policy. You still have a responsibility to act quickly and appropriately when scheduling cleanup and restoration services. Some situations, such as flooding from the rising waters of streams, lakes and oceans, require specific flood insurance.

Acting Quickly for Storm Restoration Services

Water coming into your business from a storm can cause damage in many different ways. It is important to act quickly. A SERVPRO franchise can arrive Faster to Any Size Disaster. Its workers are experts in storm remediation. Highly-trained technicians will use powerful vacuums to remove standing water, and they will use industrial fans to dry out areas of your building, preventing mold growth. They can also restore structural damage to your facility.

All things considered, storm insurance and expert restoration are cornerstones of protecting your company from storm damage.

What Can Cause a Toilet To Overflow in a Commercial Property?

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

What Can Cause A Commercial Property Toilet To Overflow?

Sewage cleaning can make a valuable difference in the performance of a building’s sewage system. A toilet overflow is a sign of serious problems in your sewage system. If you find yourself having to sop up a flood from an overflowing toilet, it may be due to:

  • A clogged waste pipe in the sewage system
  • Roots obstructing the waste pipe
  • A full septic system

Here are some common causes for a toilet that overflows without being flushed in Chicago,IL.

Clogged Drainage Pipe

One cause for a toilet overflow is a clogged pipe. If this is the cause of your flooding toilet, the water is considered category 3, or highly unsanitary water. Use protective gear when handling this type of flood. A toilet that overflows without being flushed is an indicator that the drainage pipe is clogged. Clearing a clogged pipe is severe and often requires professional attention.

Full Septic System

A foul odor spreading through the building, slow drains, a backed-up toilet, and a lawn that is healthier than usual are common signs that your septic system needs to be serviced. Commercial septic systems can service 20 people a day and should be pumped at least once every three years. Contact a sewage cleaning service to pump your septic system if you notice any indicators that it is full. Immediate response upon noticing the signs of a full septic tank will prevent severe water damages.

Old Sewage Systems

Older sewage systems were often made with clay or concrete materials, making it easy for tree roots to penetrate and clog the drainage pipes. The newer mixture of plastic and concrete materials does not allow tree roots to penetrate. An outdated sewage system is likely to develop clogs from invasive tree roots. This requires a professional sewage company to remove the older plumbing materials and install new pipes.

SERVPRO is a preferred vendor for most insurance agencies and can handle your sewage cleaning needs. If your building has category 3 water damage from sewage, contact your local SERVPRO for cleaning and restoration services. Updating old sewage systems and maintaining them can help prevent loss from water damage.

When Emergencies Strike, Responsiveness Matters

3/13/2022 (Permalink)

Trucks of a restoration company At SERVPRO, we are fully prepared with the necessary manpower and tools to begin the remediation process in your business, as soon as possible.

When An Emergency Occurs, Responsiveness Is Critical.

Natural disasters and emergencies can happen in Rosemont,IL, without warning, leaving your business vulnerable to extensive property damage that requires professional cleanup and costly repairs.

It can be difficult to know what to do and who to call first in the midst of a stressful situation, so it's helpful to have a plan in place before the worst happens. It's also an excellent idea to identify your go-tos for remediation and claim services so you'll have the right numbers on hand when you need them. Time is of the essence, and the faster the response, the greater your chances are of minimizing damage and loss.

Faster To Arrive on the Scene

When you're in a crisis, the last thing you want is to wait a long time for help to arrive. An emergency response team like SERVPRO will be onsite within 24 hours, prepared with the manpower and tools needed to promptly begin the remediation process. They will get to work right away assessing, cleaning, and fixing the damage. Less time to arrival means less damage and less money to shell out.

Faster To Itemize Damage

An emergency response team understands the insurance claims process well and knows that repairing is almost always less expensive than replacing. They are also experienced at itemizing damage and collecting the information that will help you get to work on your claim before the claim services adjustor arrives. This speeds the process along so the insurance company can focus on its priorities and you can receive your reimbursement check as quickly as possible.

Faster To Get You Up and Running

The primary goal of your insurance company and remediation service is to get you back in business quickly for as little money as possible, which is your goal as well. Having a response team that works together with your insurance company makes the whole process go faster and more smoothly for everyone.

As a Rosemont,IL, business owner, you need a full-service emergency response team that is preferred by insurance companies nationwide to work with their claim services. Together, they'll help you restore your property and your peace of mind.

How to Prepare Your Commercial Property for a Flood

3/12/2022 (Permalink)

How To Flood-Proof Your Commercial Property

It is not uncommon to experience flooding in Park Ridge,IL, due to inclement weather. Thanks to technological advances in storm detection devices, it is possible to warn citizens where floods are more likely to happen. You can prepare in advance for floods by:

  • Checking for flood zones before building
    Knowing the climate patterns in your area
    Watching for flood advisories and warnings
  • Here are a few tips to prepare your commercial property for floods and prevent flood damage.

Clean the Gutters

Gutters keep your property safe from downpours by redirecting the rainwater away from buildings. Make sure the gutters are clean to prevent a small flood around your property. Debris, such as leaves, bird nests, and needles from pine trees can clog the holes in your gutters. This can cause water to accumulate around your property during a downpour creating a small flood that erodes and exposes the foundation of the building.

Design Your Building to be Flood Resistant

If you are building a new construction on or near a flood zone, design the building to be flood resistant. This can be done by designing the lowest story to be above the flood zone. You can also make sure installations such as furnaces and circuit breakers are elevated to prevent damages from flooding. 

Stack Sandbags Around Your Property During Flood Advisories

A way to increase protection from storm damage during a flood advisory is to stack sandbags against the property. Fill sandbags halfway and stack them as you would bricks. It is important that the sandbags are laid against the building that you want to be protected. Do not leave a gap between the building and the sandbags. This will create a puddle that erodes the foundation of your property.

If you have experienced flooding in your area and are in need of cleaning services, contact a water damage restoration service to aid in the cleaning efforts. Though a flood is not preventable, you can take steps to protect your property in times of inclement weather.

6 Tips for Extending the Life of Your Building's Roof

3/7/2022 (Permalink)

6 Roof Maintenance Tips To Extend The Life Of Your Building's Roof

Even a minor roof leak has the ability to create workplace disruption. Leakages are naturally more prone to occurring when you neglect basic roofing maintenance duties. Here are six ways to help keep yours in shape so that storms are less likely to create situations where hiring a commercial storm restoration expert becomes necessary.

1. Fix Leaks

As soon as you identify water seeping into your building, have the matter fixed. Failure to do so may result in severe complications with air ducts and electrical systems.

2. Perform Inspections

Pay a professional roofing expert to evaluate your roof annually. This can help assure that any developing roof leak in Chicago,IL, is corrected before it has an opportunity to worsen.

3. Stay Off

The more pressure you place on your roof, the quicker it becomes prone to needing attention. Walk elsewhere unless absolutely necessary. If you must step on tiles, use walking pads.

4. Hire Professionals

Placing faith in the abilities of construction workers that lack experience or credentials is a bad decision. Their lower costs may be tempting, but you will likely wind up paying even more after their subpar work causes problems. Licensed professionals are much more capable of properly executing repair duties.

5. Stay Clean

In addition to wind damage, storms cause roofs to get covered in leaves and branches. Debris has the potential to clog drains and promotes algae growth. Clear your roof year-round, paying particular attention to eaves in the fall.

6. Examine Equipment

When air conditioning units leak, roofing damage is often an unpleasant outcome. Make sure yours is not the source of a worsening problem. Hire a roofing expert to handle any issue the moment one is detected.

A roof leak is the last thing any office manager wants to deal with. Thankfully, the likelihood of one occurring can be lessened with a few preventive measures. Use these tips to reduce the odds of water seeping into your building and creating havoc.

How To Keep a Building Dry During a Storm

2/21/2022 (Permalink)

Keeping A Structure Dry During A Storm

Storms with heavy rain and high winds can cause moisture to penetrate a commercial building in Rosemont,IL. Rain damage or flooding can cause many problems and lead to secondary damage, such as black mold. Here are five ways for an owner or manager to keep a building dry.

1. Check Doors and Windows

Exterior doors and windows should be in good condition. Improperly installed doors or windows can admit water into a structure. Check the condition of frames, flashing, sealant and tracks. It may be possible to retrofit some outside doors or windows, while others will need to be replaced.

2. Inspect the Building Envelope

A structural envelope is a barrier that keeps water out of your building. Have a professional assess the condition of this layer. Air barriers, capillary breaks or vapor barriers can limit internal moisture removal that can lead to mold growth. Black mold may develop if an envelope does not seal out water.

3. Waterproof the Roof

To prevent rain damage, it is important to inspect the condition of a roof on a regular basis and particularly after severe storms. Check for any missing or dislodged roofing materials. Waterproofing can make any roof less likely to leak.

4. Clear the Drainage System

Avoid damage by preventing water from pooling on the roof or around the base of a structure. Remove debris from downspouts, drains and gutters at least twice a year.

5. Locate Flood Proofing Materials

Buildings located in areas prone to flooding should have materials that can block or divert the flow of water on site. Owners or managers may want to provide sandbag components or a reusable sandbag alternative.

These methods can reduce the risk of rain damage at a commercial building in Rosemont,IL. An owner should try to prevent damage before it occurs. If signs of damage are already evident, contact a commercial storm damage restoration company.

A Plan of Action for When Your Kitchen Sink Floods

2/12/2022 (Permalink)

When Your Kitchen Sink Overflows, Have A Plan

There are few things people dread more than finding a leak under the kitchen sink. Whether it be a slow leak or a burst pipe, flooding of any form can very quickly cause serious damage if not taken care of quickly. If you have a leak in your home in Park Ridge,IL, follow these steps to help minimize damage.

1. Shut Off the Water

There can be many signs of a leaking sink; these may include a pool of water under the sink or water spilling out of cupboards onto the floor. Your first priority as soon as you spot a leak is to shut your water off. Find your water main and turn it off immediately. Always make sure when you move to a new house that you know where the water main is in case of emergencies. Shutting your water off as soon as possible can help prevent further damage from flooding and water in the home.

2. Call Your Insurance Company

Once you have shut off the water, your next step is going to be to call your home insurance company, which can then open a claim and offer assistance throughout the process. Water leaks can cause major damage that can require kitchen repair. Your insurance company can ensure the correct steps are taken to help you get the problem fixed.

3. Call a Restoration Company

Your last step should be to call a restoration company. These companies specialize in water damage repair. Restoration companies are professionals when it comes to floods and can aid in minimizing the damage caused by leaks. The sooner you can bring in the professionals, the better.

Whether you’re flooding or leaking, at the first sign of water under your kitchen sink, follow these steps to quickly and efficiently get your problems resolved. Having a plan in place in case of emergencies, such as a leaking sink, can allow you to act promptly and avoid further damage.

The Secret to Disaster Response Is Teamwork

2/8/2022 (Permalink)

Trucks from a restoration company When fire, water or weather damages your home, call SERVPRO. When the damage is done, your home will look "Like it never even happened."

Teamwork Is The Key To Disaster Recovery.

There is a small cleaning and restoration business located in the Rosemont,IL, area. You see their green trucks at businesses and residences around town. Their advertisements talk about disaster recovery, but how can that be? There are so few of them.

They seem to be good at drying buildings and always have the right equipment. It’s easy to predict where to find them. They will show up at commercial and residential locations after:

  • Fires
  • Floods
  • Winter storms
  • Spring thaws
  • Mold outbreaks

They seem to be pillars of the community and are nice to have around. They look good doing the small jobs but how effective could they be in a regional emergency? Looks can be misleading.

That Cleaning and Restoration Business Has a Secret Weapon

That small company is one of many similar businesses around the country. At last count, there were more than 1,700 of them. Every one of them works locally, just like the one near you. When disaster is imminent, their corporate office activates the Disaster Recovery Team. In a flash, that team turns those local hometown experts into a regional task force. The recovery team is the communications center. It coordinates the activities of the task force and temporary labor brought in to assist with the storm damage.

Smaller Local Disasters Also Require a Team Approach

Not all emergencies require a regional response. They also have smaller storm response teams positioned at strategic locations around the country. Those teams provide the same support as the corporate team, but on a smaller scale. These storm teams also play a role in larger regional disasters. They provide an intermediate level of control and operate as mobile command centers.

The Secret Is Out

You now understand what makes that small cleaning and restoration business so special. They really are disaster recovery specialists. When fire, water or weather damages your home, you now know who to call. Those local cleaning and restoration professionals are ready to handle your problem. When they finish with the damage, your home will look “Like it never even happened."

3 Flood Prevention Strategies for Your Business

2/2/2022 (Permalink)

3 Flood-Prevention Techniques For Your Company

If you live in Chicago,IL, then flood prevention for your business is probably a concern. However, there are a few things you can do help prevent flooding from becoming an inconvenience. Here are three tips you may want to consider.

1. Keep Gutters Clean

In many cases flooding can occur when blocked gutters cause water to pool onto the roof or against the building. The water can then seep into the business and cause damaged. A flood restoration team can perform any flood cleaning that may be required, however keeping the gutters clean may prevent the flooding in the first place. When maintaining your gutters look for sticks, dirt or other debris that may be blocking the water flow. Many experts recommend having a cleaning done biannually, but you may also want to check your gutters after a large storm.

2. Utilize Retaining Walls

Another tip for flood prevention is the utilization of retaining walls. These structures are designed to help hold water away from the business property, and in some cases can even help redirect its flow. Professionals in your area may have recommendations for which type of walls have the best success rate.

3. Slope Landscaping

One prevention trick that often gets overlooked is the sloping of landscaping away from the building. This can help prevent water from pooling against your foundation, and seeping into your business. Sloped landscaping may also help direct water into drainage areas. You may also want to choose to include plants known for absorbing water around your building, as these also can help prevent water from settling against the foundation.

When it comes to flood prevention, these tips can help protect your business. Keeping your gutters clean can help prevent water overflow onto your roof. Sloping your landscaping away from the building can help water drain away from your foundation. You may also choose to utilize retaining walls to help protect your property.

What To Do If You Have Damaged Building Materials

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machines are cleaning a house after water damage It is critical that the water does not sit for too long as it can start to cause secondary damage. call SERVPRO, we can help you.

What Should You Do If Your Building Materials Have Been Damaged?

If you have water damage like swelling wood in your home in Chicago,IL, you might be wondering what your next step should be. In some cases, building materials will need to be replaced. Depending on the extent of the damage, however, you may be able to save some of the wet materials. If your home has been damaged, here are some steps you can take to begin restoration.

1. Make Needed Repairs

In order to prevent any further damage, a water pipe repair might be necessary. Be sure to have this done before you begin work on repairing or replacing any building materials. If you begin replacing materials before addressing the source of the problem, you will only be wasting your time.

2. Determine the Amount of Damage

Not all damaged materials need to be treated in the same way. If a supply line in your home has broken, the water will likely have caused more damage to areas closer to the line than those further away. If this is the case, only some of the materials will need to be replaced.

3. Replace Materials With Extensive Damage

Any materials close to the source of damage will more than likely need to be replaced. For example, if the supply line underneath your kitchen sink has broken, your cabinets may have swelling wood that cannot be repaired. The subfloor underneath may also need to be replaced.

4. Allow Materials With Light Damage To Dry

For materials that haven’t suffered significant damage, allowing them to dry might be sufficient. Some types of wood, as well as drywall, can be saved, depending on how much water damage has been done. Using a humidifier can help with this.

In case of damage to your home, it is a good idea to use water damage repair services. They can help you determine how much of the area needs to be repaired and can replace any swelling wood or ruined materials.

Beyond Flooding: 3 Types of Weather-Related Damage That Could Impact Your Commercial Building

1/31/2022 (Permalink)

Beyond Flooding: Three Types Of Weather-Related Damage That Could Affect Your Business

As a Chicago, IL, business owner, you might think of rainstorms and other types of flood damage when it comes to the kind of harm bad weather might cause to your commercial building. However, trouble can come from other sources as well, even from those you did not expect. Before the storm season hits your area, it may be helpful to understand what kind of weather-related harm could befall your building, especially those that are not flood related.

1. Impact Damage

Storm damage can be common during high winds, when large tree branches, neighborhood objects like trash cans and other debris might strike your building. This can be especially damaging if a falling branch or projectile breaks a window. If you are expecting high winds to hit your area, consider covering your windows with thick sections of wood or treated rubber, especially at ground level.

2. Electrical Damage

While flooding is a common cause of damage to commercial buildings during bad weather, other types of events could impact their electrical systems to the point where they might need replacing. For example, ice and hail storms can affect fuse boxes and heating, ventilation and air conditioning units, rendering them inoperable. If your HVAC and electrical controls are on the exterior of your building, consider protective covers that can withstand all different types of weather.

3. Roofing Damage

Flood damage would likely affect the lower floors of your business; however, heavy rains and wind that often accompany flooding could impact its roof as well. Wind may pry tiles off your roof or tear away sections of protective material, exposing the underside to moisture. Contacting a flood damage and restoration company may be useful when it comes to finding out how to protect your roof from the kind of harm powerful storms can cause.

Bad weather and flood damage are likely sources of worry for you as a Chicago, IL, business owner. However, when you know how to protect your property, you may feel greater peace of mind when wind, rain and floods threaten your area.

Smoke Odor Cleanup Methods

1/6/2022 (Permalink)

Methods For Removing Smoke Odors

What is that smell? If your commercial property recently suffered from a damaging fire, it’s probably smoke odor. You may already know how to handle structural fire damage, but what can you do about smoke cleaning? Fortunately for you and your business, there are several ways that trained professionals can help. Read on to learn about three methods that your local fire damage restoration company can use to help clean up those unpleasant smells.

1. Ozone Machines

Many Park Ridge,IL, cleanup technicians will use ozone machines for standard smoke cleanup. These handy devices actually destroy the odors in your building, rather than simply covering them up temporarily.

2. Thermal Foggers

A thermal fogger will assist cleanup professionals in alleviating smoke damage by removing odors from carpets, walls and most other common surfaces in your commercial space. A fogger is considered to be the preferred device for smoke cleaning in many cases.

3. Air Filtration Devices

A good air filtration device will remove smoke particles from the air in your building and eliminate most odors. This makes filtration a very good choice for handling smoke cleanup in a large number of fire situations.

Which Method Does My Business Need?

The specific method that your local Park Ridge,IL, cleanup technicians use will likely vary depending on the severity of the situation, what type of building your business is located in and other important factors unique to your location. All of the methods above are excellent in the right situation, but you will need to talk to your on-site smoke cleaning crew about what their cleaning plan is.

Dealing with the aftermath of a commercial fire can be stressful enough without having to worry about lingering effects such as the smell of smoke. However, with all of the cleanup options that professionals have to consider, you really do not have to worry about the odors sticking around for long.

Incidental Home Mold

1/6/2022 (Permalink)

Mold damage on the floor of a home. A little extra maintenance and attention can prevent small patches of house mold from becoming a structural problem later on.

Mold In The Home On The Side

Not all mold issues you encounter in Chicago,IL are large-scale disasters that require professional help. A little extra maintenance and attention can prevent small patches of house mold from becoming a  structural problem later on.

1. Inspection Sites

Dark places that tend to retain moisture should be the first points of examination for a potential mold problem. The wood and concrete in your crawlspace are textured and porous, providing a surface on which water can accumulate to produce mold. The undersides of some furniture and appliances can also sequester mold growth. Lastly, leaking pipes and other plumbing issues can be a major problem because they deposit excess water into surrounding materials that has no means of evaporating.

2. Cleaning

For most hard surfaces, a small patch of mold should be simple to clean with detergent and water. Be sure to wear adequate skin and respiratory protection during the cleaning process to prevent unnecessary contact with mold contaminants. More extensive mold growth may require more powerful cleaning agents such as bleach. If you suspect that the house mold has been present for more than a short time, install a HEPA filter to remove particles from the air.

3. Future Prevention

You must also take steps to address the original causes of the mold. Inspect and repair any leaking pipes and ensure that no drains are clogged. Any basement-level water removal systems, such as a sump pump, should be in functional condition and have no blockages to the sewer. If your drywall or flooring have been totally compromised by water, they may need to be restored or replaced by a qualified water and mold damage restoration service.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to begin your house mold cleanup process. The damage that a patch of mold can deal to surfaces  quality could increases over time.

What To Expect From Your Insurance Company After a Broken Pipe

1/5/2022 (Permalink)

After A Pipe Break, What Should You Expect From Your Insurance Company?

You walk into your kitchen and step into an inch of standing water. Upon quick inspection, you discover that a broken pipe under the sink is the cause of the flood. Your mind automatically starts figuring how much this is going to cost. Will your insurance policy cover part of it, and if so, how much?

Likely Coverage

Your insurance company probably considers plumbing repair to be part of regular home maintenance. Therefore, not many insurance policies will cover the cost to fix a broken pipe. However, the water damage that occurs as a result of the leak is a different story. Most homeowners’ policies cover water damage to:

  • Flooring, including tiles and carpet
  • Cabinets
  • Walls
  • Ceilings

Your insurance adjuster in Rosemont,IL, knows that water damage only gets worse the longer it stands. The company has a vested interest, therefore, in making sure you have the means to fix problems caused by the flood as soon as possible.

Possible Denial

While your insurance coverage should take care of the damage to your home, there are certain instances where your claim could be denied. If the water volume is significant and rises quickly, the damage is probably too great to be covered by a standard property policy. You may need to depend on your separate policy designed specifically for flooding in that case. If the adjuster can tell that the damage was caused by a long-term leak that resulted in a broken pipe, or if the pipe broke as the result of improper heating or insulation around it, the insurance company may see this as neglect. Your claim is likely to be denied if it seems that the water damage was caused by your failure to fix an existing problem.

The key to getting your insurance claim accepted after a flood from a broken pipe is timely reporting. Call your agent, and then call water remediation specialists who can start repairs quickly.

A Plan for Your Business

12/10/2021 (Permalink)

A business flooded When water is present in your business, our team can quickly respond to assess and begin the clean up process. We are here to help anytime 24/7.

A Strategy For Your Company

A flood event or other disaster in Park Ridge,IL, can quickly go from a setback to a serious problem if left unchecked. Learn how to keep your company online and thriving by developing a business continuity plan.

1. Defining the Plan

No business owner can afford to go without some kind of continuity plan, since the loss of revenue due to a major disruption can be catastrophic. Some businesses never recover from such an event due to a combination of damaged infrastructure and customer defection. The first step in any such plan is an assessment module, whereby a team is created to analyze the damage and identify the most important processes needed to keep the company running while repairs take place.

2. Allocating Resources

The various pieces of the business continuity plan will need to be submitted for review and implementation by managers and other heads of departments. New information about missing elements may be necessary to amend the recovery strategy at this stage. Tools for developing your emergency response plan are available on various websites, such as ready.gov and drii.org, including workshops and seminars.

3. Implementation Steps

Depending on the nature of the business, the owners and operators may have backup equipment and staff available in case of an emergency. For example, if a part of a heating system was adversely affected by a flood event, there may be a redundant unit elsewhere in the building that can fully heat the property until a qualified restoration professional can assess the water damage. However, if no such options are available, operations and employees must be prepared to move offsite temporarily. This will require additional expenditure and must be accounted for in the response plan.

While an emergency event or natural disaster can throw a wrench in your normal workplace flow, with proper planning, it doesn’t have to bring the entire company to a halt. Create and share a business continuity plan by reviewing the relevant resources.

How To Snake a Clogged Pipe

12/9/2021 (Permalink)

What Is The Best Way To Snake A Clogged Pipe?

An auger or snake can be used to clear clogged or stopped pipes. There are different snake designs for these purposes. In general, consumer-grade snakes are not as lengthy or powerful as professional augers. A homeowner should decide where to snake to clear out a blockage.

Pick an Access Point

There are several options for snaking out a drain. A homeowner can attempt to access a clog through a:

  • Toilet
  • Floor drain
  • Drain cleanout

It may be easier to access a clog near a toilet through the floor drain. Remove the toilet and run the snake directly into the drain. The drain cleanout is usually located in a basement or crawlspace. Remove the cap with a long pipe wrench, and look out for sewage overflow.

Insert the Snake

Push the snake into the drain until you encounter resistance. This should be the cause of the clogged drain. At this point, it is necessary to penetrate the clog by:

  • Hand-cranking
  • Using a power drill attachment
  • Breaking up or extracting the blockage

If you do not encounter resistance, the stoppage is located elsewhere. Contact a plumber to clear the line.

Test the Drainage

Try flushing a toilet and running a shower or sink to check for signs of overflow. If the pipe remains blocked, you may observe:

  • Water backing up in the sink or shower
  • The toilet overflowing while the shower is running
  • The toilet gurgling or sputtering
  • A sewer gas odor

A plumber can help to resolve the issue. In the meantime, try to limit sewer damage. Be aware that unequal pressure may result in a pipe break.
An auger or snake is more effective than a plunger. If a drain remains clogged after snaking, contact a plumber. If backups have caused sewer damage at a residence in Chicago,IL, a homeowner should contact a water damage cleanup and restoration company.

Steps Kids Can Take to Safely Escape a House Fire

12/2/2021 (Permalink)

Steps For Kids To Safely Evacuate A House Fire

It’s impossible to put into words the helpless, awful feelings you would feel if your home were to catch on fire. This is an event everyone dreads and hopes they never have to experience. If this terrible situation arises, however, kids’ safety is most critical. This is why it’s vital to teach your children how to quickly and safely get out of your Chicago, IL, home if you detect a fire.

First Steps

At the moment you know there is a fire in your home, you should think of your well-being and of your kids’ safety. Before you do anything, make sure everyone in your house knows about these vital steps:

  • Have a predetermined meeting place.
  • Call 911.
  • Don’t go back into the home for belongings.

Crawl to Safety

One of the most effective escape methods to teach to children if a home fire occurs is the crawl. Smoke will rise, so it’s important to stay low. This will make it easier to breathe and to see where exits are. Teach children to get on all fours with their heads down to the floor. Alternatively, children can put their bellies on the floor and use their forearms and legs to move on the floor like a snake. This method is effective if the heat is especially intense.

Check Doors

Often, a house fire will start when children are sleeping in their rooms or when family members are in another room in the house with the door closed. A proper fire escape in these situations is most likely if children will learn to first press the backs of their hands up against the door. If the door is hot, kids shouldn’t open the door. If the door is not hot, make sure your kids know to slowly open the door a little and examine the area. If it’s safe to proceed, they may crawl out.

To ensure your kids’ safety, make sure they understand these guidelines. You can then have peace of mind everyone is safe and sound by the time firefighter and fire cleanup experts arrive.

Everything You Need To Know About Toilet Overflows

12/2/2021 (Permalink)

What You Should Know About Toilet Overflows

An overflowing toilet can be a disgusting mess. Still, flooded toilets in Park Ridge, IL, homes are a common occurrence. If you have water where water is not supposed to be, you need to think about more than general sewer damage. Here are three things you should do if you have a flooded toilet.

1. Stop the Flood

Generally, the longer you have standing water, the greater damage you can expect. Often, the best way to stop toilet flooding is to reach for the plunger. As such, if you do not keep a plunger in your bathroom, you may be asking for trouble. On the other hand, if water is coming from the top of the tank, you must stop the flood there. Simply depress the flapper or turn off the water supply.

2. Remove Standing Water

Water has a way of destroying drywall, subfloor, tile and carpeting. If you have an overflow, you must immediately remove standing water. Also, be sure you completely dry out the area to help discourage mold growth. If you have extensive damage or notice mold, you may not want to do the job yourself, however. By contracting with a reputable mold-removal service, you rely on technicians who have the equipment and expertise to restore your bathroom to its pre-flood condition.

3. Contact a Sewage Company

If you have sewer damage, toilet overflows may be common. As pipes age, they can deteriorate. Even worse, tree roots and deep clogs can destroy your home’s plumbing system. Rather than constantly wondering about the health of your pipes, consider asking a plumber to evaluate the overall health of your system.

To get the most out of your bathroom, you need to have a functioning toilet. A toilet that constantly overflows doesn’t do you much good. By understanding overflowing toilets and sewer damage, you can develop a strategy for keeping your bathroom dry.

How to Clean a Gas Range

11/11/2021 (Permalink)

What is the Best Way to Clean a Gas Range?

A gas range is the heart of many kitchens, but its optimal performance depends on routine maintenance and cleaning. The steps below offer one affordable cleaning option.

1. Wipe Away Loose Debris and Gather Supplies

Range cleaning begins by removing the grates from the burners and wiping away any loose debris with a dry brush or paper towel. Then, gather the necessary materials for washing down the surface. While chemical cleaners are available, you only need vinegar and dish soap. Additionally, you may want to have a scrub brush, toothbrush, and rags or paper towels handy.

2. Spray and Scrub the Surface

Using a 1:1 mixture of water and vinegar, spray down the surface of your Gas range, remembering to spray the back panel and knobs. Allow the mixture to soak on the surface for a minute or two before wiping it dry with paper towel or a rag. Most of the grime will wipe away, but if there are any tough stains, then apply a small amount of dish soap to the toothbrush or scrub brush and work on those areas.

3. Clean Burner Caps and Heads

Once the surface has been washed, you can begin cleaning the burner caps and heads; both should easily lift up and off. The burner caps can be placed in a pot of soapy water to soak, but the burner heads should be rinsed thoroughly in the sink. If there is any stubborn debris lodged in the burner heads, you can use a needle to dislodge it. After the caps and heads are clean, you can put everything back in place.

4. Follow Manufacturer Instructions

Every manufacturer has specific instructions for maintenance and cleaning, which is why you should always read the owner’s manual before removing or cleaning anything. Additionally, if there is anything that concerns you, like a smoke smell, contact the manufacturer or other professionals from Rosemont, IL, immediately.

A gas range is a wonderful appliance, but it does require routine maintenance and cleaning. You can follow the above steps to clean your range or check the instructions in the owner’s manual for more guidance.

When Should You Use Drain Cleaners?

11/10/2021 (Permalink)

Specialist machines are cleaning water damage in a home. If your home has water damage or sewage, call SERVPRO, we have professional machines to clean up and restore your home efficiently.

When Is It Appropriate To Use Drain Cleaners?

When you encounter a clogged drain at home in Chicago, IL, you want to fix the problem as soon as possible. Though you may be tempted to immediately use a drain cleaner, it’s not always an appropriate fix for every problem.

• With Newer, Stronger Pipes

Pipes that have been installed recently will be significantly stronger than older pipes, and therefore will be able to stand up to the cleaner’s chemicals. Older pipes are particularly susceptible to damage from chemical drainage cleaners. Using harsh cleaners with older pipes could create a more serious sewage issue, costing you additional time and money to clean. If you have plastic pipes in your home, do not use a chemical cleaner regardless of how new the pipes are, as the plastic will immediately erode upon contact with a chemical cleaner.

• If You Have Appropriate Tools

It’s essential to only use drainage cleaners if you can do so safely. Just as the chemicals in drain cleaner can damage pipes, it can also be harmful if it makes direct contact with your skin. When using drainage cleaner, take precautions to ensure that your skin will not come in contact with the cleaner itself. If you do not have access to protective gloves and other safety equipment, it’s best not to use chemical cleaners.

• Minor Blockages

Using harsh cleaners can create more issues if used when a drain is entirely blocked. If you are certain that your clogged drain is not entirely blocked, then you can use a cleaner to remove the blockage. However, a drain that is wholly blocked will cause the drainage cleaner to remain in the pipes, which can result in even the strongest of pipes becoming eroded and damaged.

Clogged drains can disrupt your day-to-day life in your home. If you encounter an issue with your drains that can’t be easily fixed, contact professionals in sewage cleaning who will ensure your drains are safely and quickly cleaned.

3 Steps for Putting Out a Grease Fire

11/2/2021 (Permalink)

A kitchen with fire damage This home suffered from a kitchen fire. The team at SERVPRO responded immediately and began clean-up procedures.

3 Steps to Extinguishing a Grease Fire

Fires can happen in the kitchen of your Chicago, IL home more commonly than any other room. One major cause is the ignition of a grease fire, might occur when you are using cooking oils or frying food. This type of blaze can spread quickly; however, knowing how to put it out can prevent major damage or injury before it is too late.

1. Stay Calm

When a fire like this breaks out, it can be frightening and your first instinct may be to panic. Keeping your head can help you assess whether the fire is still small enough to put out on your own and give you the presence of mind to turn off the burner. Removing the heat source should keep the fire from spreading and give you time to act.

2. Smother the Flames

Fire needs oxygen to spread, so if the blaze is still contained to one pan, you can cover it with a metal lid to snuff it out. If the pan has a matching glass lid, avoid using it to cover the fire, as it may overheat and explode. Use extreme care when approaching the fire.

3. Use Baking Soda

When putting out a grease fire, it is important to remember that water will not douse the flames and may even help them spread. If the fire is still a small one, dump baking soda or salt on it to help snuff out the flames. If the fire caused damage to your stove, it is a good idea to call in a fire cleanup and restoration service to ensure surrounding appliances and other systems were not affected.

Dealing with a grease fire in your Chicago, IL, home can be frightening. However, when you stay calm and know how to snuff it out right away, you can prevent serious damage to your home and head off a potentially devastating blaze.

Weathering the Storm: Creating a Disaster Plan for Your Company

11/2/2021 (Permalink)

Trucks from a restoration company If your business is affected by storm or flood damage, SERVPRO is ready to respond, call us!

Creating a Disaster Plan for Your Business

Disaster preparedness requires a multifaceted plan to ensure the continuity of your business, the safety of your employees, the security of your building, and proactive planning for building and business recovery. Read below for a more thorough overview of these essential elements of disaster planning.

1. Continuity Preparations

One of the first steps in business preparedness is the creation of a business continuity plan. This plan is typically written and printed in a binder or several binders and distributed to top executives and managers in case of an emergency. The plan compiles all vital information regarding business operations, such as procedural changes, managerial and executive contacts, and any financial and crisis readiness information.

2. Employee Preparations

Disaster preparedness can be vital to the safety of employees. You may want to prepare an emergency checklist that is distributed to all employees. This checklist would define emergency procedures and inform workers of all emergency exits, shelters and evacuation measures. Also, while it may not be regulated, you may want to conduct monthly safety meetings to ensure that all employees are knowledgeable of safety protocols and company expectations.

3. Building Preparations

Beyond operations continuity and employee safety, building preparations should be taken to minimize structural and property damage in the event of an imminent natural disaster. Operating in Park Ridge, IL, where hurricanes and high winds are typical, you may want to invest in storm shutters and biannual inspections of your roof. Additionally, when the weather turns, you may want to secure heavy objects, such as furniture and machinery, and elevate delicate equipment, such as computers, in case of flooding.
4. Aftermath Preparations

Lastly, you may want to contact a disaster preparation and restoration company to go over your emergency planning options. Some companies offer preplanning services that allow you to create a personalized recovery plan for your business.

Disaster preparedness is an essential and multifaceted element of any business. An emergency plan should encompass preparations for business continuity, employee safety, building security and restorative planning.

3 Factors To Consider When Creating an Evacuation Plan for Your Business

10/21/2021 (Permalink)

Three Things To Think About When Making A Business Evacuation Plan

As a Chicago, IL, business owner, one of your priorities might be to keep your employees and customers as safe as possible. One way to accomplish this is to have an evacuation plan in place in case of an emergency. If you ready to open a business or want to create a more effective fire escape plan for your building, there are several factors you may want to consider as you do so.

1. The Size of Your Building

If you own a building with one or two floors, your emergency escape plan will probably be simple to create. Be sure to mark any exits clearly and provide anyone inside with directions to the exits closest to them. For larger buildings, remind your employees to use the stairs in case of a fire and help those unfamiliar with the building follow the escape plan.

2. The Number of Exits

As you form a fire escape plan for your commercial building, consider how many exits are available and how people would escape if these doors were blocked by flames during a fire. If your building lacks additional exits, you might want to consider having a contractor install them. Not only can additional doors provide a means of escape during an emergency, they may make formulating an evacuation plan simpler.

3. Handicap Access

When an emergency arises, it may be more difficult for handicapped individuals to escape the building. This is a factor you might want to consider, especially if you own a retail business. A fire damage and restoration company may be able to assist you with a viable escape plan by noting where limited access might create a dangerous situation for the handicapped and advise you about how to modify these areas.

The thought of a sudden fire in your commercial building can be frightening. However, being prepared with an effective fire escape plan for your Chicago, IL, business can help save the lives of your employees and customers if disaster strikes.

3 Fire Safety Steps for Kids

10/21/2021 (Permalink)

Three Fire Safety Steps For Children

Fire drills and field trips to the fire department are just the beginning when it comes to teaching kids safety methods in case of a fire. Instructions on escaping a dangerous situation at home are equally important. Let your children know that the safety precautions don't end at school by introducing them to the following three safety tips.

1. Learn About Smoke Alarms

It's never a bad idea to teach kids about the safety equipment itself. Inform your children that a smoke detector is more than a small object fitted to the ceiling; its alarm signal could be the first sign of a home fire. Even with no alarm sounding, it's vital that all family members know to escape the area immediately when any signs of a fire are present.

2. Crawl on the Floor

The most common fire escape tactic involves crawling on all fours. Teach younger family members to drop their forearms to the ground, imitating a dog; then have them practice crawling with noses pointed to the floor. Heat and smoke rises, so the lower you crawl, the more you can protect yourself from danger.

3. Roll Out of Bed

Along with the previous step, it is important that you add a discussion on dangerous temperatures to your kids safety checklist. During a fire, temperatures at the level of your child's bed should be cooler than those near the ceiling, so you want children to keep as close to these lower levels as possible. Instruct them to roll in the bed until they face the floor. Then they can place their hand down to the floor for support, sliding off the bed safely.

Planning to escape from a home fire in Park Ridge, IL, is scary enough on its own, but when children are part of the picture it becomes all the more crucial. Teaching kids safety steps can seem like the biggest challenge in the world, but when everyone is on the same page with safety measures, the whole family can be better prepared in case of an emergency.

What Does It Mean When You Have Black Mold?

10/21/2021 (Permalink)

Walls of a room filled with mold If you have mold in your home, it is important to contact a licensed restoration company immediately. SERVPRO of Park Ridge is available 24/7 to help.

What Does Black Mold Indicate?

You've hired a mold remediation team to inspect your Rosemont, IL, home because you suspected you had some mold growth. The residential mold experts have come back to you and said you have black mold. You've heard about this particular fungus variation before, but do you really know what it means? Use this guide to better understand what this diagnosis can mean for you and your house.

Defining the Mold

While most molds are lumped into a single category, there are actually quite a few variations of the fungus growth. Molds that fall into the genus Stachybotrys are typically greenish-black in hue and often go by the common name of black mold. This particular strand likes to grow on environments that meet the following criteria:

  • Full of moisture
  • High in cellulose
  • Low in nitrogen

The mold cleanup process for this variation is the same as for most other types.

Looking at Its Growth

A constant source of water is needed for the mold to thrive, but with this simple staple the mold can grow and expand into other areas of your home. This fungus can often be found on ceiling tiles, fiberboard, paper, wood floors and other surfaces in a residential home. Because mold spores are always in the air, it doesn't take long for a colony to get its roots in after a pipe burst, flood or other water damage.

Understanding the Differences

Now you know there are different kinds of mold, what does that mean for you and your mold cleanup? Some people may experience health effects. The cleanup and remediation process is the same for most of the varieties found in living spaces. The major differences are in appearance.

Black mold sounds like a scary thing to be in your home, but it's really no different than other types of mold growth. When you discover this fungus in your house, you want to start the mold remediation process as soon as possible.

Minding the Gaps: Finding Good Storm Coverage

9/27/2021 (Permalink)

If your commercial property in Park Ridge, IL, is frequently beset by storms, your property insurance coverage is probably not sufficient to pay the costs of the flood restoration services you will likely need at some point. You need storm insurance. Even with the extra coverage, however, it is important to make sure that you pay close attention to the exclusions listed in your policies. Only by filling in all the gaps that other policies leave do you get the best coverage possible.

Flood Damage

Most floods caused by natural disasters or other extreme circumstances aren't covered by general commercial property policies. You will need flood insurance to protect yourself from having to pay out-of-pocket expenses like the following:

• Water mitigation services
• Restoration costs
• Building inspection fees

After you pay your deductible, your storm insurance is likely to cover the bulk of your recovery expenses. Having a policy in place before the storm season arrives is essential.

Hail Damage

If your storm coverage focuses on flooding, it may include exclusions for other damage that your building could sustain during a storm. Hail damage often accompanies violent thunderstorms, but some insurance policies don't cover the damage that a hail storm can cause. In this instance, you will need additional coverage to fill in the gap left by the exclusion.

Lightning Damage

When lightning strikes your building, it can cause quite a few problems. Other than raising the risk of fire, it may also short out your electrical system, leaving you without power regardless of how reliable your backup generator may be. If other systems, such as your building's plumbing or HVAC system, rely on power, then you can see how expensive a lightning strike could become. Many policies exclude lightning damage for this reason. Your insurance company may offer rider policies to compensate, however.

When you are shopping for the best commercial insurance package, don't forget comprehensive storm insurance. One storm can cause extensive damage. It can give you peace of mind to know that you are protected.

Tips For Mitigating Roof Damage

9/20/2021 (Permalink)

When it comes to roof damage the signs of a problem aren’t something anyone should ignore. Unattended water, hail, and wind damage can cause larger problems down the road, and cumulative damage could lead to a full roof replacement. Mitigation techniques can help save your roof from costly repairs. If you live in a place that experiences regular harsh weather such as Rosemont, IL, you may want to consider some of the following mitigation techniques.

1. Regularly Inspect Your Roof

Regularly inspecting your roof can be one way to catch damage before it becomes unmanageable. This will allow you to see any changes in your roof and look for signs of trouble such as pooling water, windblown shingles, or blocked gutters. A professional can do a moisture survey of your rooftop for any leaks or areas where water may be seeping in.

2. Frequently Take Care of Damage

One key to preventing roof damage from getting to the level where you need a roof replacement is to take care of any damage as soon as it occurs. A small repair now is often more cost-effective than a large one later. This can also help prevent other potential problems such as mold or wet insulation.

3. Habitually Use Preventive Measures

Once you’ve decided repairs are necessary it’s important to protect your roof until they are completed. The professionals working on your rooftop may have some recommendations, but generally, steps such as laying tarps or boarding over the damaged areas until the repair team can work on them can help prevent further damage.

Taking care of roof damage as soon as it occurs is one way to mitigate potential problems. Regularly inspecting for water, hail, or wind damage can also help you find areas that may need repairs before they cause further problems for your home.

3 Air Purifiers That Remove Mold Spores From Your Home

9/19/2021 (Permalink)

Mold spores exist almost everywhere, even in your Chicago, IL, home’s air. While individual spores typically do not cause any harm, they may take hold in a humid or moist area inside your home where they can multiply and spread. Home air filtration can help control these spores, and there are three systems you may want to consider if you want to purify the air your family breathes.

1. Alen BreatheSmart

This purification system is a quiet machine that comes in a variety of colors to complement your home’s décor. It uses a patented silver carbon filter that removes dust, mold, and other impurities from spaces up to 1,100 square feet. This purifier comes with a lifetime warranty and is suitable for living rooms, bedrooms, and kitchens.

2. Airpura P600 HEPA Air Purifier

The Airpura air filtration system removes germs, spores, and odors from the air with an oxidizer that cleans 2,000 square feet. This makes it suitable for larger spaces, such as dens or large living rooms. The filter lasts approximately five years, and the machine itself comes with a five-year warranty.

3. Winix HR1000 Air Purifier

If you are looking for a small air filter for your home office or bedroom, then this purifier might be a good choice for you. It removes pet dander, mold spores, and dust from the air for spaces up to 400 square feet. The unit runs on a carbon filter, which lasts about 12 months. A two-year limited warranty protects your purchase. If you are unsure if this purifier is large enough for the space you want to clean, contact a mold remediation and removal service for advice.

Adding an air filtration system to your Chicago, IL, home can reduce the risk of mold growth in every room. This can help to eliminate unpleasant musty odors and keep your home’s air fresh and clean.

Top 5 Hidden Places Mold Is Found

8/27/2021 (Permalink)

A restoration machine cleaning mold damage in a home. SERVPRO has the team and experience to make sure that the job is completed correctly from start to.

Mold Can Be Found in 5 Surprising Places

Sometimes mold growth is obvious. It blooms in a room that’s been flooded or on a basement wall where groundwater is seeping in. Other times, it hides. You may think you’ve taken care of mold by cleaning it off a wall, but if a musty, dank odor persists, you know there’s still mold hiding somewhere. An experienced mold remediation specialist in Chicago, IL, can help you pinpoint the location of the mold. Here are the top five places they’ll know to look for hidden mold.

1. Under Carpets and Carpet Pads

Damp carpeting provides an ideal habitat for mold. The space between the carpet or carpet pad and the underlying floor can hold moisture for a long time, allowing mold growth to flourish. If your carpet gets wet, be sure to dry it completely, including underneath.

2. Inside Walls

If you’ve noticed mold growing on a wall, there’s a fair chance it’s also growing inside the wall. A mold remediation service in Chicago, IL, can remove moldy drywall, locate the source of moisture and clean and dry the wall interior to eliminate mold problems.

3. Behind Wallpaper

Wallpaper that has been around a while or was poorly hung may be harboring mold behind it. If you suspect this is the case, don’t attempt to remove it yourself or you may launch mold spores into your living space.

4. In the Attic

Your attic is the first place you’ll notice a leaking roof. If the leak is small or you don’t go into your attic very often, you may not even notice there’s a problem until it makes its way to the ceiling of your living space. If you find mold on wood in your attic, you may need to have it replaced.

5. In the Air Conditioner

If your air conditioner goes all season without use, you may end up with mold growing inside. It’s better to store it in a dry place during cooler seasons, or run it for 10 – 15 minutes a day to keep the inside clear of mold growth.

Flood Cuts: What You Need To Know

8/12/2021 (Permalink)

One dehumidifier, five air movers facing a wall that drywall has been removed Restoration experts may make a flood cut in your drywall to assess the damage behind it.

Flooding in Rosemont, IL, can invade your business’s building in the blink of an eye. Once the waters recede and you can examine the aftermath, it may be hard to know where to begin your cleanup efforts. A storm cleanup and restoration company can use a variety of techniques to repair your building, including flood cuts. Knowing what these cuts are and how they work can give you a better idea of how they are an asset to the restoration process.

What Is a Flood Cut?

After flood waters are removed from an affected room, restoration experts may make a flood cut in your drywall to assess the damage behind it. This cut is typically made anywhere from a foot to fifteen inches above where the water reached. The walls behind this cut can then be dried, inspected and disinfected as needed.

Why Is a Flood Cut Performed?

Whether a flood cut is performed depends on the type of flooding that affected your building. In most cases, restoration experts consider floodwater to be black water and therefore contaminated. Because of this contamination, the section of the wall is removed and discarded to lower the risk of pathogen-borne illnesses that might be present. Keep in mind that this cut may be necessary in each room affected by flood waters.

What Other Factors Are Considered?

This type of tear-out is not always necessary. However, there are several circumstances other than black water that might require it. Walls that contain insulation, for example, must undergo a cut because most types of insulation cannot be properly dried or disinfected. Soggy insulation is no longer effective and must be replaced. If restoration experts believe the interior walls have been severely affected, they may opt for a flood cut to inspect the wall’s condition.

Flooding at your Rosemont, IL, business can be difficult to deal with. However, restoration professionals have a variety of techniques, such as flood cuts, to repair flood damage and help you get your business up and running again.

Best Ways to Avoid Mold Growth After a Flood

7/29/2021 (Permalink)

two air movers placed against walls that drywall has been removed Storm restoration services in Park Ridge, IL.

The Best Ways to Prevent Mold After a Flood

You work hard to provide a nice home and a safe, secure place for yourself and your loved ones. Floods are some of the biggest threats to your well-being. These emergency situations can damage or even destroy your property and possession, and they can even cause harm to everyone in your Park Ridge, IL, home. Some of the things you’re most concerned about happen following the flood. These include mold growth, which can frustrate anyone. Luckily, there are some effective ways to put an end to this.

Make an Assessment

Once the flooding has come to an end, and it’s safe to be in your home, you need to take stock of the damage and the situation. There are few things you should do.

• Document the extent of the damage to floors, walls, furniture, appliances and personal belongings
• Contact a professional restoration company
• Contact your insurance company

Once you’ve evaluated the damage and spoken with people who can help, you can discuss the best ways to clean up.

Get Rid of Water

Depending on the severity of the flood, you may have standing water in your basement or other parts of your home. You should immediately extract the water using a wet vacuum. You should also use a high-quality carpet and flooring cleaner to suck up additional water that may have soaked into the carpet or furniture.

Tear it Out

The best way to ward off mold growth is to never let it happen. Quickly get rid of any materials in your home that you can’t salvage.

Clean and Sanitize

Mold removal isn’t always easy, so if you can prevent it from occurring, you should be in good shape. As soon as you remove water and tear out ruined items, thoroughly clean and sanitize affected areas.

Mold growth is a concern for any homeowner. However, if you follow these guidelines, you can prevent this unwanted guest from entering your home.

Speedy Response: The Key to Mold Prevention

7/23/2021 (Permalink)

Mold on wall Mold is a harmful, invasive fungus that thrives in moist, warm environments.

Mold Prevention Requires Quick Action

Mold is an invasive, destructive fungus that thrives in a moist, warm environment. Left unchecked, mold can begin to grow and spread on even slightly wet surfaces within building materials during the first 24–48 hours following an incident of water damage or water leakage. Such a fungal infestation can wreak havoc on the interior structure of a building, often resulting in thousands of dollars of damage.

Unfortunately, many property owners don’t know they have a problem until it is too late. If you do suspect an issue with your building in Chicago, IL, it is important to act quickly.

Trigger Points

Many events can trigger mold growth, and, while some aren’t always obvious, other incidents should always raise a red flag. Here are some of the main causes of mold infestation which must never be overlooked:

  • Flood
  • Fire
  • Roof or plumbing leak
  • Damp basement
  • Extremely high humidity

If your building has been impacted by any of these events, it is important to act immediately. Successful mold prevention begins upon the discovery of any water damage — no matter how small — or any event that could foster the dangerous combination of moisture and warmth.

Action Plan

Upon discovery of a potential mold-causing event, call a restoration specialist in Chicago, IL, for an emergency assessment. While waiting for professional help, dry the affected area with mops and rags, remove wet rugs or carpeting, prop wet upholstery and cushions. Wipe any dampness from tables or objects. Mildew (the precursor to mold) can form on any wet surface, no matter how small.

By acting quickly within the first 24 hours following the discovery of water damage, it is possible to prevent mold growth. Once this window of opportunity is closed, the question of mold prevention is likely to be moot and the far more expensive process of tearing down, removing and replacing the damage caused by mold begins.

Ozone Cleaning: 3 Benefits

7/19/2021 (Permalink)

Green Ozone Generator Ozone cleaning cleans the air through a process where the molecules that cause the smell are oxidized and changed until the odor is eliminated.

Benefits Of Ozone Cleaning

Eliminating odors from your Rosemont,IL home can be challenging, especially if anyone in your family smokes indoors. Cigarette smoke can cause strong odors that cling to clothing, furniture, drapes and carpeting. Hiring a smoke cleanup and home deodorization service can be an effective first step to removing this odor, especially when it comes to using ozone cleaning. Here are a few benefits of this process and how it can leave your home smelling clean and fresh.

1. It Is Easy To Control

One of the greatest benefits of ozone cleaning is that the process can be easily manipulated by the smoke cleanup professionals that use them. Humidity levels, the speed of the flow and other variables are controlled via the ozone machine, which means the technician operating the machine can change any factor at will to bring about the best result possible.

2. Ozone Is Harmless

Unlike some household cleansers, ozone is a harmless gas that does not cause any ill effects during its use. No harmful vapors are created during the process, as ozone cleaning involves the cleaning of the air through a process where the molecules that cause the smell are oxidized and changed until the odor is eliminated. No harsh odors are left behind after the process, which means you can put cleaned items back in your home right away.

3. Professional Cleansing Is Safe and Effective

Removing cigarette odors from your home via professional ozone cleansing is a home deodorization process that lets you step back and leave this difficult issue to someone who knows how to handle it. An ozone technician can also advise you which items need the most attention and how to prevent the smell from returning. This can lead to long-lasting freshness everyone who visits your home can appreciate.

Home deodorization via ozone cleaning can be an effective way to remove cigarette odors from your Rosemont,IL residence. Understanding the benefits of this process can help you decide whether it is the right choice for your odor removal needs.

Choosing and Using a Home Fire Extinguisher

7/6/2021 (Permalink)

How Do I Choose A Fire Extinguisher For My Home?

To keep your home safe from fires, make sure you have a fire extinguisher on hand. While any number of things can cause a home fire in Chicago, IL, from faulty wiring to smoking in bed, many of the most common causes are concentrated in the kitchen. Electrical appliances, cooking grease and pots and pans forgotten on the stove can all result in a kitchen fire that causes extensive fire damage. Follow the guidelines below to select and operate this vital piece of fire safety equipment.

Choosing an Extinguisher

From aerosol spray cans to fire blankets, there are a lot of options on the market for home fire safety. However, opting for a fire extinguisher usually gives you the most versatility and protection when it comes to stopping blazes.

Different extinguishers are made to fight different kinds of fires and every extinguisher has a label telling you what types of fires it puts out. Fires are classified as A, B, C, D and K.

  • A – Solid materials like wood, paper, plastic or fabric
  • B – Flammable liquid or gas like kerosene, paint, or natural gas
  • C – Electrical fires
  • D – Combustible metals like magnesium or aluminum (almost never an issue in the home)
  • K – Liquids used in food preparation like grease and cooking oils

Choosing an extinguisher that covers, A, B, C and K fires is an option, though it will likely be less effective for some types than others. Another option is to keep both a K and an ABC extinguisher in your kitchen.

Using an Extinguisher

Local fire departments in and around Chicago, IL, may offer home fire safety training where you can get hands-on training on how to use a fire extinguisher. If not, remember the acronym PASS.

• P – Pull the pin out of the top of the extinguisher
• A – Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire where the fuel for it is located
• S – Squeeze the handle to begin spraying the water, powder or foam inside the extinguisher
• S – Sweep the spray from side to side to cover the whole base of the fire

Can My Wet Carpet Be Saved?

6/23/2021 (Permalink)

carpet damaged by water in a trailer Carpet removal in a Chicago, IL home

Can My Wet Carpet Be Saved?

Flooding at your home in Chicago, IL, can be overwhelming and confusing. What needs to be thrown away? What can be restored? For some contents of your home, the decision to keep or discard after a pipe break may appear cut and dry. When it comes to carpet, however, there are multiple factors that go into the decision.

To Save

Oftentimes, wet carpet can be saved when professionally dried and cleaned by a water restoration company. Follow the tips below to know when your carpeting can be rescued:

The source of the water is the most important factor when making this decision. If the water came from a clean source, like a pipe break or supply line, it is likely salvageable.
Consider the amount of time that the carpeting has been wet. Usually, less than 24-48 hours is a good rule of thumb. Mold can develop and spread quickly, so it is important to act fast.

Not To Save

In certain instances, water damage to the carpeting is irreparable. Know which situations necessitate taking it out with the trash:

If the source of the water is contaminated, such as from a sewage backup, the carpeting must be discarded for safety reasons. Black water contains viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms hazardous to your health.
Regardless of the type of water, carpet padding cannot usually be saved because it is so difficult to clean.
Carpeting that is under standing water or damp for more than 24-48 hours is at high risk for mold growth. Once mold is present, it should be replaced to avoid further problems.

Regardless of whether you choose to clean or replace your carpeting in Chicago, IL, it is critical to take immediate action. After a pipe break or other source of water damage, call a water restoration specialist and your homeowner’s insurance agency to begin the process of drying and restoring your home.

3 Things To Do After a Fire

6/23/2021 (Permalink)

severe fire damage in a kitchen, cabinets totally burned Severe fire damage in Park Ridge, IL.

What To Do After A Fire

A fire can leave a devastating impact on your home. The fire restoration process should be left in the hands of experienced professionals in Park Ridge, IL. However, you may be wondering if there is anything you can do to alleviate some of the anxiety. Here are the things you can do to move on more easily following fire damage.

1. Contact Your Insurance Provider

Hopefully, you have fire insurance that will cover the damage. To ensure you get the most out of your insurance policy, you need to contact your provider as soon as you can to begin the claims process. Make sure you only deal with your personal insurance agency. You may receive calls from agents trying to get you to sign with them. These are usually scams. Do not give them your business.

2. Determine Damaged and Undamaged Property

As part of the fire restoration process, your insurance company will need you to submit a list of items damaged by the fire. You will need to figure out what is too damaged beyond repair, what is damaged but can be repaired and what is damaged completely. If you kept receipts for certain items, then it will make the valuation process much simpler to go through.

3. Find Somewhere Else To Stay

While the restoration and smoke cleaning services are going on, it will be recommended for you to live somewhere else. You can stay at a friend’s house or at a nearby hotel because it will not be healthy for you to sleep in a house that still has soot and smoke around. In some cases, your insurance may be able to pay for a hotel stay.

The fire restoration process is difficult enough as is. You do not want to make it harder on yourself by failing to carry out some basic action in the immediate aftermath of the fire.

Your Business and Hail Damage: What You Should Know

6/23/2021 (Permalink)

Types Of Hail Damage

If you are a business owner in Rosemont, IL, chances are that you have worried about hail storms at one point or another and wondered what roof damage they could cause. There are some types of hail damage that you need to be aware of so you can protect your building from it and understand how to make repairs if this unfortunate destruction should occur. The two main types are as follows.

1. Superficial Damage

Damage to your roof that affects how it looks but does not necessarily harm the building in any way is superficial damage. Some examples include spots on the roof that are darker than they should be and areas that simply look battered. Surface-level problems such as these may not be as alarming as ones that affect the more fundamental areas of the structure, but they should still be repaired so you can get your business back to looking good as new.

2. Critical Damage

Damage that affects the usefulness of your roof could be classified as critical damage. It is usually more crucial to have such issues corrected sooner than more superficial damage, as they can lead to other troubles with your roof’s as well as your building’s overall integrity. Things such as cracked or missing shingles, as well as wet insulation, could lead to problems such as water leaks, which could cause mold growth in the future.

Your best defense against roof damage to your Rosemont, IL, business is to equip the premises with the most hail-resistant roofing material available. You will want to do some research, as there are many roofing supplies available to meet different businesses’ needs. If you have had the misfortune of already facing hail damage, a commercial storm damage restoration company will be your best bet for assisting you in correcting any problems that a hail storm has caused. Being prepared and knowing what resources are available to allow you to be in a better position to handle any weather-related mishaps that could come your way.

How Media Blasting Is Used to Remove Mold From Your Home

6/16/2021 (Permalink)

Black mold growth on wall Mold cleanup in Rosemont, IL.

Trying to remove mold from your crawlspace in Rosemont, IL can be tricky. The good news is that media blasting is an effective method that can both treat mold damage and prevent it from recurring.

What is Media Blasting?

Media blasting is a technique that involves applying a high-pressured air-powered spray gun to the areas of your home containing mold. The most common areas where mold thrives include:

ventilation ducts

Media blasting is also useful in removing mold from areas of your home that have experienced flooding, as this moist and humid environment is ideal for mold growth. Additionally, crawlspaces are particularly susceptible to mold growth because they are generally dark areas. If you notice any pungent, musty odors or mold growth in your Rosemont, IL home, contacting mold remediation specialists can help you eliminate it.

How Does Media Blasting Work?
There are three steps in the media blasting process: inspection, cleaning and vacuuming. First, your home will be inspected to determine where the main areas of mold growth are occurring. After this is established, high-pressure media blasting will be used to clean all of the affected areas of your home. Baking soda can be added to the spray gun to more thoroughly clean mold damage, as it is highly effective in cleaning wood and approximately four times faster than scrubbing or scraping the mold by hand.
After all the mold has been blasted off, the area is vacuumed and wiped down to make sure that any remaining mold has been removed. Because mold spores are very durable, they can easily multiply if not properly eradicated.
Although finding mold in your home can be a frustrating experiencing, it can easily be addressed by using media blasting. This method is a quick and effective way to eliminate mold in common areas of your home, including basements, showers and ventilation ducts.

How To Prepare Your Business for a Winter Storm

5/13/2021 (Permalink)

How Do I Prepare My Business For Winter?

Owning a business in this area means being ready for winter weather. When a winter storm hits Park Ridge, IL, it’s too late to do something about it. You need to prepare your business in advance for all the dangers from winter storms, including

High winds
Heavy snow
Loss of utilities
Frozen pipes
Absent or stuck employees

Fortunately, Park Ridge, IL, knows how to handle a snowstorm. If you take a few proactive steps, you’ll save yourself a lot of money and trouble. Here are three steps to be ready for the worst.

Pay Attention!

The National Weather Service sends alerts through many channels, including

Official weather radio
Official website
TV news

The issue information and alerts through as many media channels as possible. Check at least once a week when winter weather is possible, and if you hear any rumor of a storm, check the forecast. You can’t depend on anyone else to protect your property, so staying aware is your best bet.

Protect Plumbing

A pipe break is a common occurrence after a winter storm. Have a winter weather restoration expert inspect your plumbing in the fall. They can check the entire property for any winterization issues as well as catching other hidden problems that accumulate during the year.

Contact Employees

If the storm is heavy, who can make it into work, and who is more likely to get stuck? The roads may be impassable during and immediately after a storm, and large winter storms frequently last more than a day.
Employees may be stuck at work, too. Before they come in, make sure they bring phone chargers. If the power and heat go out, they’ll also need to have a way to stay warm, such as simple emergency blankets that are cheap, small and easy to store. They should also bring in extra winter clothes and be prepared to deal with storm damage to your building.
With a little preparation, a winter storm doesn’t have to be a disaster for your business. If you pay attention to rapid changes in the weather or hear of a storm, trust your gut and check the forecast.

Creating a Broken Pipe Playbook

5/11/2021 (Permalink)

Don’t let a broken pipe break your business. Commercial water damage in Rosemont, IL, can be approached like any sports game; with planning and training, a competent team, and a winning attitude, you can almost certainly win this match against flooding.

Identify Your Teammates and Opponents

Who will help you triumph, and what can hinder your chances for victory? You may be better prepared for a future issue by developing a general understanding of your building’s potential flood-friendly areas before an incident occurs. Any of these may be your water rivals in the workplace:

  • Fire sprinkler system
  • Toilets
  • Sinks (in restrooms, breakrooms, and kitchens)
  • Water drinking fountains
  • Any other water supply line (waterfall feature in the lobby?)

Never fear these foes, however, as you likely have a talented group on your bench with unique skill sets, knowledge, and experiences to keep your business afloat. You may not inherently understand the inner workings of your building’s plumbing and drainage system, but you can identify professionals and services who do. Teamwork is key!

Play Defense
Businesses do not need to wait until a broken pipe issue occurs before developing a plan of action for water repair and deterrence, but when flooding happens, damage defense follows. Building restoration services can quickly and efficiently assess and address the problem, mitigating future concerns that could stem from the same initial breakage (cue the cheerleaders, “M-O-L-D, mold prevention, 1-2-3!”) These cleanup captains will also tackle soaked structures, upholstery, and tough odors so your team can return to the workplace with minimal interruption.
With any sports team, fine-tuned equipment is necessary. Make sure you and your teammates are stocked with helpful tools and tips, such as mold prevention guidelines, and determine to whom certain tasks will be delegated (internally and externally).

Win the Game
Unexpected water damage can impact your commercial space at any time, but your business can prevail if you train with a proper playbook, then confidently face the competition. If you approach a broken pipe like a sporting event, you will realize victory is reachable with the support of a team of experts on your sideline.

Essential First Aid Steps

4/30/2021 (Permalink)

Burn First Aid Steps

If your commercial building in Chicago, IL, is impacted by a fire, there are a lot of fire damage steps to go through before going back to normal. However, your first priority should always be the safety of the building's occupants and yourself. Call in fire restoration experts to help you deal with the aftermath and ensure everyone is safe and any injuries are treated.
However, in the event someone is burned, it's important to tend to it promptly to avoid further issues. Learn these essential burn first aid steps to be prepared for any burns in the event of a fire. No matter how minor the burn, it's still important to get medical attention just in case.

1. Remove Jewelry or Outer Items
Before being able to treat a burn, you need to make sure that any outer items, such as rings, watches or bracelets are removed. In the event the burn swells up, this will stop these items from getting stuck or causing discomfort.

2. Cool the Skin
Any skin affected by any fire damage injury should be cooled immediately to prevent further burning. To cool the skin, simply use cool water on the skin directly or with a cold compress until the pain either decreases or goes away completely. If the pain is not completely gone after this step, consider applying a moisturizer like aloe vera to relieve pain.

3. Use Loose Bandages 

Loosely bandaging the skin will keep the area clean as it begins to heal. Be sure the gauze you are using is sterile to prevent any infections and loosely wrap the affected area.

4. Relieve Lingering Pain
With more severe or painful burns, these steps may not fully ease the pain. Although you should be sure to seek medical attention to address any further issues, over-the-counter pain medication may begin to help you deal with the pain.
Although a fire damage incident can be overwhelming, it's important to go through these first aid steps and get medical attention if necessary before beginning building restoration.

The Essential Items To Include in Your Business Emergency Kit

3/27/2021 (Permalink)

Here Is What To Keep On Hand In Case Of A Disaster

In the event of an emergency, a swift response is the most effective way to keep everyone safe. To react quickly, commercial property owners should have an emergency kit stocked with the supplies necessary to avoid danger or to shelter in place until relief arrives. Of course, this should include a basic first aid kit, but what other essential items should be kept in stock? 

First-Aid Basics
If a disaster happens in Rosemont, IL, having some basic medical supplies on hand is essential, but what exactly should be in the first aid kit? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends:

  • Gauze pads in various sizes
  • Adhesive band-aids in multiple sizes
  • Wound-cleaning agent
  • Splint
  • Elastic wraps
  • Latex gloves
  • Scissors
  • Resuscitation equipment
  • At least one blanket
  • Tweezers

Increase the number of first-aid supplies based on how many employees or patrons are typically present. Make sure to include directions for requesting emergency assistance as well.

Sanitation Items
Be sure to consider sanitation items. Maintain basic hygiene by including things such as hand sanitizer, deodorizers and toilet paper. Keeping disinfectants and hygiene products will maintain sanitary conditions until help arrives.

Comfort Items
Comfort items may not be as top-of-mind as a first aid kit, but they are also essential. Put in extra blankets for warmth and solar chargers to keep electronic devices online. There should also be food and water for the building’s emergency kit. Storm damage could threaten the building’s water supply or leave employees stranded waiting for storm cleanup crews. High-energy and non-perishable foods, such as canned meat and vegetables, will keep everyone nourished and comfortable.
Emergencies are unpredictable. Whether it’s an earthquake, a storm or a fire, disaster can strike at any time. Maintaining a well-stocked emergency kit with plenty of supplies will ensure that the building is equipped for the worst.

How To Recover From Storm Damage

2/26/2021 (Permalink)

drywall removal, two air movers Storm restoration in Park Ridge, IL.

A natural disaster, such as flooding, can endanger your property and cause damage to your home. Therefore, you need to know how to respond to a storm, choose the right remediation company, and get the process started as quickly as possible. This will help you mitigate any wind or water damage and restore your home.

Common Types of Storms

There are many types of storms that could cause damage to your home. Lightning, flooding, tornadoes, hail, high winds, hurricanes, Derechos, blizzards, and freezing temperatures are all storms that could cause serious damage.

Choosing a Remediation Company
When choosing a remediation company in Park Ridge, IL, there are several things you want to look out for. These include:

  • Availability
  • Response times
  • Reputation
  • Qualifications
  • Processes

When faced with wind or flood damage, you must find a company that meets your standards. For instance, finding someone with low response times is a good idea because they will be able to respond to your emergency quickly. Setting standards and meeting them will get your home back to its pre-disaster status quickly.

Common Types of Remediation
The remediation company that you choose will advise you on what types of services you need. You may encounter several common mitigation services: moisture mapping, water extraction, dehumidification, desiccant drying, and HVAC decontamination. After these have been performed, you will need repairs and reconstruction processes, such as structure cleaning, emergency boarding up, repairing structures, and temporary shoring.

Choosing the Right Service
After severe weather conditions, you will likely need a variety of services. In these cases, you will often need to choose one or more mitigation, reconstruction, and repair techniques offered by your remediation company.
If a large storm or severe flooding is headed your way, you need to know what to do after it strikes. Once you have experienced a dangerous storm, choose a remediation company, listen to their recommendations, and implement the right service as soon as possible.

How Hiring a Disaster Recovery Team Can Get You Back to Business Faster

2/24/2021 (Permalink)

dehumidifier and air movers, drywalls have been removed. Concept of commercial cleaning equipment. Commercial drying equipment in Chicago, IL.

How Hiring a Disaster Recovery Team Can Get You Back to Business Faster

Disaster can strike at any moment with little notice and destroy your business. The time it takes to clean and restore your commercial space is time you should be serving your customers and taking care of your employees. You want a disaster recovery team on standby that can handle major storm damage restoration quickly and efficiently so you can return to your regular operations as soon as possible.

Recovery Teams Are Trained Specialists
When your business is damaged during a storm or event, you need to know that the recovery service you call is qualified to recognize and address the major issues you may be facing. If not properly treated, you could be facing long-term health and safety issues associated with events such as:

  • Water/flooding
  • Mold
  • Fire

Make sure the technicians you hire to clean and restore your space have specialized, professional training in water damage restoration and structural drying methods.

No Job Is Too Big for Them
When your local area is affected by a major event, you may feel overwhelmed by the damage not only to your property but also to the community at large. However, a professional restoration service is prepared with qualified and experienced production managers ready to take on large projects like hotels, universities and government buildings. Know that your business is in good hands when the next tornado, hurricane, or wildfire upsets your bottom line.

They Provide Emergency Service Around the Clock
In urgent situations, waiting to contact professional cleaning and restoration services only leads to greater damage. For water and flooding emergencies, disaster recovery services offer strategically convenient locations with 24/7 availability, so you can expect immediate action to combat further damage. You’ll want a service like SERVPRO to provide storm response that is Faster to Any Size Disaster.
Storms, fires and other catastrophes are stressful, but they don’t have to be devastating. As a business owner in Chicago, IL, you need a disaster recovery team dedicated to providing local businesses with resources after major losses so you can get back to work as quickly as possible.

4 Causes of Water Damage

2/17/2021 (Permalink)

Four Common Factors Of Water Damage

If you run a business in Rosemont, IL, water damage can be a major hindrance to your operation. Whether you are dealing with a pipe burst cleanup or mitigating the impact of a supply line leaking, you want to address the problem as soon as possible. A trusted water restoration specialist can handle the water cleanup quickly. In the meantime, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with these four common factors of water damage.

1. Clogged Pipes
Everyone has experienced the reduced trickle of water when something gets lodged in a pipe. Fishing out the offending item gets it flowing normally again. However, a deeply lodged clog can cause a buildup of pressure in the pipe and even a burst. Because water can spill out rapidly, a pipe burst cleanup can be a major undertaking.

2. Extreme Weather
If the water in your pipes drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, it will freeze. Water expands approximately 9% when frozen, sometimes forcing it to rupture the pipe it is contained in. Having your pipes insulated or heating their space can mitigate this risk.

3. Corrosion and Deterioration
Pipes and supply lines lose their integrity over time for a variety of reasons, such as pH imbalances, rust buildup and stretching. It is a good practice to regularly inspect your water systems for any of these defects.

4. Loose Hardware
Sometimes the problem is as simple as a loose nut on your supply line. If this is the case, tighten the nut where the leak is found. Be careful not to overtighten, as this can cause the threads of the nut to crack. If the leak persists, applying a pipe joint compound may fix the problem. Otherwise, you need to replace the hardware.
When you run a business, you want to be ready for any scenario that may occur. Being aware of these common causes of water damage can help you avoid a costly and unpleasant supply line leak or pipe burst cleanup.

What to Do if a Pipe Breaks

2/5/2021 (Permalink)

Here Are A Few Things You Need To Do After A Flood

Bursting pipes are one of the most difficult problems to deal with if you are a homeowner. If this is your first time, you might not know what to do. There are a few things you need to do after a flood due to a pipe breaking.

Shut Off the Power
The first thing you want to do is turn off the power to the flooded area. This will keep you from getting shocked when you enter the area. You can follow these steps:

  • Turn the power off at the breaker or main
  • Double-check to make sure it is off
  • Unplug all devices
  • Remove all devices from the waterlogged area

Only do this if you can safely reach the electrical panel. If you can't, call in experts to deal with it.

Stop the Source
Aside from flooding due to a storm, bursting pipes are the major cause of indoor flooding. Fortunately, it is one of the easiest to stop. Turn off the water and fix the pipe. You can do this by replacing it or patching a new section in.

Save What You Can
Take any items that did not suffer water damage out of the area where the flooding occurred. Essentially, save what you can and call a professional in Rosemont, IL to help with the rest.

Call Your Insurance Company
Your insurance policy might cover the cost to fix broken pipes and water lines. If they cover it, they might also be able to help with water damage restoration. It is worth the phone call to save money on repairs.

Beware of Mold and Mildew
Mold and mildew are the two worst issues when it comes to water in your home. Both can take hold quickly and cause amazing amounts of damage if they are not spotted. Look for fuzzy brown, white, grey, or black patches on wet items.
Bursting pipes can be a pain, but it is not the end of the world. If you follow these simple steps, you should be able to clear things up in no time.

3 Things To Expect After a Partial Loss Fire

2/5/2021 (Permalink)

Fire loss in a home Fire loss in Rosemont, IL

3 Things To Expect After a Partial Loss Fire

When a fire loss is large enough that it is not economically feasible to restore the damaged property or the property has been damaged beyond the point where it can be restored, the loss is deemed a total loss. However, most losses are partial losses. These are three things to expect after a partial loss fire.

1. Some Property Will Be Replaced and Some Will Be Restored.
With most partial loss fires, some property will be damaged to the point where it can not be restored or it is cheaper to replace. Other properties will be able to undergo fire restoration that may include repairing the damaged structure and cleaning smoke damage.

2. You Will Probably Need Smoke Cleaning.
Porous objects, such as upholstered furniture, rugs, clothing and curtains may be undamaged by fire, but need cleaning to remove smoke stains and smell. Most homeowners policies cover smoke damage, so your fire loss insurance may pay for a fire restoration company in Rosemont, IL, to clean your smoke damaged property.

3. There May Be Disputes Over Repairs.
Homeowners and insurance companies frequently do not agree about which property can be restored and which needs to be replaced. For example, the insurance company may be willing to pay for smoke cleaning for a homeowner's upholstered furniture that the homeowner feels needs to be replaced with new furniture. Another common dispute is matching the color of the siding or interior walls that needed to be replaced to the siding or walls that were not damaged in the fire. Most disputes can be resolved by negotiating with the insurance company; however, it may be worthwhile to hire an independent inspector or third party adjuster to assist.
A partial fire loss can be more complicated to resolve than a total loss because decisions will be made about which property can be restored and which should be replaced. Be ready to negotiate with your insurance company should any disputes arise.

Surprising Ways Mold Growth Can Water Down Your Business

2/3/2021 (Permalink)

Mold growth on wall, baseboards removed If you notice mold growth in your building is a good idea to reach out to a local mold remediation expert.

Why You Should Mitigate These Problems?

Commercial businesses in Park Ridge, IL, have a plethora of daily tasks to worry about, but mold growth is often not at the top of business owners' minds. However, it's a crucial threat to consider. You may have a mold problem on the rise if there are any areas of excess water present in your building. Here are some issues to watch out for, as well as reasons why you should mitigate these problems as soon as you notice them.

Possible Signs and Causes of Mold Overgrowth
High-moisture environments are a recipe for mold disaster. Keep on the lookout for potential indicators of excess mold:

  • Musty odors
  • Roof leaks
  • Humidity level exceeding 45%
  • Excess condensation on windows
  • Unvented water heaters
  • Gutters funneling water toward the building
  • Wet walls or ceilings with paint buckling

If you notice any water damage on materials, smell mold, or detect high humidity levels, it's a good idea to reach out to a local mold remediation expert. Sometimes, mold growth issues can go undetected. Be vigilant to reduce the possibility of structural and property damage.

Mold Damage to Commercial Buildings
The integrity and aesthetics of your commercial structure may be at risk if you have undetected mold. A number of issues may arise for your business if you aren't swift with mold cleanup:

  • Peeling paint
  • Damaged goods and products
  • Unsightly spots and stains
  • Structural damage
  • Heating and vent damage

Too much mold can lead to unnecessary costs to repair fixtures, appliances, and property. The mold can eat away at carpets, wood, and more. Often, the infestation of mold can be hard to reach, even by professionals. This could warrant complete replacement of appliances, such as water heaters and ventilation systems. It's even possible that indoor mold issues can remain unseen.
As a business owner, you need to be cautious of damage to your property. Mold growth does not have to be a source of a financial burden if you catch it quickly. Routine maintenance and an eye for the signs of overgrowth are key to safeguarding your building.

What To Do About Black Mold in Your Business

1/26/2021 (Permalink)

Mold damage on wall Mold damage on wall

Stachybotrys chartarum, commonly known as black mold, can be a nuisance at best and wreak havoc on your Chicago, IL, business at worst. Once it takes hold, it can be tricky and costly to remove. Luckily, if you rent your space, these services should be paid for by your landlord. First, however, you need to know what you're up against.

Know Where To Look

Black mold thrives in places that are dark, damp and poorly ventilated. That makes some rooms more likely targets than others. Check the following areas first:

  • Bathrooms
  • Kitchens
  • Basements
  • Beneath or around leaky plumbing

Follow the Signs
If you discover indications of mold, chances are it isn't just on the surface. Part of the reason it is so difficult to remove mold is that it tends to lurk in the dark places behind the walls. Fiberglass insulation, drywall and wood framing are all targets, which means mold cleanup will take more than spraying disinfectant. Wherever you find mold on surfaces, assume that it is elsewhere as well.

Call In the Pros
Once you have identified a problem area, the first thing to do is make arrangements for it to be removed by a professional mold removal company. If the problem is not too widespread, mold remediation might be relatively painless. If the problem has been allowed to fester, however, and mold damage has spread, be prepared for a more intensive process, which could mean loss of property as well as lost business.

Know Your Rights as a Renter
The best way to navigate mold in your rental space is to be direct and open with your landlord so each of you knows what to expect from the other. In the event that the property owner is not cooperative, don't risk your business or further damage. You have rights and protections that ensure that the building owner takes action. Unfortunately, that may mean that it is time to contact a lawyer.
Black mold is an unwanted guest in any commercial space, but with the right help it need not stay long.

What You Should Know About Smoke Odor Remediation

1/26/2021 (Permalink)

air scrubber in the kitchen, equipment used to remove smoke odor Removing smoke odor in a Rosemont, IL home

Taking care of your home means making sure that it’s secured and covered with adequate homeowners insurance. This type of policy covers damages and losses in your home due to various issues, including fire. If you ever experience a residential fire in Rosemont, IL, you will need to be prepared for several types of damage in your home, including fire, water and smoke damage. The cleanup process will be comprehensive and should be left in the hands of a fire restoration professional franchise. This professional is equipped and trained about everything from damage assessment to smoke cleaning to restore your property to a pre-fire state.

Removing Smoke Odor

You may believe that the fire cleanup process is just about removing and repairing everything impacted by the fire, including smoke damage to the structure and home contents. Removal of smoke odor is also a critical part of cleanup. It’s a multi-stepped process that focuses on completely ridding your property of lingering odors:

  • Complete washing of all exterior surfaces
  • Disinfection of interior hard surfaces
  • Laundering of all fabric items, including clothes
  • Deodorizing and disinfection of items affected by smoke
  • Complete cleaning of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • Specialized washing, dusting and deodorization of other items

Your fire cleanup services provider has the tools for smoke cleaning to get rid of all signs of damage, include odors.

Understanding the Professional Difference
A professional fire restoration company specializes in minimizing the time it takes to get your home back to pre-damage conditions. This includes any reconstruction and repair work that may be needed for your home’s structure and interior finishes. They will check to see which items can be restored through smoke cleaning and other methods versus complete replacement, potentially lowering the cost of your claim. Insurance companies usually prefer to work with professionals as they can completely remove all signs of damage from fire, water and smoke.
It's important that the smoke damage restoration process is completed and handled with the right equipment and know-how. Consult a fire restoration pro to ensure a comprehensive approach.

How To Combat a Broken Pipe

11/30/2020 (Permalink)

Standing water on the floor Water damage in a Chicago, IL home

Here Are A Few Ways To Combat Broken Water Pipes

It is natural to feel a sense of panic when dealing with bursting pipes. In the event that you are having plumbing issues at your home in Chicago, IL, you must remain calm and be diligent about getting the problem fixed.

Assess the Situation
Once you notice something wrong with your pipes, go through your home to try to pinpoint where the complication started so a plumber can fix the broken pipe as quickly as possible. Some water leaks are obvious, while others can take months to rear their heads. If you have a concern that is hard to locate, the following can be tell-tale signs of plumbing trouble:

  • Moisture damage (like stains or mold) on walls or ceilings
  • Low water pressure
  • Water bills that are higher than usual

Call a Professional Immediately
After you have fixed the leaking or bursting pipes and completed as much damage control as possible, the next step is to call a water damage repair service right away. When dealing with water leaks or flooding, it is crucial to get the area thoroughly dried out and inspected for mold as soon as possible. Mold can start to develop in wet areas within 24-48 hours, so rely on professionals to deal with the problem and restore your peace of mind.

Do What You Can To Prevent Future Leaks
You can't fully prevent a leak from springing at your home, but there are ways to care for your pipes and help extend their longevity, especially during cold winter months when they may freeze:

  • Paying attention to weather and temperatures
  • Open cabinets to allow air circulation
  • Keep the water running on below-freezing nights

Failing to respond promptly to bursting pipes can have devastating consequences on your house's foundation and flooring. By knowing what to do when a plumbing disaster strikes, you can save a lot of money, and more importantly, your sanity.

3 Tips To Assess Mold Damage in Your Home

11/30/2020 (Permalink)

Black mold on wall Mold damage in a Chicago, IL home

Read On To Learn Three Tips To Completed A Mold Assessment

Your home is a safe retreat for you and your family. As such, you want to ensure it is protected from certain elements of the environment. One common infestation that can spread rapidly is mold.

1. Know What To Look For
One factor that makes identifying mold tricky is that not all species look the same. Mold can appear in a variety of shapes. It can be a small spot resembling soil, a collection of spots or long and thin, resembling vines. Mold also comes in an assortment of colors, including:

  • Neutral shades, such as white and black
  • Neutrals with a green tinge
  • Bright colors, such as purple and pink

While a patch of black mold is easily identifiable, not all developed spores look like this. If you find any growth around your house, turn to a certified mold specialist right away to get your house professionally evaluated and treated.

2. Check Locations Exposed to Water
Certain parts of your Chicago, IL, house are more at risk than others; therefore, even if you do not suspect these places, include them in your mold assessment. Any location that could be exposed to water has an increased chance of damage. Some obvious locations include showers, the area below sinks and windowsills. Less obvious locations are basements and walls, especially if condensation creeps in between the wall and wallpaper.

3. Investigate Your Air Supply
Evidence of mold and mildew can linger in the air you breathe. Therefore, it is important to check your air supply. Look inside exposed vents and around any air conditioner units and fans. If you suspect mold, professionals can test the quality of the air.
Completing a mold assessment does not have to be as tricky as it sounds. If you suspect growth, take action right away. Following the above tips can help determine if your house is experiencing an outbreak.

How To Determine Whether the Landlord or Tenant is Financially Responsible for Fire Damage

11/5/2020 (Permalink)

Which Party Is Responsible To Pay For Repairs Of The Fire Damage?

One of the main duties of landlords is to provide a habitable dwelling for their tenants. They need to make sure the dwelling is safe, livable and properly maintained. There are even laws that protect renters by ensuring compliance from their landlords. What happens if a disaster strikes like an apartment fire, though? 

Structure Damage
The landlord must pay for professional fire restoration to repair structural damage after a fire in a Rosemont, IL, apartment. Structural damage includes:

  • Plumbing
  • Electrical system
  • Interior and exterior structure

The good news for landlords is they most likely do not need to pay out of pocket for the repairs. A homeowner’s policy usually covers the cost of repairs.
If the fire was started by renters or their guests, they may be on the hook for the cost of repairs. In this situation, landlords need to have their insurance company coordinate with the renter’s insurance company for compensation. If a tenant does not have renter’s insurance, the landlord’s insurance company can go directly to the tenant to receive compensation.

Personal Property Damage
After an apartment fire, renters are responsible for the damage to their personal property. If the tenant has renter’s insurance, that should cover the cost of lost or damaged items such as clothes, furniture, etc.
The only time a landlord would need to cover the cost of lost personal items is if the tenant can prove that the landlord was at fault for the fire due to negligence. If the fire was definitely the renter’s fault, the landlord will not need to reimburse the tenant for personal items but will still be obligated to cover the structural damage.
An apartment fire can be devastating, and what is most important is that everyone is safe and unharmed. It is beneficial to be aware of how to resolve the issue of fire damage costs before the situation ever arises so that everyone involved can move forward without issues or confusion.

2 Reasons You Need Business Insurance

11/5/2020 (Permalink)

Reasons To Purchase Business Insurance

Building a business is the culmination of someone's dreams, passion and vision. You may invest your entire life savings into a venture you believe can help customers. That's why business maintenance is key. Unexpected situations occur daily in Chicago, IL. From broken pipes and water damage to fires and other unexpected natural disasters, the protection provided by business insurance is essential for any owner's peace of mind.

1. Your Company Looks More Credible
Some people deeply analyze a company before deciding to give it their business. In some cases, their decision comes down to factors well beyond your products and services on offer. Having solid business insurance is one way to make prospective customers and clients feel safer investing in your company. If something goes wrong on site, you'll be protected, and ultimately, they'll be protected, too. This creates a security blanket that's essential for you and your customer's peace of mind.

2. You Can Stay Afloat During an Unexpected Situation
If water damage does hit your commercial property, you'll be left with a water cleanup job you never planned — or budgeted — for. Work will likely have to be put on the back burner as you wait for a professional water restoration company to return a sense of normalcy to the premises and create a safe working environment for you and your staff.
Fortunately, business insurance can pay your bills and expenses during this time when you would be working at your business but are unable to. It keeps payments processing and doesn't put you in a deeper hole. You're able to maintain relations with creditors and other business partners while you work to get your business back to normal.
From water damage to fire or even falling trees, every day has the potential to bring unexpected challenges and situations to your business's door step. With the right protection, however, your business can weather any storm.

How To Conduct an Emergency Drill at Work

11/4/2020 (Permalink)

commercial fire Having a Commercial Fire Preparedness Plan can help prevent secondary damages after a fire.

How to Conduct an Emergency Drill at Work

Handling an emergency at work is overwhelming and hectic, especially if there isn't an organized response procedure in place. While there is no way to know if and when you will have to endure such a setback, it is best to be prepared before you are faced with a fire at the office. Here are three steps that should be included in your fire drill to avoid chaos and make safety a priority.

1. Establish Safety Routes

You fire preparedness plan needs to include maps that offer multiple escape paths. Everyone in the office should be aware of all fire evacuation routes at your Chicago IL property, not just those nearest their workstations.

Additionally, there should be fire extinguishers on each floor that are clearly marked. Routine safety equipment training should be mandatory for all personnel.

2. Give Fire Drill Assignments

Giving assignments to employees willing to take on more responsibility can slow the spread of panic during an actual fire and guarantee the fire department is called. At the very least, someone needs to be in charge of alerting the rest of the office about the situation and ensuring all personnel are accounted for post-evacuation.
There should also be a team member responsible for calling a company that specializes in fire damage assessment and restoration so that your lives can get back to normal as quickly as possible.

3. Practice

You may feel as if you have time-traveled back to elementary school while conducting your fire drill at work. All the same, practice is a critical component of how well everyone understands the expectations during a live fire. Additionally, taking the time to go over your procedures will help find any faults along the way and strengthen the game plan altogether.
It is hard to fathom the idea of a fire or other emergency at work. Still, knowing you are one step ahead of a disaster will give you peace of mind.

4 Steps Following a Storm To Prevent Residential Mold

10/21/2020 (Permalink)

Drying equipment in a living room Storm cleanup in a Park Ridge, IL home

Protect An Affected Home From Mold Growth

Following a storm, there are some important steps needed to protect an affected home from mold growth. Posting to social media seems like the popular thing to do, and sometimes that will alert friends and neighbors that help is needed with cleanup. However, many times a professional crew is the best assistance to consider.

1. Stop further damage. Water damage can come from rain, snow, flooding in Park Ridge, IL, damaged pipes, and even backed-up sewage. If there are leaks in the roof or broken windows, immediate repair is an important first step. This may need to happen even while the downpour continues. However, safety comes first — don't climb up on a roof during a lightning storm!

2. Call for help. The cleanup from flooding can often be too much for one or two person to handle on their own. While it's possible to ask family and friends who live nearby to assist, trained professionals who specialize in mold prevention have the right tools and equipment to deal with many problems promptly and effectively.

3. Remove standing water. All forms of mold and bacteria need the right environment to grow, and moisture is a key element. Getting everything dried out as quickly as possible will help prevent mold growth, which can start within 24-48 hours.

4. Discard wet floor padding and insulation. The expense of replacing materials can add up. Some carpeting can be cleaned and reinstalled, but don't make the mistake of trying to save money by allowing damaged materials to be reused. Wet carpet padding and any damp insulation in the walls or attic will take too long to dry out completely before mold can set in — they need to be replaced. Walls and all other surfaces should also be inspected for damage and moisture.
Storm cleanup can be overwhelming, and many homes in Park Ridge, IL, may be affected. Follow these steps and reach out for help to make sure that there is no mold growth in your home due to residual moisture.

Quick Facts About Mold and Your Home

10/14/2020 (Permalink)

Mold growth inside closet wall Mold damage in a Rosemont, IL home

Arrange A Mold Inspection As Soon As Possible

The sight of mold in your Rosemont, IL, home can quickly leave you feeling concerned. It's important to remember, at this point, that not all mold is toxic. Even some types of black mold may be non-toxic. However, it can be hard to tell the difference between the "harmless" and the toxic varieties, and even if it isn't toxic to humans, mold can still wreak havoc on your home. This is why it's very important to arrange for a professional mold inspection as soon as possible.

What You Need To Know
The more you know about mold and mildew in your home, the better able you are to take the appropriate cleanup steps. Here are some quick facts about house mold:

  • Mold comes in many colors, such as black, orange, yellow, green, and pink, and textures, including flat-looking, hairy, and bumpy.
  • Spores are carried by your pet, on your clothing, or on a light breeze. It is very easy for spores to spread.
  • These microscopic organisms occur naturally and can thrive in most situations, including areas with extreme temperatures. You can find them inside and outside of your home.
  • Stachybotrys atra is the toxic black mold that you may have heard about. This species of fungus has a slimy, black appearance with a greenish tinge that isn't common in other species.

You may notice the unpleasant smell associated with mildew before you see signs of trouble. With this in mind, consider the value of an annual mold inspection, especially if you live in an area with high humidity.

How Mold Affects Your House
When mold exists outside, one of its primary tasks is breaking down organic substances, a very important natural process. Unfortunately, when this process takes place on the drywall, cement, or wood structures that make up your home, you'll face expensive repairs. Technicians with experience cleaning up house mold can help you avoid a lot of damage, especially if you catch mold growth in its early stages by scheduling a routine mold inspection at least once a year.

How To Fix an Overflowing Toilet

10/14/2020 (Permalink)

How To Fix an Overflowing Toilet

While no one wants to deal with an overflowing toilet, a clogged pipe can happen to anyone. Sewage cleaning requires professional help, so try to find the root cause of the problem first to avoid more damage.

Diagnosing the Problem
If your toilet overflows when you shower, something between the toilet and the shower is clogged, causing the backup. Small clogs can be taken care of with a bit of elbow grease, but bigger problems, like tree roots in your pipes or main line, require professional help. Keep the below in mind when you're working on the problem:

  • Try clearing the toilet first with a plunger or a snake. If the shower is the culprit, run the shower after to make sure the clog cleared.
  • Homeowners who are comfortable with more complicated repairs can try clearing their main drain but will likely need a pipe wrench to remove the cover. The process can be messy if there is sewage backup.
  • A snake won't be able to handle the problem if there's a clog or tree roots in the line from your house to the main sewer line. If your DIY efforts have failed, don't attempt further work on your own at this point. A professional will need to repair or replace the line, depending on the scope of the damage.
  • If you have a septic tank, make sure it's being regularly maintained. A full or damaged tank will cause toilet overflow.
  • Look into professional sewage cleaning. Water from sewage backup can contain dangerous contaminants.

Cleaning Up Damage
Should your toilet overflow, any water damage should be taken seriously and addressed promptly. A professional water damage restoration company in Chicago, IL, can keep your home protected. Hiring the right help ensures any contaminated water is treated properly.
In a best-case scenario, clearing a small clog on your own will stop your toilet from overflowing. With more major issues, professional plumbers and sewage cleaning may be necessary to avoid further water damage to your home.

Smoke Alarms: Valuable Life-Saving Devices

10/13/2020 (Permalink)

Smoke Alarms

An effective smoke alarm system is often the difference between escaping a fire safely and suffering a tragedy. According to the National Fire Protection Association,

  • 40 percent of home fire deaths happened in homes without a working smoke detector.
  • 17 percent of home fire-related deaths happened in homes where the detector wasn't working.
  • The rate of deaths is more than twice as high in homes without alarms than in homes with them.
  • Dead batteries are a significant cause of fire alarm failures.

These statistics may be grim, but they make it clear that installing alarms appropriately and keeping them in good working condition is a life-saving habit.

Timely Signals for an Escape

The materials in today's home furnishings catch on fire much more quickly than the materials used in the past. This means that there's a very small window of time for household members to escape from a home fire. The signal of a smoke alarm should prompt each member of the home to move to their escape route.

Types of Detectors

There are several types of alarms to consider. For example, an ionization alarm is more sensitive to fast-moving flames, and a photoelectric smoke detector is best for responding to smoldering fires. For your family's safety, it's best to have a combination of types in your home. If you have young children, you may also want to consider voice alarms that are more effective at rousing children from sleep.

Consistent and Appropriate Maintenance

A key factor in keeping your fire alarm system in working condition is proper maintenance. For example, once a month you should push the test button. Replace the batteries twice a year. The alarms themselves should be replaced every ten years. Write the date of installation on the back of the alarm, so it's easy to remember when to replace the detectors.

Do you know the condition of your existing smoke alarm system? Avoid a visit from fire damage cleanup and restoration professionals by updating the system in your Park Ridge,IL, home.

Who Pays for Damages in a Rental Fire?

9/4/2020 (Permalink)

In an office fire, your first concern is your safety and well-being and that of everyone you work with. You also need to be mindful of the repair, cleanup and restoration costs and what responsibilities you have. If your office is in a rented apartment building in Chicago, IL, it’s important to understand that your insurance coverage may not take care of all the damages. Make sure you understand what you face in the aftermath of this apartment fire.

Insurance Options

If you rent office space for your company, the landlord will purchase property insurance to cover damages to the structure. To protect anything you own, it’s a smart idea to get additional commercial renter’s insurance. This will come in handy if an apartment fire starts, even if you accidentally caused it. This insurance can compensate you for the following:

  • Damaged or destroyed furniture you purchased
  • Décor or pictures you purchased
  • Personal knick-knacks and memorabilia
  • Personal equipment you used for work but purchased yourself

Property Insurance Payments

Regardless of the cause (unless it was on purpose), the property insurance should cover all fire damage to the building itself, including walls, ceilings, flooring, the roof, electrical equipment or other building systems. Make sure your landlord has comprehensive coverage against fires.

When You Have to Pay

Fires are not only destructive because of the scorching flames, but water damage and smoke damage can be significant as well. If you happened to have caused the fire due to an accident or mishap, the respective insurance coverages should kick in. However, if you intentionally caused the fire, not only will you be held financially liable for damages and to pay for professional fire restoration teams to clean up and rebuild, but you may be prosecuted.
An apartment fire has the potential to damage or destroy a significant amount of your work materials. It’s a wise idea to supplement the property coverage with commercial renter’s insurance.

Does Commercial Property Insurance Cover Fire Damage?

9/4/2020 (Permalink)

Commercial Fire Damage Insurance Coverage

Commercial property insurance can cover any structure zoned for commercial use. Depending on the level of coverage and any additional endorsements, this insurance should pay for damage resulting from burst pipes, fire, explosions, storms, or theft and vandalism. Commercial insurance can shield businesses from bearing the extensive costs of fire damage alone.

The pricing of these policies depends on several factors.

  • Fire protection levels: The cost of a business insurance policy that covers fire may vary depending on the distance of the closest fire station. You may pay higher premiums if you are far from assistance or do not have suitable fire suppression safety equipment in your place of business.
  • Building materials: The materials used to build a commercial property may also play a major role in determining how much commercial insurance for your business will cost. Is the building built out of fire-resistant materials or combustibles like wood? Do newer structural features or updates maintain the same level or a higher level of fire safety than the rest of the building? Insurers will factor in any additions and modifications as well as the original structure, which may either raise or lower premiums.
  • The type of business: When it comes to buying property insurance or policies that compensate for business interruptions, offices are generally considered to be safer commercial properties than restaurants or businesses that work with potentially hazardous substances.

Fire is a common risk covered by commercial property insurance no matter where your business is located. Some policies may require endorsements for other less common disasters such as earthquakes or floods. If you are considering purchasing commercial insurance for your property in Chicago, IL, you should carefully assess the fire risks of your property and determine the best policy for your needs. If a fire does occur, this coverage may offset the cost of fire damage mitigation.

5 Ways To Prevent Mold Growth

9/2/2020 (Permalink)

5 Ways To Prevent Mold Growth

Fungus exists everywhere, traveling easily into indoor spaces. Usually, the microbes are innocuous, simply living without causing problems; however, that can change when the right elements align. Organic matter, fluid (such as from water damage) and microorganisms spell out a recipe for a mold disaster. Therefore, business owners in Park Ridge, IL, should take care to avoid excess moisture. By doing that, it's less likely that mold reproduction will occur. Here are five ways proprietors can try to ward off unwanted development.

1. Inspect Your Utilities
Keep a keen eye on your faucets and appliance lines. In fact, check them regularly. Sometimes, small leaks can begin, showing as rust or rings. These are subtle signs that liquid is accruing, allowing mold growth to begin. If you notice anything amiss, have a water restoration company immediately evaluate the trouble and mitigate the situation.

2. Ensure Your Property Drains Well
External water damage should be considered. Check the property's drainage plans. The land should be sloped for improved flow. In addition, gutters should help draw rain to appropriate areas. Clean them out regularly to avoid clogs.

3. Invest in Mold-Resistant Products
During renovations or construction, spend a bit more for materials that offer some mold prevention. Both drywall and paint are available, giving you one more step to security.

4. Maintain Good Air Circulation
Humidity should remain between 30 to 60 percent. To achieve this, run your air conditioner regularly. If you still observe an issue, then purchase dehumidifiers. If you have small closets or crawl spaces, look for moisture-absorbent items, providing dryness in harder-to-reach locations.

5. Check the Roof
Overtime small holes can develop, permitting moisture to enter through the shingles. Have a specialist assess the roofing at least twice a year, noting anything amiss. Any abnormalities should be mended. Plus, carefully examine everything, detecting if any internal devastation is present.
Be proactive in your approach. Drier is better, so don't allow water damage to linger.

4 Actions To Take To Prevent Water Damage

9/2/2020 (Permalink)

Standing water on floor due to pipe damage Water damage in Rosemont, IL

Avoid Water Problems In Your Property

Sometimes events happen that come without any warning at all. For example, a brand new appliance fails and leaks water all over a room. The truth is, though, that many incidents are preventable and a little foresight or timely maintenance can often prevent an expensive business claim. This is important because water damage in your company can easily run into the thousands of dollars. Even if you have good property insurance, the disruption to your business can be unsettling. Here are a few things you can do to avoid large water problems on your property.

1. Winterize the Plumbing. If your property in Rosemont, IL, is located in a cold-weather region, the plumbing system should be protected against freezing weather. This includes such items as the outdoor sprinkling system as well as any indoor areas that are exposed to the cold. Failure to properly winterize items each season can lead to a pipe break and damage to the property.

2. Have a Plan. To avoid an unnecessary business claim, you should write down a plan for regular maintenance of water lines and appliances. Don't rely on memory to make sure the pipes are cleared out every fall, but commit it to a written schedule.

3. Take Quick Action. If anyone notices water where it does not belong, act aggressively. A small water leak can quickly grow larger. A leak can also lead to other problems such as mold growth.

4. Call in the Professionals. If your pipes break or an appliance fails, call for the help of a local water remediation company. Trained technicians will arrive on scene and work to mitigate any damage. They will remove any standing water and address the source of the water problem. They can also help you document the damages and expenses for a business claim. A professional response minimizes any disruptions to your company.

How To Lessen Severe Weather Damage on Your Business

9/2/2020 (Permalink)

Severe weather can strike during any season in Chicago, IL. Staying prepared is key to lessening the damage that can be caused by severe weather. Regardless if it's a rain storm, high winds or heavy lightning, there are measures you can take to ensure your business operations are less likely to be impacted.

Before Severe Weather Strikes

Maintaining your property is important to avoiding damage. Making sure your employees are informed is equally important.
Before severe weather happens, make sure your employees have a designated safe place to take cover in the event of damaging winds or potential tornado. Also, be sure everyone has access to an emergency preparedness kit. The kit should include first aid supplies, drinking water, hand sanitizer, a radio with working batteries or rechargeable hand crank, light sticks and a whistle.
Around your property, keep trees and shrubbery trimmed to lessen clean up after a rain storm. Regularly remove damaged and dead branches and don't allow them to grow near windows. If a tree is dying, have it removed.
If your building has a lightning rod, have it inspected every year. Make sure a quality assurance certification is completed every three to five years.

During Severe Weather
Once a thunderstorm strikes, be prepared for anything to happen. Take preventive measures to keep everyone safe, including the following:

  • Keep employees safe by keeping them away from windows and skylights.
  • Keep apprised of the situation from your local news.
  • Stay indoors if you hear thunder, as that means lightning is nearby.
  • Avoid electrical equipment.
  • If you hear emergency sirens, take cover immediately.
  • Remain calm.

If you experience damage during the thunderstorm, shut off the power to your building if it safe to do so. If the damage is severe, don't attempt to perform cleanup yourself, as hazards could be present. Contact your insurance company and contact restoration specialists who are trained for these types of situations.
Always have emergency contacts on hand should you need assistance. Being prepared for a rain storm or thunderstorm is the biggest part of keeping everyone and everything safe.

3 Essential Steps To Remove Odors After a Flood

8/13/2020 (Permalink)

Air mover placed in a home after storm water went inside Storm cleanup in Chicago, IL

Follow These Steps To Return Everything To A Fresher State

Flood waters cause nasty odors to seep into furniture, walls, flooring, and carpet. These smells are often the result of mold growth when homes are improperly cleaned after a flood. If your home in Chicago, IL, recently experienced a flood, follow these steps to return everything to a fresher state.

1. Clean Thoroughly
It seems obvious, but the first step in cleaning up after a flood is to remove all flood water and return your property to baseline dryness. Use a wet vacuum wherever necessary to ensure all excess moisture is gone. Once dry, wipe down the walls and floor with soap and disinfectant. Steam-clean carpets, drapes, and absorbent furniture that might be salvageable. If sewage loss occurred, be diligent in cleaning to avoid a lingering foul stench.

2. Assess the Damage
Once items have been dried, cleaned, and disinfected, assess the damage. Mold growth can fester in any damp environment. Take note of flooring or walls that no longer seem solid or have visible signs of damage. Check behind discolored wallpaper and test the integrity of furniture. Any porous surface can retain foul odors.

3. Replace Items That Are Beyond Repair
Remove and replace any carpets, furniture, or drapes that cannot be properly cleaned and dispose of them properly. Replace drywall and flooring that is no longer sound. Disposing of and replacing these items may be a costly endeavor but will likely outweigh the disruption of lingering odors from the flood. If the expense is too great, check with your insurance to see if your damages are covered.
A home is a safe haven — a place to find refuge and comfort. Lingering odors from mold growth following a flood are a headache you do not have to live with. If you tried to rid your home of nasty smells following a flood but still find them to be a nuisance, consider calling a storm damage restoration specialist to assess the problem.

How To Test for Mold

7/28/2020 (Permalink)

Mold can cause a significant amount of damage to your home in Rosemont, IL. Unless you can smell its telltale musty odor, though, it’s not always immediately apparent that you have a fungus growth somewhere in the house. A professional mold assessment can determine whether you need remediation.

Drawbacks of Home Tests

There’s no such thing as a house that doesn’t have any mold present. There are several ways spores can get into your home:

  • Pets
  • Clothes
  • Shoes
  • Bags

If you suspect you have black mold, you may decide to get a testing kit at the hardware store. All that kit is going to tell you is that mold spores are in your home. It doesn’t indicate where, how much, or what kind of fungus is there. To get the results you need to make an informed decision about the next steps to take, you need a professional mold assessment.

Benefits of a Professional Test
When certified mold specialists or environmental hygienists visit your home, they use a much more sophisticated test than you can buy at the store. They take air samples to figure out where the spores are most densely concentrated. This helps them find the location of the growth. A surface test can determine if the growth is mold or some other type of fungus such as mildew. Technicians can also remove items from your house and have them tested in the lab to determine if they can be salvaged. Finally, a culture test can reveal the species of mold that is present. Professional testing gives mold remediation experts the information they need to mitigate the damage to your dwelling and restore it to its former condition.
If you suspect you have a mold problem in your house, a home test isn't going to give you definitive results. A professional mold assessment from a certified environmental hygienist is necessary.

What To Know About Fire Damage Restoration Estimates

7/7/2020 (Permalink)

What To Know About Fire Damage Restoration Estimates

After a fire at your Park Ridge, IL, business you may need to get an estimate for your restoration costs. These numbers may vary leaving you wondering what the costs actually are. This is why it’s important to understand what factors may come in to play when determining the restoration costs. The quote provided by your local fire damage restoration service may take into account the following things.

1. Multiple Damage Types

After a fire, multiple forms of damage may have occurred. In addition to fire damage, there may also be problems with smoke and soot. Fire suppression efforts may also have caused some flooding which could mean potential water damage problems as well. Your restoration professional should take into account all of these damages and the repairs required when quoting your repair costs.

2. Additional Services

In some cases, an estimate quote may also include the costs of additional services that may be desired. These can include security, tarping services, content cleaning, and digitizing damaged paperwork. Be sure to talk to your restoration professional about what services you will need to ensure the costs of these are included in the quote.

3. Insurance Coverage

In some cases, your commercial fire insurance policy may cover some or all of the restoration costs depending on your coverage plan. This is why you may also wish to talk to your insurance agent about which restoration teams they may recommend for the job.

When quoting an estimate for the restoration of your company after a fire, the local restoration crew may be accounting for various damage types they will need to clean, and additional services you may require. It’s also important to note that sometimes your insurance may cover some of the restoration costs. Choosing an insurance approved restoration crew with the ability to handle all of these things themselves may save you money.

Can Items Be Saved After a Fire?

7/7/2020 (Permalink)

One of the hardest things about experiencing a fire in Rosemont, IL can be the loss of personal belongings. Walls and floors can be repaired, a roof replaced and plumbing and electrical redone. The contents of the building, however, can have meaning and personal attachment that makes them difficult to do without. Dry-cleaning and other techniques can be used to save many items.

What Methods are Used to Clean Contents?

There are several methods that can be effective depending on the material the items are made up of. Here are a few of the favored content cleaning choices.

Dry-cleaning — For clothing and draperies and fabrics with soot stains

Laundering – For other fabric items not contaminated with soot

Cleaning with detergent – metal and hard surfaces

Shampooing – Carpet my possibly be cleaned this way if the damage is only from smoke
Ultrasonic treatment – This method works well for many non-porous materials

Cleaning and Storage

The first two options are best for cleaning smoke and odors from clothing and fabric items that suffered soot stains in the fire. You may also be able to save draperies, sheets and bedding and bathroom linens this way.

A soapy wash with an anti-bacterial detergent may help save some of your washable items like dishes, glassware, and surfaces like laminate or tile. For non-porous items, a dip in an ultrasonic unit can loosen and break up soot and smoke residue. They should be thoroughly cleaned to remove stains and odors.

Content cleaning is a particular process best handled by fire restoration professionals. Using the wrong method can cause permanent damage. Professionals in Rosemont, IL know what works best to salvage anything possible. In some cases, cleaned items may be put into content storage to protect them from becoming contaminated until restoration is complete.

If a fire disaster happens, get help that understands the way dry-cleaning and other methods can help save your content. They can help make it “Like it never even happened.”

An Initial Assessment Could Reduce Your Claim Expense

6/11/2020 (Permalink)

Drying equipment. Air movers and dehumidifiers SERVPRO high tech content cleaning equipment

An Initial Assessment Could Reduce Your Claim Expense

When storms, fire, or water ravage a building, property owners in Chicago, IL, look to restoration as a chance to regain normalcy. They aren't always sure how to proceed, so they turn to their insurers for guidance. During the first few hours of damage assessment, it's important for both parties to initiate pretesting of the location to gain a true understanding of the magnitude of the repairs needed. This knowledge is pivotal in lowering the overall costs of the claim.

1. Identify the Extent and Type of Damage
Does the property really need a new floor? Was it truly necessary to gut the entire bottom section? During early testing, the experts can guide decisions that are essentials for renovations, verifying the extent of the insurance claim. Not only will the SERVPRO team evaluate where the problem happened, but they can also assess what category of water impacted the rooms and whether state laws deem work should be required. This is documented through photos and paperwork.

2. Minimize Additional Destruction
During pretesting stages, the disaster remediation company focuses on containment, attempting to cut down on unnecessary costs further down the road. The specialists identify the original source of the trouble and determine the possibility of further contamination. With this information, they can locate impacted sections and establish barriers, preventing situations such as mold growth or additional water saturation. Furthermore, they can stop air circulation so that spores do not travel. In addition, they'll ensure that dehumidifiers dry up water-logged walls and floors.

3. Focus on Restoring, not Just Replacing
The bottom line is essential; the insurance agent must balance safety and price. SERVPRO understands that using high tech content cleaning equipment can help to reduce costs and salvage items that otherwise might simply be thrown out. During early evaluations, the crew can identify fixtures and electronics that can be treated and sanitized.
It's about doing a job well and doing it right. Pretesting establishes a foundation for completing the restoration project on time and within a reasonable price.

What To Do if Water Is Dripping From a Ceiling Light

5/28/2020 (Permalink)

What To Do if Water Is Dripping From a Ceiling Light

You’ve just settled into bed after a busy day, and then you feel it — an icy drop of water hits your face. You know nothing about water in light bulbs, other than it’s bad. What now?
Don’t panic! Before calling professional help in Park Ridge, IL, follow these steps:

  • Shut off the light switch. (Use a flashlight if it’s dark).
  • Find the water main to the house and turn it off.
  • Go to the breaker box and shut off the electricity.

Once you’re safe, evaluate the situation. Water in a light fixture often causes ceiling damage and electrical problems, so you'll need a specialist who can address this combination of issues. Instead of an electrician or plumber, consider a company that offers water damage restoration. This is definitely not a DIY situation.

Water Damage Restoration: What To Expect
Water in light fixtures isn't an everyday event. In fact, you probably never thought you’d be in this situation, so you may have no idea what happens when it occurs. Here's what to expect:

Evaluation: Your provider will survey the affected areas and document the needed repairs.
Elimination: This is the water removal process, which can vary depending on the amount of water and the location of the leak.
Sanitization: The technician should remove humidity and mold, then thoroughly sanitize the area.
Restoration: The last step involves any repairs needed to return the area to normal.

Water Damage Prevention: What To Do Next
Now that you’re familiar with the effect of water in light fixtures, how can you prevent it? While natural disasters are unpredictable, you can monitor the following:

Faucets and toilets: Make a habit of checking for drips, leaks, and cracks around these fixtures, especially in rooms on the second or third floors.
Water heaters, dishwashers, and washing machines: Large appliances that use water can be prone to problems as they age. Regularly inspect the floor and walls around these machines, and any visible hoses, for signs of moisture and mold.

These simple steps can help you avoid unwanted water in the future. Sleep well knowing you’ve done your best to protect your investment from another round of ceiling damage.

How Renters Insurance Can Help With Fire Damage

5/28/2020 (Permalink)

How Renters Insurance Can Help With Fire Damage

A fire can do serious damage to your Rosemont, IL, rental home. Fortunately, renters insurance can help you get through this stressful time.

The landlord's insurance will cover fire damage to the structure itself, but the renter will be responsible for certain other costs. There are a variety of expenses that fire insurance covers, including the following:

  • Contents restoration
  • Temporary relocation
  • Liability
  • Small medical payments

The contents of the rental home, including furniture, clothing, etc., are covered under a renters insurance policy. This means that you will receive funds to repair or replace damaged personal property up to the coverage limits listed in the policy. Some policies will cover what it costs to replace the items, but other policies only pay what the items were worth prior to the loss, known as actual cash value. Many policies also cover the costs of living arrangements during the restoration period. Additionally, fire insurance may provide the policy holder with liability coverage in the case that he or she accidentally causes a fire that results in a loss for a third party. Some policies will also pay small medical costs incurred by a third party without having to establish liability. Talk to your insurance agent to make sure you fully understand the details of your policy.

Contents Restoration
The items in your home are made of a variety of materials. In addition to furniture, you may have electronics, antiques, and important documents that need to be restored following fire and water damage. Fortunately, there are a variety of cleaning and drying methods available, including the following:

  • Dry cleaning
  • Vacuum freeze drying
  • Vacuum thermal drying

A professional can help determine what can and cannot be salvaged and the best fire restoration techniques for your possessions.
Although getting your life back to normal after a fire can be a daunting task, renters insurance can help you financially. Additionally, a certified restoration team can help you restore your belongings to pre-fire condition.

Preventing Mold-Related Claims

5/13/2020 (Permalink)

As a commercial landlord or property owner in Chicago, IL, the law may not be clear regarding requirements to make sure your property is safe to inhabit, especially since a commercial building doesn’t necessarily need to be habitable, per se. Still, it should be fit for planned use. When it comes to mold remediation, you may be responsible as a commercial landlord for not only cleaning the mold, but also repairing the condition that created the standing water from which the fungus developed. You’ll need to check if any existing insurance policies you hold allow you to make mold insurance claims.

Ounce of Prevention Is a Pound of Cure

The best way to avoid a mold claim is by being diligent about preventing fungus from developing at all. As a commercial property owner or manager, you should regularly check for condensation build-up, leaks, faulty drainage at foundations and damaged seals around windows and other openings. Ventilation systems should also be inspected for the presence of mold. Potential warnings for future trouble spots include the following:

  • Water damage, including flooding, busted pipes or fire extinguishment
  • Wet conditions lasting longer than 48 hours
  • Moisture issues such as leaky windows or pipes
  • Moldy or musty odors
  • Structural remodeling or repurposing

Staying on top of these issues goes a long way to avoiding mold insurance claims.

Mold Damage Repair and Restoration
If you suspect you have a mold problem, hire an investigator who can take air samples and is equipped to thoroughly investigate to determine the source and the extent of the problem. Leave the mold cleanup process to a team of trained professionals who are experts when it comes to mold remediation, water damage cleanup, and drying techniques. These experts can respond quickly, minimizing damage, stopping the spread of mold, and reducing the duration of the restoration process. Quick and thorough cleanup may help you reduce the amount of any mold insurance claims or eliminate them altogether.

Flood Water Preparation Tips

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

Do you know the flood risks your home could face in Park Ridge, IL? Preparing against potential floodwater may take planning and effort, but it may also pay big dividends by helping preserve your belongings — and perhaps even your house — from severe water damage if disaster strikes.

Location Matters

The flood risk to your home may be greater than average if it is located in certain places:

  • In a floodplain
  • Near a stream or river
  • At the base of a mountain or hill

That risk may not be evident at first glance, either. It may only become apparent after a storm. Check federal and local resources regarding flooding potential: There may be historical data sites available to help you assess vulnerability or alert systems already in place in your area to help you stay actively informed.
For example, if you live near a river or stream, find out if it has ever overflowed, and why. Armed with that knowledge, you can also monitor current information for increased risk of floodwater by visiting the U.S. Geological Survey's website to check the status of water levels near you.
Do you know if you live in a floodplain? You can find out by checking your address at the FEMA Flood Map Service Center.

Awareness May Help You Limit or Avoid Water Damage
Knowing that a flood could someday occur in your area gives you time to take intentional steps to safeguard your house and property. Such steps could include things like contacting your insurance agent, making sure your basement or foundation is properly sealed, storing important documents and valuables in a waterproof safe, and learning who to turn to for water damage repair. In the short run, being alerted to a potential flood may give you precious time to move certain things to higher ground or sandbag key areas to prevent a flooded building.
Take time to prepare now. Your home may be better protected from floodwater because of your diligence.

How Fire Can Damage Different Parts of Your Business's Computers

4/20/2020 (Permalink)

How Fire Can Damage Different Parts of Your Business's Computers

Computers are one of the most important pieces of electronic equipment your business in Chicago, IL, needs to run its everyday operations. When damaged in an electrical fire, how the computer cleanup process goes depends on the different parts affected by the heat, soot, and smoke.

1. Metal
Different metals, such as aluminum, silicon, lead, copper, and tin, make up a large majority of computer components. Although most of these metals remain intact even when exposed to higher temperatures, the longer exposure to heat continues in a fire, the more the metals will continue to break down.
2. Platters
The platters within a computer are disks that store the device's data, and they are typically made from cobalt, ceramic, aluminum or glass. These disks can withstand high temperatures and smoke damage for a certain period of time, but after prolonged exposure to an electrical fire, they will start to bubble, melt and warp.
3. Rubber Seals
Some solid-state drives and most hard disk drives include metal casings that protect the disks within the computer. An industrial-strength rubber gasket seals these cases to prevent damage, but during a fire, it will begin to melt when the surrounding environment reaches approximately 620 degrees Fahrenheit.
4. Plastic Parts
The exterior case, the insulation within the exterior case, the keys in the keyboard and even some of the electronic circuits within a computer are plastic. Even if fire cleanup professionals can salvage most of your business' computer parts, it is unlikely the plastic components will survive, as they typically start to melt soon after exposure to a direct flame or indirect heat.
The sooner you can save your business's computers from exposure to heat and flames during an electrical fire, the better. While you may not be able to use the devices again, you may be able to recover some of the important data stored within them.

How To Choose the Right Generator

4/10/2020 (Permalink)

How To Choose the Right Generator

When the power goes out in Rosemont, IL, it can devastate businesses that do not have commercial generators for emergency preparedness. However, there are important factors that can impact the efficiency and safety of these machines. If you are considering a generator for your commercial property, here is what you need to know.

Commercial Generators

Commercial generators provide electricity through the motion created within the machine by a fuel source. They can provide automatic back-up power in the event of storm damage, flood damage and other events that cause power outages. Different units run on different types of fuel including diesel, gas, bi-fuel and solar power.

Avoiding Generator Problems

Regular maintenance is essential to avoid problems. Here are some tips to help you avoid issues with your generator:

  • Inspect and maintain it annually and after use every 200 hours.
  • Run it regularly to avoid stagnant fuel or air in the machine.
  • Have enough fuel in it during operation.
  • Choose the size needed at the time of purchase, not based on future needs.

Joining a service contract with experienced professionals, such as those who provide storm damage restoration is a good way to upkeep any generator, as well.


The bigger the engine, the more power it can put out. So, when it comes to generators, the bigger the better, right? Not necessarily. If it does not use 35% or more of the load, there are many problems that can occur, including a fire. Therefore, ensure you know the hertz, kilowatts, type of phase and voltage required for your property.


How long a unit lasts depends on several factors including the quality of the machine, how long it is run every day and if it is well maintained. Most generators can last from 3,000 to 5,000 hours depending on whether they are of standard or high-end quality. You can expect them to last at least 20 years if properly maintained.
A generator can provide valuable peace of mind in an emergency. If you choose to invest in one for your property, it can last for many years to come with proper care.

Getting a Hold on Mold

3/26/2020 (Permalink)

Drywall covered with mold, air scrubber present in the room. Concept mold remediation Getting rid of mold in a home

Unlike other home maintenance issues, mold damage is not something you can afford to put off for a rainy day. Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. In fact, it will get significantly worse. For the average professional mold removal job in Park Ridge, IL, you can spend anywhere from $500 to $6,000; however extensive mold damage can run into the tens of thousands of dollars for remediation. When it comes to eliminating mold, time is really of the essence. Delaying can make all the difference on the cost for cleanup.

Go With a Pro

Although you may be alerted to the presence of mold by seeing it on drywall or wood or by detecting a musty odor, your best move is to hire an independent professional inspector. A pro can take samples and properly determine the extent mold removal required. An inspector should do the following:

  • Have industry-specific credentials
  • Be independent of a mold remediation company
  • Provide a detailed, specific report based on lab and air samples
  • Be objective about findings and not try to promote a particular company or cleanup approach (e.g., black mold removal, professional vs. DIY mold cleanup)

Understand the Inspection Process

A mold investigator may charge from $200 to $600. The job can last from two to six hours, including the taking of air samples. Air samples can cost up to $150 per sample. They may be rolled into the investigator’s price, though, so you should ask about them upfront.
Your walls may be cut so that the investigator can determine how much mold there is. A good inspector will not only tell you what level of mold eradication is necessary but also the source of the issue so you can make repairs. If you need to hire mold cleanup experts, the job can take several days for simple cleaning and drying or up to several weeks if demolition and reconstruction is necessary.
The mold removal process doesn't have to be stressful. By knowing what to expect upfront, you can make educated decisions and enlist helpful professionals who can restore your home in no time.

The Problems Associated With Storm Damage

3/20/2020 (Permalink)

The Problems Associated With Storm Damage

There is nothing that is more devastating to a homeowner than having to deal with storm damage. However, with calamities such as Hurricane Irma and Harvey following one another in quick succession, many people have to brace themselves to foot the cost of home restoration. Below is a list of the problems which usually follow storm damage, and how damage restoration experts handle them.


Storms bring with them a lot of groundwater from the sea, river flooding, rainfall, and other sources. The flooding problem can become a life and death situation, especially in states that are near the coast. When flooding happens, you should quickly evacuate everyone from the affected areas and move them to safety. Flooding can only be mediated after the storm has passed. Flood pumps are normally used for the water restoration process. The experts will assess the water levels and determine which flood pumps are best for the home restoration.

River flooding

People that live near rivers need to understand that when it rains, river flooding can turn into a groundwater nightmare. The challenging thing about river flooding is that the water will be full of silt, dead organisms and other debris which makes the water category 2 or category 3. You should only allow experts to handle river flooding and the resulting damage. They know the home restoration processes which will remove any dangers connected to contaminated water restoration.

Storm damage

A storm will ruin any structure in its path. Storm damage affects all parts of the house from the roof to the basement. When storm damage has occurred, especially when flood water is involved, you should contact roof repair and restoration experts. They will help you come up with flood water restoration measures to address the problem. As long as a competent storm damage restoration company is working on your behalf, you can be assured that they will try their best to preserve the integrity of your house during home restoration.

Roof damages

Recent hurricanes have featured winds moving at speeds of more than 100mph. When these winds come into contact with structures like houses, they blow off the roofs instantly. These roof damages expose the interior of the house to ice damming and ice damage. If the roof damage or wind damage does not lead to the complete blowing off of the roof, minor issues such as roof leaks will result. The house will then be open to more hail damage and ice damage. Roof repair should be done as soon as damage occurs to protect your house interior from flood water and any further harm.

Frozen pipes

Temperatures can get extremely low after storms. When this happens, frozen pipes will result, and this could lead to bursting, and eventually flood water in the home. Storm restoration for issues caused by frozen pipes should, therefore, start with thawing the pipes to prevent further water flooding in the home. The experts know how to handle frozen pipes during the storm remediation.

Ice dams, ice damage, and hurricane damage

When the storms are blowing in, and the temperatures are low, the rain may fall as small pellets of ice known as hail damage. Sometimes these pellets will be as large as a golf ball. These cause a lot of hurricane damage to windows, roofs and other parts of the house. At times, when it snows, the ice damming will accumulate on the roof and gutters, leading to ice damage and ice dams in the long run. Roof repairs should concentrate on the removal of ice dams, prevent future ice damming and repair damages as part of storm restoration.

The process of storm restoration and storm remediation.

Storm restoration should be done by professionals. These are the only people who you can trust to assess the hurricane damage, roof leaks, river flooding, hail damage, and other catastrophes and come up with a workable plan for storm remediation. Before you consult a certain company for water restoration and flood restoration, you should understand the process which is normally followed:

  • Flood pumps will be brought in to remove water from groundwater.
  • Any roof leaks, roof damage, and wind damage will be resolved by roof repair.
  • All the structures ruined by hurricane damage, wind damage, ice dams, ice damage, and hail damage will be reconstructed. Flood pumps will ultimately be used to clear all the water.

The ultimate aim of groundwater, floodwater, ice damming, and storm remediation. is to take the house to the state it was in before any of the roof leaks, flooding and other wind damage.

Proper Preparation Can Help Prevent Winter Storm Damage

3/20/2020 (Permalink)

Proper Preparation Can Help Prevent Winter Storm Damage

Before icy winds blow, commercial property owners in Chicago, IL can take steps to prepare for winter storms. Time spent winter-proofing structures can pay big dividends by saving money and time in repair and restoration costs, including for the two most common types of winter storm destruction: frozen pipes and roof damage.

An Ounce of Prevention

When summer ends and the days grow shorter, owners of business buildings should work with a checklist every year to best prepare their properties for the cold months ahead. A few steps taken in time can save many headaches later.

  1. Inspect the exterior. Have a professional check the roof, and repair all damages to rain spouts and drains. Clear the gutters to help prevent ice dams, which can damage property and eventually lead to mold growth.
  2. Take care of trees. Trim trees and bushes near the property to help prevent building damage from ice storms.
  3. Turn up the heat. Keep temperatures throughout commercial structures above 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius), even in empty or unused rooms, to prevent a pipe burst from causing damage.
  4. Keep it clear. Before properties need repairs after a wintry storm, put arrangements in place to keep access to business structures clear during snowy, icy weather. This includes arranging for snowplows.
  5. Plan for the worst. Preparing for winter storms is not a time for positive thinking or hoping for the best. Think of worst-case scenarios, including frozen pipes, pipe bursts, and roof damage, and write a contingency plan for each one. Inform all team members about the disaster plan.

Disasters Happen

Even with the best preparations for fierce winter storms, damage to commercial properties in Chicago, Illinois can occur. When it does, building owners should notify their insurance companies and also call in restoration specialists who can quickly assess the situation and begin repairs. The right professionals can make the damage seem to disappear. 

Why Professional Storm Damage Restoration is Critical

3/20/2020 (Permalink)

Air movers placed in a home, drying up affected area after storm damage. Concept of storm restoration Storm restoration in a home

Why Professional Storm Damage Restoration is Critical

When there has been a storm of any level, homeowners need to look at overcoming storm damage. The damage could be in the form of ice dams, frozen pipes, flooding, and much more. A homeowner can start on storm remediation. However, storm restoration should be handled by professionals.

There's often a lot that happens after a storm. There could be hurricane damage, hail damage, wind damage, roof damage, and other problems. There could also be river flooding and a lot of ground water.

If there is river flooding, it's important for a water restoration company to come out with a flood pump. It will ensure that the ground water doesn't have the opportunity to ruin too many things in the home. This is the problem that homeowners deal with if they don't ask for professional help with storm restoration. They don't have the flood pump and the means to deal with flood water from river flooding.

If hurricane damage, wind damage, hail damage, and other forms of storm damage are not caught early on, it can result in problems for the home. There might be flooding that isn't caught early enough. If homeowners don't use a flood pump, ground water could seep into the foundation, result in mold and mildew, and much more.

A home restoration company can come in to examine ice damage, hail damage, roof damage, wind damage, hurricane damage, and more. They can identify the cause of frozen pipes, the reason for ice damming, and more. If there is an ice dam, it should be addressed. If homeowners ignore an ice dam or don't see an ice dam, it could lead to big problems.

A company can also help with storm remediation. Many people forget about the concept of storm remediation. It's important to look at river flooding, ice damming, and other things to see how to get the problem under control. It will make it easier to work on storm restoration.

There's a lot going on after any kind of hurricane damage, ice damage, or hail damage. A home restoration company will work to improve the look of the home. It begins by cleaning up all of the mess, fixing a roof leak, making a needed roof repair, and clearing out an ice dam. If there is ice damming or frozen pipes, professionals will know what needs to be done.

In some instances, it's possible to make improvements to the home so that problems don't arise again. For example, re-routing pipes can prevent frozen pipes. A good roof repair can prevent a roof leak. It might also be possible to strengthen windows so they are less likely to break after hail damage.

All sorts of things can happen when there is a storm. However, home restoration companies are capable of dealing with water restoration and storm restoration. They know how to deal with flooding and significant amounts of flood water. They can use a flood pump as part of the water restoration process. They can also get started with storm remediation.

The sooner professionals are brought in to help with river flooding and home restoration as a whole, the easier it is for a home to look its best.

Some homeowners see calling in professionals as an expense. However, it's most often a way to save money when there is the need to fix flooding, ice damage, roof damage, and more. A roof leak can be difficult to fix. Calling in people who know how to handle a roof repair will make it easier for a problem to be handled correctly.

What looks like a little storm damage could be a lot more. If a DIY goes wrong, it costs more to fix the ice damage or anything else going on. Storm damage, whether it's in the form of roof damage, flood water, or something else has to be dealt with. A solid roof repair will prevent a roof leak down the road.

Homeowners need to be realistic about wind damage and what else can occur from storms. There might be the need to deal with ground water and other flood water in the neighborhood. Whatever is going on, it's best to let a professional storm damage restoration company deal with water restoration and other issues.

We are Cleaning Experts

3/17/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is Here to Help during this time of need 

During this unprecedented time caused by the global pandemic of coronavirus, this is a reminder to our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services, and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. 

Specialized Training 

We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform on a daily basis. 

The CDC encourages cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and tables. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC’s guidance for commercial spaces include: 

  • Kitchen/Food Areas 
  • Bathrooms 
  • Schools/Classrooms 
  • Offices 
  • Retail Spaces 
  • Water Fountains 
  • Shelving/Racks 
  • Sales Counters 
  • Carpets and Rugs 
  • Stair Handrails 
  • Elevator Cars 
  • Playground Equipment 
  • Fitness Equipment 

Specialized Products 

The CDC recommends usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. While there is currently no product tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, we are following all guidelines as provided by the CDC and local authorities. 

Call Today for a Proactive Cleaning 

If your home or business needs deep cleaning services, call the experts today – SERVPRO of Park Ridge, N. Rosemont & S. Des Plaines- (847) 795-9200

Some Commercial Storm Damage May Be Tax Deductible

3/3/2020 (Permalink)

Some Commercial Storm Damage May Be Tax-Deductible

Chicago, IL, has seen its share of storms. Ideally, all the storm damage would be covered by insurance, but in real life, circumstances can leave you with no coverage. Those situations include, but aren’t limited to

Lapse in coverage
Excluded type of damage
No insurance

Occasional Good Reasons for Not Having Insurance
Flood damage is specifically excluded from most commercial insurance policies. It’s usually better to get the added coverage available through the National Flood Insurance Program, but that can be expensive, so the premiums should be weighed against the potential of a flood and the possible losses.
In certain limited cases, having no commercial insurance may be advisable for smaller operations. For example, if a business consists of a sole proprietor who works from home, insurance for their business makes no sense.
A lapse in insurance can come from several sources. It’s not unusual to forget to send in a check – a situation often discovered at a bad moment indeed. However, a check really can, just like the old joke, get lost in the mail, also leading to a lapse. Hopefully, your insurance company will notify you if that happens.

Uninsured Damage to Businesses May Be Tax Deductible
If your business does have insurance, but you choose not to file a claim, that may complicate writing the damage off your taxes. For homeowner’s insurance, whether you can write off storm damage is quite complicated. However, business casualty losses are usually tax deductible.
To qualify, the damage must be from an identifiable event, such as severe thunderstorms, wildfires or floods. You need to save all your receipts and, if you have insurance, be able to show the loss wasn’t covered by the company.
One additional possible benefit is that major catastrophes may be declared a disaster by the federal government. In those cases, businesses may be allowed to write off the losses for the present tax year or the next – whichever is more advantageous for the company.
Once you have serious storm damage, call a professional restoration company to inspect and protect everything left. This should be done as soon as possible to avoid further loss.

Tips for Keeping Pets Safe During a Fire

2/28/2020 (Permalink)

Pets are important members of your family, and their well-being is just as important as the humans in your household. In the event of a fire emergency in your home in Rosemont, IL, you will want to make sure all pets are safely evacuated. Use these tips to help ensure pet safety during a fire.

Keep Important Documents Safe

As a part of pet preparation, all vital documents should be kept in a fireproof box. Essential items to keep in it include the following:

  • Pet ownership papers
  • Vaccination records
  • ID tags
  • Recent pictures of pets

It is important to keep these items safe in case your pets are separated from you during a fire emergency, as these things help with identification.

Create an Evacuation Plan

Just like you have an evacuation plan for the people in your home, one is needed for your pets as well. You should draw a diagram that outlines multiple escape routes and practice scenarios with your pets several times to understand what should be done in each situation. Go over these plans with all family members.

Put Together a Pet Emergency Kit

An emergency kit should include first aid items for pets and things like food, blankets, leashes, collars, water, food bowls and soap or disinfectant. You should have enough supplies to last a few days in case you cannot return to your home during fire damage evaluation. You will want to keep this kit by an exit point or even in your car. Make sure you rotate perishable items to ensure that there are no expired objects in your stock.

Secure Pets in an Escape Area

If you are not home during a fire emergency, pets need to be in an easily accessible area. Placing them in travel crates near entry points can be helpful if firefighters need to rescue them.
Pet safety during a fire is an essential task. To prepare for this type of emergency, keep a fireproof box with important documents in it, practice escape routes, have a pet emergency kit on hand and leave pets by an entry point when you are not at home.

Your Fix for a Leaky Toilet

2/19/2020 (Permalink)

Here Is Your Guide To Fixing a Leaky Toilet

A leaking toilet can be more than just an annoyance. If you notice water pooling around the base of your toilet, address the issue as soon as possible. Don't delay repairing the leak, as it could lead to structural damage in your Park Ridge, IL, home. Here is your guide to fixing a leaky toilet.

1. Finding the Leak
First, you need to locate the source of the leakage. Water often leaks from a faulty seal under the toilet. However, the spillage could also be from a supply tube, a shutoff valve or a damaged tank or bowl - especially if you have an old toilet. Clean up the pool of water and wait until a new one appears. If the toilet leaks from underneath, it's time to replace the wax gasket.

2. Replacing the Wax Gasket
Wax gaskets are crucial for creating a watertight seal between the toilet and flange. To begin the replacement process, use a wrench to disconnect the supply tube from the shutoff valve. Then remove the toilet's bolt caps and the hex nuts. Now you're ready to move the leaking toilet. Carefully lift the toilet by the bowl - never by the tank. Scrape the old gasket off with a putty knife, then center the new gasket on top of the flange. Next, connect the new supply tube and place the toilet back in its original position. Press down on the bowl to compress the gasket, tighten the bolts and press down on the bowl again. You're almost finished - connect the supply tube to the shutoff valve, open the valve and flush the toilet to ensure the leaks have stopped.

3. Addressing the Water Damage
After you've completed the toilet repair, check for water damage. It's best to call in specialists in water damage restoration who have advanced training and equipment to find and remedy any issues. Enlisting the help of experts can minimize the time and money you spend on the project.
It's important to fix a leaking toilet as soon as possible. By taking action as quickly as you can, you lessen the chance of severe water and structural damage to your home.

5 Tips To Avoid Small Business Claims From Water Damage

1/29/2020 (Permalink)

Five Quick Tips To Reduce the Chance of This Type of Damage

Having insurance is critical for most businesses, yet the ideal circumstance is that you never have to use it. The second most common business claim for damage is from frozen pipes and water damage, and an average claim is around $17,000.
Water damage can come from several common sources in Chicago,IL, such as severe storms, sewer backups and frozen pipes. There are a few types of damage that can occur as the result of water intrusion, including

  • Destroyed carpets
  • Wall, flooring and subflooring damage
  • Mold and fungus
  • Ruined inventory

With some simple maintenance of the building, the risk of business claims can be drastically lowered. Here’s five quick tips to reduce the chance of this type of damage.

Insulate Those Pipes

Most hardware stores have simple foam coverings that can easily be fitted around pipes. In all but the most extreme cases, this will make a major difference. For plumbing that is especially exposed, you may have to take further steps to avoid a pipe break.

Maintain and Trim Adjacent Trees

Not only do tree limbs threaten roofing, tree roots can really tear things up underground. If it’s getting close to plumbing, you should consider replacing the tree with something that has less aggressive roots. Ice can also fall from overhanging trees and severely damage the roof.

Keep the Temperature in a Safe Range

Saving utility costs shouldn’t come at the expense of broken pipes. In most locations, lowering the thermostat to around 50 degrees when unoccupied is enough to balance wasted energy against a flooded building.

Visible Moisture Damage Is an Instant Alarm

Fungus, visible moisture or ceiling tile discoloration means you have an issue. Get it inspected immediately to reduce further damage.

Know Where the Water Shutoff Is

You should know exactly where the water shutoff is. Make sure your employees know how to use it also.
If you have water damage in Chicago, IL, you need a professional restoration service to examine it and advise you regarding repairs. The sooner you call, the less time the water has to do its dirty work, and you can avoid a business claim.

3 Ways SERVPRO Can Help With the Claims Process

1/24/2020 (Permalink)

The back of a SERVPRO truck opened, loaded with many equipment. Commercial water restoration service in Rosemont, IL

Three Ways These Professionals Can Help With the Claims Process

When it comes to protecting your Rosemont, IL, business you want to know that the professionals you work with can help make the process easier if a disaster should strike. Fortunately, the crew of your local SERVPRO can not only take care of a variety of damage types but offer claim services as well. Here are three ways these professionals can help with the claims process.

1. They Act Quickly

When it comes to damage to your business a quick emergency response time can play a role in preventing additional loss. The faster the damage can be cleaned up and restored the less overall damage the structure may face. A quick response time may also be important for getting your business up and running again after a disaster, meaning fewer profit losses as well.

2. They Have an Electronic Inventory Service

After a flooding or fire, it can be important to document everything. This includes making lists of damaged items and areas, along with photographing everything. Once the claim services offered by SERVPRO professionals is an electronic inventory system which can be used to keep track of all these things.

3. They Help You Access Your Claims Information
Staying up to date on damages and restoration progress can help both you and your insurance agent know what's going on. The ability to track and access this information electronically can also help streamline this process. The electronic inventory system offered by your local service makes both things possible.
Not only does your local SERVPRO act quickly to help prevent further damage, but they also offer several claim services which may help as well. Their electronic inventory system keeps lists of damaged items as well as photographs of the affected area. These professionals can use this system to help you keep track of, and access, any information your insurance agent may need.

4 Ways To Prevent Mold Growth in the Office

1/10/2020 (Permalink)

Ways to Prevent Mold Growth in the Office

Mold can have a major impact on your Park Ridge, IL, business. If your office sustains extensive mold damage, you may have to shut it down for cleaning. Black mold cleanup, in particular, is a costly process that could affect your company's profits.
While mold can appear anywhere, it is most commonly associated with water damage. Therefore, the best way to prevent mold growth is to limit the excess moisture on your property. Below are some tips for doing so.

Limit Humidity

Your local store should sell monitors for checking humidity. If your building has a humidity level above 60 percent, take steps to lower the amount of moisture in the air. You should also look out for other visible signs of excess humidity, including condensation on walls or windows.

Check Office Plants

Indoor plants can be a great way to brighten up an office. Unfortunately, their moist soil can also encourage the growth of mold. You don’t have to throw out these plants, however. Instead, add some Taheebo tea to the water you use to feed them. This tea, which is sold in natural food markets, hinders mold production.

Address Leaks and Floods Immediately

If you do find water damage, such as a leak or flood, don’t wait to address the problem. The longer the water sits there, the more mold will grow. Dry any wet items as soon as possible. Anything that cannot be completely dried should be removed from the premises.

Inspect Roof Gutters

A leaking roof is also a common source of mold. Damaged or clogged gutters can cause these leaks. You should have the roof inspected regularly and repair any problems if necessary.
By following the above mold prevention tips, you can protect your business and its assets. Still, these methods are not fool-proof. If your property does sustain water damage, you should contact mold remediation specialists immediately. They can inspect your building and perform mold cleanup services.

Smoke and Soot: The Damaging After effects of a Fire

12/29/2019 (Permalink)

Smoke and Soot: The Damaging After effects of a Fire

The smallest of fires, even it isn’t at your Chicago, IL, business can lead to smoke damage and soot damage. Although the flames may be gone, the high acidic levels of smoke and soot can penetrate into materials and leave long-lasting effects.

Rapid Damage

Within minutes of a fire, smoke and soot are already beginning to damage your property. As soon as the fire is out and everyone is safe, making preparations for smoke cleaning and restoration are keys to getting your business back to normal. If left unchecked, the damage timeline can be extensive.

  • During the first few minutes, walls, plastics and porous materials will become stained.
  • Within hours, the acidic properties of soot and smoke can begin to affect metals, grout and other materials.
  • After a few days, stains can become permanent corrosion and rust can begin forming. Porous materials, such as flooring and upholstery, will likely need to be replaced.
  • As weeks go by, without proper cleaning, it can result in the loss of furniture, electronics and other supplies, as well as require more extensive repairs to walls, flooring, ceilings and other structural materials.

The Cleanup

Luckily, staying on the ball and contacting a fire restoration specialist can keep smoke damage from becoming permanent. They will do an assessment of the damage and work with you to get your business back up and running as quickly as possible. After the assessment, a professional will have the tools and expertise to begin the cleanup process.
While not everything may be salvageable, the right cleaning process can eliminate the smoke odors. The pros use various methods for cleaning, which will depend on the item, including dry, wet, spray, foam, abrasive and immersion. These professional methods can possibly save electronics, furniture, documents and more.
Instead of dealing with a fire’s aftermath alone, count on a professional to guide you through the process. They can help reduce the lingering effects of smoke damage, making it seem “Like it never even happened”.

7 Signs Its Time for a Toilet Replacement

12/23/2019 (Permalink)

A leaking toilet in your Rosemont, IL, home doesn’t necessarily mean its time to head to the hardware store for a replacement. If it is newer, a simple toilet repair may do the trick. When it comes to aging toilets, besides their inefficiency, they are more prone to problems that could result in needed repairs beyond the bathroom that require a water damage specialist.

Signs a Replacement Is Needed

An old toilet has been used a lot through the years. All that work it has done eventually leads to issues that are sure signs that it’s time for something new.

Clogging – While some clogging is normal, consistent clogging may indicate a hidden issue. If it needs to be unclogged weekly or it abnormally backs up, it is probably time to replace.
Cracks – These are the main culprits of a leaking toilet both on the interior and exterior of the toilet. If the crack spreads, it can quickly lead to water damage and mold growth.
Constant Repairs – If seals, gaskets, flappers and other elements seem to always need to be fixed or tweaked, it can begin to make a more noticeable dent in your wallet than buying a new one.
Instability – Wobbling may indicate a loose screw. If tightening a bolt doesn’t do the trick, there could be damage to the flooring under the toilet.
Flushing Issues – High water bills are an indicator that the toilet isn’t functioning properly.
Surface Damage – Cleaning the toilet is not usually the most enjoyable a task. If your toilet is older, it can seem like a never-ending battle. Surface scratches can begin to deteriorate the porcelain, allowing for more buildup.
Mineral Deposits – If you have hard water issues, minerals eventually buildup in a toilet’s components, as well as in the pipes. Once there is too much, getting rid of it is difficult.

If you have a leaking toilet, quick action is the key to keeping further problems at bay. When addressing the issue, consider the above factors to determine if it’s time for a fix or a replacement.

Can You Declare Storm Damage on Your Tax Return?

12/23/2019 (Permalink)

Storm Damage poses business owners in Chicago, IL, several major hurdles. First of all, it can shut down the institution, creating a loss of revenue and turning customers to another location. Secondly, costs of repairs can escalate rather quickly, especially if you need a water restoration company's services. You may wonder whether the government offers assistance in these cases, giving stores a helping hand. Yes, it's possible at times to file remediation costs on your annual tax return. This does have some rules though. Here are a few tips to consider.

What Types of Situations Are Covered?

Is your situation tax deductible? Not all insurance claims fall under federal mandates. According to recent guidelines, your business could declare losses if FEMA has labeled it as a national disaster. That means any of the following weather systems might be included:

  • Floods
  • Hurricanes
  • Earthquakes
  • Blizzards
  • Tornadoes

When you file, you'll need the information for the disaster claim, including FEMA's assigned number for the storm. Losses from deterioration and lack of care are not permissible.

Are There Any Other Requirements?

Storm Damage met from any of the above must be first processed through an insurance claim. If it isn't, the government does not grant a tax break. Therefore, before you see an accountant about your receipts, make sure you've spoken with your insurance agency. Once that is done, save your documentation. You can submit the total casualty loss that exceeded the insurance payment. While personal losses require a deductible, business owners are given more leniency.

Do You Need To Wait?

Having a tax deductible is usually beneficial; however, can the shop afford to wait? In addition, new rules allow for proprietors to place the loss on the previous year's return or the current year. This could help offset costs, giving the establishment cash to reopen the doors sooner. This is a choice, so you'll have to weigh what works best for you. If you want to apply it to last year, you'll need to file for an amendment or reconsideration.
The government offers those affected by Storm Damage some assistance. First file with insurance. Then, claim anything that was not covered.

4 Factors That May Affect the Cost of Mold Cleanup

12/2/2019 (Permalink)

Finding a mold infestation in your Chicago, IL home can be distressing. Not only can most types of fungi spread quickly, but mold removal can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars if the problem is not rectified properly. If you are dealing with this issue in your home, you may want to be aware of a few factors that could affect cleanup costs.

The Depth of the Infestation

One major factor that could impact the cost of mold cleanup is the severity of the infestation. For example, having a basement wall stripped of several patches of fungi will likely be less costly than removing mold from the interior of your home’s drywall. Because mold can spread quickly, it is wise to call in experienced mold remediation technicians as soon as you discover its presence.

Mold Type

Some kinds of mold can be stubborn and may not respond to everyday household cleansers. One such type is black mold, which commonly forms after a flood or in areas that remain consistently damp. As such, black mold removal is best left to a professional removal and remediation service to ensure the infestation is removed completely and permanently.


The severity of mold damage can be affected by what caused it to grow in the first place. Most growths are encouraged by high humidity and the presence of moisture, so you may find mold in rooms affected by a flood, such as a bathroom where a tub or toilet recently overflowed. If the flooding was severe, then you may find yourself facing a higher cleanup cost.


The longer mold is allowed to remain on a surface, the more chances it has to grow and spread. Black mold can be especially quick to develop, but you may be able to keep costs low by having it removed by black mold cleanup technicians as soon as you find it in your home.

Mold removal costs for your Chicago, IL home can vary due to different factors. While you may not be able to control them all, knowing where to look for fungi and keeping moisture levels low may help control the expense.

Here’s How to Protect Your Pets During a Fire Event

11/27/2019 (Permalink)

Many people treasure their pets; indeed, to some, they are as children. And like children, their safety should be considered during family disaster planning. if you experience a fire emergency in Park Ridge, IL, being prepared is an successful way to keep your pet unscathed and maybe even unaware that anything unfortunate happened.

Pet Safety in a Fire Starts by Helping Prevent Fires Started by Pets

The National Fire Protection Association estimates that around 1,000 fires are started by pets every year. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to prevent a fire emergency:

Extinguish unattended open flames, such as candles and fireplaces.
Make sure any wood stoves have their doors securely latched.
Turn off gas stoves and cover or remove the knobs.

Pet Preparation Should Start Early

Make sure your pet comes to you when you call them. This is super-easy to do if you always have a treat for them while they are being name-trained. Once they have learned to come, occasionally give a treat now and then when calling them so they’ll be eager to come every time!

The Family Plan

The NFPA provides public education for how to create a family plan. Once a fire starts, having a solid plan that all of you have practiced is the single most important factor in your pet’s safety – and the safety of your whole family. Practice the plan with everyone who lives there, including pets, and use treats for them to make it enjoyable – a step that may work wonders with small children as well.
If you aren’t at home in Park Ridge, IL during a fire, have a pet alert on a front window with the number of pets inside. Try to keep collars on them – and near entrances if possible – for the quickest access. If you have a pet door, use treats that encourage them to immediately run outside every time they hear the smoke detector.

Once the fire emergency is over, keep them away from any areas that are smoke-damaged or have dangerous rubble. Contact an experienced fire damage cleanup company to get things restored back to normal for both you and your pets.

Keeping Your Home Safe From Floods

11/14/2019 (Permalink)

Safety Tips To Help You Keep Your Home Protected

If you live in an area that is prone to flooding, you may worry about protecting your home from dangerous storms. Even if you live someplace that is not regularly threatened by high water, you should learn about flood safety, as it can happen anywhere. According to FEMA, flooding is the most dangerous disaster in the United States. Here are some important safety tips to help you keep your home protected.

1. Anchor and Elevate

Both indoor and outdoor elements should be above flood level. Check FEMA's website to find flood maps for your Park Ridge,IL, home. All electrical systems and components such as wiring and sockets need to be a foot above the level that water is expected to rise. Home appliances such as air conditioners, generators, and furnaces should be securely anchored and raised above this level as well.

2. Check Your Valves

Another way to help flood proof your home is to install backflow valves. All pipes that are connected to your home should have this safety measure. These valves prevent sewage from backing up into your home from an overloaded sewage system.

3. Evaluate Your Landscape

A crucial element to flood safety is landscaping. You want water to drain away from your foundation and property, so check and improve the slope if needed. Additionally, you can place rain barrels to prevent some water from reaching the ground. Keep drains, gutters, and downspouts, clean and free from debris which can create blockages.

3. Know Who to Call

In the event that a severe storm creates water damage, it's important to be prepared. Even the most well-protected properties can incur storm damage when the conditions are harsh enough. When it comes to water damage remediation, you want to have the contact information for professionals who can arrive quickly to your emergency. You should also keep insurance information on hand to begin your claim.
Dealing with flood safety issues can be daunting. Keep these tips in mind to help lessen the potential damage.

The Truth About Commercial Generators

10/28/2019 (Permalink)

The Truth About Commercial Generators

Generators come in all sizes. You can find small ones on the shelves of hardware, building supply and members-only shopping clubs everywhere. Just put a generator in your cart, take it to checkout and it’s yours for a price of a few hundred dollars. They are popular items when bad weather strikes.
A person running a small business could take one of these units to keep the lights, computers and the security system running. It might also handle a small refrigerator and microwave oven. However, putting one to use in a business does not make it a commercial unit. Commercial generators generally have the following attributes in common:

  • For safety, they are outdoors or in an outbuilding;
  • For convenience, they have a direct connection to the building’s electrical system;
  • For stability, they automatically switch on when a power failure occurs;
  • For simplicity, they run on natural or liquid propane gas; and
  • For versatility, they generate many KW and amps in a variety of phases and voltages.

Commercial Generators Are Excellent Investments

Commercial-quality backup power requires a significant investment. There is the cost of the unit, site preparation, installation and ongoing maintenance. However, comparing this to the cost of business downtime makes having backup power an excellent decision.

Commercial Generators Can Have a Long Life

A large commercial generator is a valuable company asset. As such, it should receive a level of attention like that received by the heating and air conditioning equipment. Preventive maintenance, periodic testing and occasional use help avoid generator problems. Generators don’t get much use but, when the need arises, they are worth their weight in gold. Businesses treat them accordingly and give them a long lifespan.
When storms shut down Chicago,IL, your commercial generator will give you an edge. Neighboring businesses will be struggling without power. Meanwhile, you can have a team of storm damage recovery experts on the job. Your business will look “Like it never even happened” well before your neighbors are up and running again.

3 Common Places Where You Can Expect Water Leaks

10/15/2019 (Permalink)

Learn More About The Places Where You Can Expect Water Leaks

Most water damage cases in your Rosemont,IL home are a result of water leaks. These leaks can sometimes be hard to detect, and by the time they manifest, there might be too much water in home. This occurrence can make any water damage repair attempts difficult. Continue reading to learn more about the places where you can expect water leaks and how to prevent excessive damage.

Home Appliances

Certain appliances require water to perform their functions, but when they are defective, they can create strong water leaks.

  • Refrigerators
  • Dishwashers
  • Water heaters
  • Laundry machines

For the most part, these leaks are caused by aging components, damaged hoses and broken connections. The best way to reduce this damage is to conduct regular inspections and maintenance to ensure all parts work properly. Replace any cracked, worn out or outdated parts fast to prevent broken hose or pipe cleanup.

HVAC System

The heating, cooling and ventilation equipment in your home provides the right air temperature, depending on the season. It is normal for the unit to cool the air around it, causing condensation that drips outside of your home. However, if the system starts leaking and getting water in home, there is a major problem. If left unattended, this leak can cause water damage and even corrode the system. Place a pan under the dripping area to contain the problem and call a repair professional immediately.

Plumbing Problems

Your house's plumbing system is responsible for several vital functions, mainly transporting water where needed. While it is important to keep it in great shape, it also means any error can leak water anywhere in your home. From a loose connection to a broken pipe, these problems can create water damage in unsuspecting places. Look for signs of moisture and inspect your pipework to prevent damage from taking place.
Standing water in home can create costly, destructive damage. Closely look at these common leak sources and act fast if water starts to leak from them.

Avoid Spoiling Your Outdoor Grilling With a Fire

10/8/2019 (Permalink)

Warm weather grilling is one of the greatest pleasures of summer. Steaks, burgers and vegetable kebabs all taste better cooked over the open grill. But as quick as a wink, your pleasure can turn to pain if a grill fire flares up. Firefighters are called to over 10,200 occurrences of barbecue fire in the United States each year, including in your town of Park Ridge,IL.

Ways To Avoid a Fire When Grilling

The fire damage cleanup from a grill fire is a little more intense than cleaning up after a barbecue with friends, but such fires can be prevented with the proper care. Consider the following guidelines when preparing your next cookout.

  • Always remove grease from the grills and catch trays before heating the grill
  • Make sure the propane tank is operating properly with no leaks
  • Stay clear of trees and overhangs that could possibly catch fire
  • Keep pets and children several feet from the grill to avoid burns or accidental tipping

More Tips for Fire Avoidance

One other essential tip is to make sure the grill and any charcoal, wood or other combustibles are fully cool before putting it away. Also, be certain that the fuel tank is shut off and stowed away from any heat source when not in use.

Get Help When Needed

When a grill catches fire, it may likely affect the patio, garage or even more of the home. Fire damage and smoke damage as well as water damage from extinguishing the fire can create a disaster you are not prepared for. Call fire and water restoration professionals in Park Ridge,IL  that and help with the fire cleanup and help make your home as good as new.

While grilling is a satisfying and popular summer pastime, a grill fire can create a small to disastrous emergency. Prepare ahead and you can put the energy of worrying into giving your guests a good time.

3 Reasons To Call a Mold Expert

9/23/2019 (Permalink)

Mold on walls Mold damage due to moisture buildup in walls

3 Reasons to Seek for a Mold Remediation Specialist

A lot of attention is given to the climate and environment and with good reason. But how often do you think about the indoor air quality of your home? A major threat to indoor air quality is mold growth, which is at times obvious and others not. Here are three reasons to seek out a mold remediation specialist in Chicago,IL.

1. Standing Water Presents a Risk

The most obvious reason to call a mold expert is flood damage, and the most important factor in this is timing. In still water, mold proliferates quickly. In fact, mold can start to grow within 24 to 48 hours of flooding. Responding quickly and properly are vital for effective mitigation. The faster you remediate, the better off you’ll likely be.

2. Mold May Not Be Obvious

Bacteria and mold require moisture to thrive, and moist conditions can occur with or without flooding. High humidity and hidden leaks in your home can be catalysts for mold growth. If you see standing water, water damage or actual mold, call for help. A strong smell of must and mildew is also an important indicator that something may be wrong.

3. Professional Equipment May Be Necessary

You can try to save money and go the Do-It-Yourself route, but you need to be sure it is worth the risk. Household fans, and even ones from tool rental companies, may not be enough to sufficiently dry carpet and porous wood furniture, which can both hold moisture. Depending on the severity, protective gear such as hazard suits and professional masks may be necessary.

Mold growth and bacteria can negatively impact your belongings, your air quality, and your finances. It is not always apparent that mold is an issue. Addressing risks quickly, proactively and with the help of an expert is often necessary to properly remediate. These are all reasons to take precautions and call an expert, which should give you peace of mind.

Are You Paying Too Much for Mold Removal?

9/23/2019 (Permalink)

If you're looking into mold removal for your home in Park Ridge,IL, don't be afraid to dig deep and take it slow in order to get the best service out there for minimal cost to yourself. Not a lot of people know what to do about mold, so it's easy to get swindled.

Do Your Homework

One way to stay on top of costs surrounding mold removal is to inform yourself before you pay someone to start remediation. Even if you do find a trustworthy restoration company, if you already have an idea of what you need done, you can avoid unnecessary work or inflated pricing. You should consider contacting a mold inspector or certified industrial hygienist (CIH). They can:

  • evaluate the extent of damage.
  • find the source of the mold growth.
  • give you an estimate or recommend some
  • trustworthy professionals.

Contact Your Insurance

Depending on how the growth occurred, sometimes your insurance company will compensate you for mold removal costs. Take the time to clarify your coverage with your provider before a disaster happens, so you aren't left in a lurch. Mold is usually covered along with water damage in all-perils policies. Once the time has come, be sure to document everything you can- take pictures and gather relevant documentation. Your insurance may send out an inspector of their own, or have guidelines on how to move forward.

Vet Your Options

When picking out a good mold remediation service, don't just call the first one you google. You should make sure that they are certified and have an established history in your area. Don't forget to look at reviews and testimonials on multiple platforms. Research whether or not they specifically offer black mold removal. If the damaged area isn't cleaned properly, mold is likely to come back pretty quickly, and then you'll have to pay to have it removed all over again.
Mold removal can be a costly venture, but that doesn't mean you should accept any price thrown your way. If you arm yourself with a little knowledge, you can mitigate the impact on your wallet quite a bit.

How To Restore Your Company’s Water-Damaged Documents

9/23/2019 (Permalink)

If you’ve experienced water damage in your business, you know how disruptive the cleanup can be. Whether from a flood or a burst pipe, water can cause significant destruction to your property. Wet documents can be particularly vulnerable because paper quickly deteriorates when wet. If your Rosemont, IL, business has sustained water damage, and your documents were affected, this brief discussion may help you understand where to start.

Documents That Can Be Restored

When water damage occurs, a hierarchy develops as you attempt to protect and save your valuable property. It’s important to work with your water remediation expert to address water-damaged documents right away. The following types of documents can be professionally restored:

  • Paper items such as contracts, financial records and certificates
  • Film-based items such as X-rays and photographs
  • Books and periodicals
  • Maps, posters and blueprints

It may help to mention upfront what types of wet documents you have. Your remediation professionals can guide you with the next steps to take.

Restoration Methods That Work

Most document specialists use state-of-the-art equipment for document drying, sanitization and restoration. A team will gather and transport your items to a facility with large, industrial freeze dryers. Freezing slows down the deterioration of paper products and buys some time to prepare the restoration process.
The frozen documents will then be dried through a specialized warming and evaporation process. As moisture evaporates, it is vaporized and diverted to prevent further contamination. Finally, the documents can be sanitized using an irradiation method.
Since security is a critical element of document services, a HIPAA certified staff member will likely oversee the process. It’s important to trust that your items will be handled confidentially.
If a flood or a plumbing problem has caused water damage to your company’s documents, you may benefit from contacting a restoration specialist right away. If the wet documents were contaminated by flooding or sewage, professional help is essential due to the high level of contamination. If you act quickly, document restoration teams can help you dry and restore your valuable paper-based items. You might even end up feeling “Like it never even happened”.

3 Useful Ways To Avoid Water Damage in Your Home

8/28/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage in Rosemont, IL

Ways to Avoid Water Damage In Your home

Water in the home can cause a catastrophic amount of damage, and many homeowners in Rosemont, IL, are eager to prevent water damage from occurring in their homes. However, many people aren't sure how to prevent this type of damage. Fortunately, there are several ways homeowners can avoid water damage in their homes.

1. Monitor Your Appliances
Damaged or broken appliances are often a common cause of home flooding. Any appliances that use water, such as washing machines, dishwashers or sinks can leak or malfunction, and it can be easy to miss these issues. However, by monitoring your appliances, you are more likely to notice if an issue arises. If you notice that one of your appliances is malfunctioning or leaking, it can be useful to contact someone who can inspect the appliance.

2. Maintain Your Home's Pipes
If a broken pipe causes your home to flood, it may be helpful to contact emergency water damage restoration services. However, rather than worrying about pipe cleanup after there is water in the home, it's often preferable to instead maintain your home's pipes in order to prevent a flood. It can be helpful to observe your pipes for any signs of leaks or corrosion. In addition to your own observations, it's often wise to employ a plumber to perform routine maintenance on your home's pipes in order to prevent flooding.

3. Keep Humidity Levels Low
Though water damage is generally associated with flooding, your home can also sustain water damage if humidity levels in your house are high. High humidity levels can cause certain materials, such as plywood, to weaken. Additionally, excessive moisture in the home can also increase the likelihood of mold growth. To prevent humidity levels from rising too high in your home, it can be helpful to use fans and dehumidifiers when cooking, bathing or showering.

Understanding how to prevent disaster from striking your home can bring you peace of mind. You can often prevent water in the home by monitoring your appliances, maintaining your home's pipes and keeping low levels of humidity in your home.

4 Things to Consider Before Purchasing Flood Insurance for Your Business

8/22/2019 (Permalink)

Is It Necessary For An Owner To Have Flood Coverage For His Building?

Business owners often have a slightly skewed view of looking at the world. Instead of focusing on dreams, they like to be more practical or pragmatic, meaning that they focus on the bottom line and want to keep control over the purse strings of the company. However, despite the desire to avoid expenses, some costs are necessary and even required, like commercial insurance, but what about flood insurance? Is it necessary for an owner to loosen up those purse strings for flood coverage? It depends on any of the four following factors.

1. Requirements

Some areas in the country do not give business owners, or property owners for that matter, a choice. Certain areas are designated high-risk flood zones, which means that properties, especially those with federally backed mortgages, are required to have flood coverage.

2. Risks

However, even if your business or commercial facility is located outside of one of these flood zones, it may still be in your best interest to purchase a flood insurance policy. While areas surrounding high-risk zones may not be required to purchase coverage, the risks of flooding may still be high enough to warrant the decision to purchase, especially considering that most commercial policies will not cover flood damage.

3. Coverage

Flood coverage is designed for some very specific circumstances. For example, overflowing lakes or rivers, storm surges, blocked drainage systems, or broken dams or levees are all forms of flooding that are covered by most flood policies. However, the affected area must be at least two acres or be affecting two or more properties.

4. Restoration

It is also necessary to consider the costs associated with hiring a storm remediation specialist in the Park Ridge,IL, area. While a commercial policy typically handles these expenses, the costs of such specialists are not covered by the same policy in the event of a flood.
Flood insurance is a highly specific form of coverage that is not entirely useful to everyone business everywhere. However, for those close to flood zones, it might be one of the best investments you make for your company.

4 Frequently Asked Questions About Mold Growth

7/25/2019 (Permalink)

Common Questions People Ask About Mold

If you have ever come across mold growth in your building at Rosemont, IL, then you may have questions. By getting accurate answers to these questions, you may better understand why mold grows, where it comes from and how to get rid of it. Here are some of the most common questions people ask about mold.

1. What Is Mold and What Are the Most Common Types?

Mold is a fungus that is naturally found both indoors and outdoors. There are thousands of fungi and different types of mold represent different strains. Here are the most common types of indoor molds recognized by the CDC:

  • Alternaria
  • Penicillium
  • Aspergillus
  • Cladosporium

2. What Are the Ideal Conditions for Mold Growth?

Mold loves areas with high humidity, low water drainage and low or no light. This allows them to reproduce and further spread. However, that doesn’t mean mold can’t survive in other environmental conditions. Sometimes cold, damp areas and even hot, dry deserts also experience mold growth.

3. Are Some Building Types More Susceptible to Mold Than Others?

Yes, there are some buildings that tend to have more common instances of mold than others. Here are a few of them:

  • Construction sites
  • Farms and mills
  • Antique shops
  • Greenhouses
  • Flower shops
  • Saunas

4. What Can People Do To Reduce Their Exposure to Mold?

People who are sensitive to mold should avoid wooded areas, compost heap piles and freshly cut grass. Reducing humidity by using dehumidifiers also helps to discourage mold growth. Whenever possible, it is a good idea to let fresh air into closed spaces. Finally, leaving the cleanup work to mold remediation specialists may help to reduce close contact.

Mold exists naturally in the environment year-round in Rosemont, IL. This is the primary reason behind why it is such a common problem. Hopefully these FAQs will make you more prepared to tackle mold when you come across it.

Getting Your Business Ready for a Flood

7/22/2019 (Permalink)

During storm season in Chicago, IL, flooding is always a possibility. To head storm damage off at the pass, you need to be prepared to combat it. You may not be able to prevent all the storm damage, but having a plan can minimize your losses and help you get back on your feet faster.

3 Tips to Get Your Business Ready for a Flood.

Keeping an Eye on the Sky

Keep an eye on the weather, particularly if you know that storms are a frequent occurrence where your business is located. If you know a bad storm is coming, go through this checklist to improve your chances of safety:

  • Turn off utilities in case of a power surge
  • Check flashlights and extra batteries
  • Back up important data
  • Have an evacuation or safety plan so that people know where to go during the emergency

Protecting Your Equipment

To prepare for flooding, imagine what would be the most devastating items to lose. Once you have turned off the power or unplugged all the sensitive machines, it is a good idea to move them to a higher floor where they are less likely to succumb to flood damage. Barricade your building against the impending waters by placing sandbags against the doors and windows. This not only keeps the wind from blowing them open and possibly causing damage but also keeps the rising waters at bay a little longer. 

Guarding Your People

Having an evacuation plan is a must in these situations. Discuss the plan with employees on a regular basis. It is also a good idea to institute practice runs so that the day your building floods is not the first time employees are trying to stick to the plan. 

After the flood, you can contact water restoration specialists to inspect and remediate the damages and get your business back to normal. The more damage you can prevent during flooding, however, the quicker the cleanup process is going to go.

Can You Flood-Proof Your Home?

7/9/2019 (Permalink)

How to Develop a Flood Safety Plan

Short of buying a home that sits on the top of a hill in the middle of a desert, the best way to protect your home from flooding is to develop a good flood safety plan. Here are four safety tips you can follow to minimize costly damage to your home.

1. Elevate Your Home

If you are buying a home, check FEMA’s website to find out how high local rivers and lakes are expected to rise during a severe storm. If possible, buy a home above the flood line. If you are buying a home on a beach, you can elevate your home by setting it on piers or columns.

2. Elevate Electrical Systems

For maximum flood safety, you must ensure that electrical systems are not on ground level. Safety tips include elevating electrical wires, breakers, sockets and outlets at least 1 foot off the ground. Air conditioners, furnaces and water heaters should be elevated and secured. Generators must be installed above the flood line or else they can become damaged, useless, and possibly dangerous during a flood.

3. Protect Sewer Systems

During a flood, backed-up and overflowing sewer systems can cause unsanitary conditions that spread disease. Flood-proof your sewer system by installing backflow valves on all pipes that enter your home.

4. Make a Last-Minute Effort

If flooding is imminent, some last-minute efforts can help minimize damage to your home in Chicago,IL. Clean gutters to help route the water away from your home. Try to get kitchen appliances off the ground. Move valuables upstairs or onto countertops to minimize losses.

With a little planning, you can minimize the damage your home experiences during a flood. If flood damage occurs, enlist the help of a professional storm damage restoration company to return your home to its pre-flood condition. Remember to always watch and adhere to any flood safety or evacuation warnings.

3 Ways To Minimize Sewer Blockages in Commercial Buildings

6/19/2019 (Permalink)

Three Steps to Minimize the Risk of a Blocked Sewer

Maintaining both small and large commercial buildings can be a challenge, especially as infrastructure ages. Plumbing issues may, for example, be a common concern inside many Park Ridge,IL, facilities. In addition to pipe breaks and clogs, many properties may also experience a sewage backup or an unsanitary toilet overflow. Although some problems may be unavoidable, there are three key steps every property manager can take to minimize the risk of a blocked sewer and contamination requiring prompt and professional attention.

1. Make Wise Landscaping Decisions

Planting attractive bushes and shrubs can add curb appeal to your building, enhancing its appearance to both customers and staff. Unfortunately, roots can pose a threat to the integrity of external water and sewage lines.
To access water, roots may infiltrate nearby pipes. This can result in both obstructions and detrimental damage. To minimize this risk, determine the location of vital supply lines and plant vegetation away from those areas.

2. Have Accessible Trash Cans

Flushing trash, such as paper towels, diapers and feminine hygiene products, can result in a blocked sewer line. To avoid this scenario, place trash receptacles in every stall and post signs asking patrons to avoid flushing anything other than toilet paper.

3. Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners

Sometimes minor sink and toilet clogs may develop. To minimize the potential for a toilet overflow and sewage contamination, you should routinely clean and inspect your restrooms. If you suspect an obstruction, employ a plunger, a drain snake or call a licensed plumber.

Chemical drain cleaners can warp pipes or send the clog farther into the system, potentially causing additional problems. Because of this, you should avoid using these products.

Protecting your building from a blocked sewer doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Taking simple proactive measures can help you avert unsanitary contamination, a costly plumbing bill and a time-consuming professional water and sewage cleanup.

Avoid Secondary Damages After Flooding

6/12/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage in a Chicago, IL home

Secondary damages are those caused after the initial stage of damage. For example, if a faucet is left on long enough to flood a room or two, black mold may linger long after you've cleaned up the most obvious damages. Unfortunately, it often takes a while before it becomes obvious that secondary problems are affecting your home.

What are The Main Causes of These Out-of-Sight Damages?

If flood water is allowed to stand in your home long enough for it to begin evaporating, you can almost certainly expect mold growth and other types of secondary home damages. Common causes include

  • Extensive water damage
  • Undiscovered leaks or flooding
  • Inadequate dehumidification
  • Unknown conditions or damages in inaccessible areas
  • Lack of a timely response to trouble

How can I avoid extra losses related to water damage?

The key to avoiding further trouble is a quick response. The cleanup process must begin immediately for the best results. Pay close attention to materials such as sheetrock, hardwood floors, vinyl flooring, and any porous furnishings. Black mold spores quickly colonize wherever organic materials and a bit of high humidity are available.

If I don't have water damage coverage, will my insurance cover secondary water damages?

If you do have coverage for this situation, secondary damage will certainly increase the cost of the repairs and affect your claim. If your policy doesn't cover water damage situations, it's best to ask the insurance agent about mold or further troubles.

How can I minimize losses?

Call water remediation professionals as soon after discovering the water as you can. Begin to ventilate the property and remove as much water as you can. Open doors, cabinets, and drawers to provide ventilation for any humid areas. Remove your belongings from the home before they suffer more damage. (If you do have coverage, contact your insurance adjuster before moving anything.)

The best way to avoid black mold growth and other secondary water damages is to act quickly. Any hesitation can lead to more trouble for your Chicago,IL, home.

The Aftermath of a Pipe Break

5/30/2019 (Permalink)

Damage in flooded homes is not uncommon. It can lead to the loss of your property and even the dreaded mold growth. Water in business premises can cause a standstill in the company’s operations, and this will be a major cost to the corporation. That is why mitigation of water in home and business environments is important. So, how exactly do professional water damage companies handle pipe breaks?

Water Damage Due To Pipe Break

Analysis of the situation

Professionals will arrive at the flooded home after a short while and will thoroughly inspect the damage caused by the supply line break. This will allow them to devise a plan for mitigation of the water damage. With water in business or home buildings, you need to carry out simple and prudent mitigation procedures after making the call to a professional flood damage company. For example, you can move some items out of the house and even carry out a simple water cleanup. This will reduce the overall losses that result from the water in business premises.

Water Cleanup

Water in home and business premises will cause mold growth and lots of other problems if left for long. That is why professionals invest in powerful water cleanup machinery that sucks water from your floor and carpet. For this procedure, the company will probably require you to clear the area so that they can perform thorough drying. You may need to hire a moving company.

In some cases, the water damage restoration company will require you to dispose of items such as carpets to protect the other surfaces of the house. Of course, this depends on the level of damage caused.

For these purposes, the company will use moisture detectors to determine the wetness in the area. They may also use infrared cameras to inspect the walls and other surfaces that can hide water from normal view. Once this is determined, powerful gas-powered pumps will be used to get rid of the water.

Drying the Area

Water in home and business environments will leave some moisture even after the water cleanup process. Professionals use air movers or other efficient equipment to dry up the house. Besides drying the floor, this will help to remove moisture from other surfaces and items that may have been affected by the flood damage, supply line break, or pipe break.

They will only leave once normal moisture levels are recorded on their equipment. Drying the house to this extent will prevent secondary water damage and, therefore, preserve your home and make restoration successful.

Repair of the Business

Water in home and business environments can necessitate some repairs and cleanup procedures, depending on the severity of the matter. A supply line break or pipe break has to be handled as soon as possible. Otherwise, you can expect the flood damage to recur in the future.

A restoration company can help you move out of the premises and will provide you with a temporary storage area for your items. This will allow the business to be restored. The process will mostly involve the repair of the walls, floors, tiles, and carpets. It may also be necessary to repaint the building. Early mitigation of the flood damage will make the restoration process simpler.


Water in business and home environments can cause inconveniences, and these can be reduced by quick mitigation of the situation. A professional water damage restoration company can effectively handle the damage caused by supply line break in your house or corporate premises. Your overall costs can be lowered by taking some necessary mitigation steps before the company arrives.

What You Should Know About the Cost of Mold Damage

5/24/2019 (Permalink)

Here are Some Things You Should Know About the Cost of Mold Damage

Mold damage is one of those unfortunate problems that comes with owning a home in Rosemont, IL. There is a reason homeowners fear that it could grow on their property. Mold removal can be an expensive process, but it’s necessary. Here are some things you should know about the cost and where your money is going.


A professional will be able to determine if you are looking at a common type of house fungi or if you will need black mold removal. They can collect a sample of what they find and analyze it. This is an expense that you will most likely have to pay for. These tests typically cost from $200-$600. There are three main types of tests:

  • Air testing
  • Surface testing
  • Bulk testing

Size and Location

The size and location of the mold is a huge factor in determining cost. Excessive growth due to a leaking pipe in the walls is probably going to cost more than a small case caused by damp clothes. The larger the surface area that the problem is taking up, the more the mold removal will probably cost. This is another reason why it is so important to get it looked at by a remediation expert right away so that the situation can be taken care of before it spreads too much.


Insurance may help cover the cost, but that is not always the case. It is completely dependent upon what type of insurance you have. Your insurance company is also less likely to help cover the damage if it was due to negligence on your part. You should always check with your agent if you are going through remediation to see what kind of financial help they can provide.

Mold damage will most likely end up costing you some money, but it is not something that should be put off. If you suspect that there are spores growing in your home, call a professional right away to come handle the mold removal.

3 Things You Should Know About Your Renters Insurance and Fire Damage

5/20/2019 (Permalink)

A Few Things You Should Know About Fire Coverage

When you rent a home in Park Ridge,IL, having renters insurance can be helpful in many situations. This insurance can cover a wide range of damage, including that caused by a fire. However, there are some limitations. Here are a few things that you should know about fire coverage.

1. When Is Fire Damage Covered?

Because fire is a covered peril, your insurance will approve your claim in most situations. Even if the fire is a result of your own negligence, the damage will more than likely be covered. Whether it is started by a burning candle, a cooking accident or something else doesn’t usually matter. There is, however, one obvious exception. If the fire was started intentionally, it will not be covered under your insurance.

2. What Is Covered?

When a fire occurs, much of your property loss will be covered under your policy. Depending on your policy, you may be able to receive the cost of replacing your belongings as opposed to the actual value of your lost items. This can be helpful if much of your furniture is older and has depreciated a lot over time. If you are unable to stay in your home while an emergency remediation company is doing repairs and fire restoration, your temporary living expenses can be covered as well.

3. What Is Not Covered?

While renters insurance will cover many expenses after a fire, it does not cover the structure of the building. The owner and his or her insurance company will generally be responsible for the costs related to damage to the actual building. In some cases, they may request payment from you, in which case your insurance company may be able to help.

While many renters insurance policies have similarities, it is important that you look over yours for the specific details. Knowing exactly what is covered will make the claims process much easier during an emergency.

How to Get Flood Protection

5/8/2019 (Permalink)

How to Get Flood Protection

Many business owners in Chicago,IL, don't know what parts of their property are covered by their existing policy. In order to protect all the components your company needs to stay up and running after flood damage, you may require a separate flood insurance policy.

1. Agencies

The National Flood Insurance Program is a system through which individual insurers partner with the federal government to offer valuable commercial insurance policies to business owners seeking to protect themselves against water damage. These contracts are different from the typical mandated property insurance. If your workplace is located in a designated high-risk area, you may be legally required by your lender or local laws to have a flood policy.

2. Activation

Note that like many other insurance types, any flood policy you purchase will require an activation period of thirty days before it comes into full effect. Do not wait until inclement weather is hovering around your area to browse insurers or to implement an emergency action plan.

3. Definitions

A weather event is only considered a flood if water is covering the ground for at least two acres around the property. Other forms of water or storm damage are not automatically related to flooding if they don't directly result from accumulated ground water.

4. Coverage

Your core property insurance package will cover many forms of wind and storm damage. If hail breaks a shingle or wind removes roof flashing, standard property insurance will pay for repairs. However, any specific flood damage or side effects from that flooding fall under your flood insurance. For example, mold in an inundated basement should be removed and sterilized by a qualified flood cleanup professional. If you have a flood policy, your adjuster will review your claim and the insurer will compensate you for the cleanup process.

Keep in mind the differences between standard commercial policies and flood insurance. Prevent gaps in your coverage by reviewing both types of policy and keeping all relevant documents up-to-date.

What Happens After the Storm Floods Recede?

4/30/2019 (Permalink)

Flood Cuts after Flood Storm Damage

Heavy storms often cause floods, with waters rushing in to fill homes with dirty, contaminated liquid. As the deluge destroys personal items and pollutes household goods, the damage can be heart-wrenching in Chicago, IL. But after the water recedes and residences begin to dry out, homeowners are often left with numerous unanswered questions about contamination, tear out, and mold.

3 Things to expect after the water has been drained from the flooded building.

Call the Professionals

Most homeowners want to get back into their homes as quickly as possible after the building has dried out from the water damage. The problem is that the portion of the structure that was submerged in the contaminated water has probably absorbed the liquid and become contaminated itself. Extracting the water was the first step. Now building restoration experts need to assess the situation and tear out the damaged wood, sheetrock, and subflooring.

Prepare for Repairs

Storm flood waters almost always leaves a contaminated residue of silt, sewage, and chemicals behind. The polluted liquids can be quickly sucked from your home, but the residue is more difficult to eliminate. Storm restoration experts can remove the damaged building materials and residue as the team gets rid of damp, damaged walls, floors, and wood trim. Remember, the waterline is a mark of how high the actual flood water moved, not how high the water soaked up into the walls.

Wait To Dry Out

The cleanup crew must typically wait for the wood and floors to thoroughly dry before permanent restoration and repairs can be made to your house. In the meantime, ventilation fans may need to blow, and tear out areas may need to be decontaminated. To avoid future mold hazards, be patient and allow the dehumidifiers to work. It may take weeks before rebuilding begins, but the wait can be worth it when your beautiful home is restored in Chicago, IL.

3 Ways To Eliminate Odors After a Flood

4/25/2019 (Permalink)

Eliminating Odors

Flood water is highly contaminated and can cause undesirable odors to linger at a residence in Park Ridge, IL. Secondary damage, such as mold growth, can intensify a musty smell and cause odors to return even after remediation treatments. Here are three ways to get rid of flood-related odors.

1. Clean and Disinfect the Affected Area

After standing water has been extracted from a residence, it is important to clean and disinfect the area that was flooded. Porous building materials and contents should be considered sewage loss and disposed of, as these materials are difficult to disinfect and may support the growth of odor-causing bacteria or mold. Removing every trace of flood residue is the first step toward banishing undesirable odors.

2. Make Sure Mold Is Not Growing

Homeowners can discourage mold growth by running a dehumidifier to maintain indoor relative humidity levels between 30 percent and 50 percent. The telltale musty odor associated with mold is caused by microbial volatile organic compounds released as off-gases during the growth cycle. If this odor is detectable after a flooded residence has been cleaned, disinfected and dried, a homeowner should arrange for professional mold testing.

3. Use Odor Remediation Methods

If no indications of active fungus growth are detected, a homeowner can pursue odor remediation. Damage restoration experts may recommend the use of a HEPA air scrubber to filter out odor-causing particles followed by specialized neutralization treatments such as ozone or hydroxyl generation, thermal fogging or vapor modification.

It is necessary to mitigate primary storm or flood water damage and ensure that secondary damage is not present before attempting to eliminate odors. If mold growth is present, odor remediation will not have the desired effect and will only temporarily mask indications of a larger problem. For the best results, homeowners should rely on all-in-one mitigation and restoration service located in Park Ridge, IL.

3 Tips for Preventing Chimney Fires

4/25/2019 (Permalink)

Your furnace has gotten you through some pretty tough winters in Chicago, IL and continues to help make your home a comfortable, great place to live for you and your family. Unfortunately, no furnace is a self-sustaining system, and you’ll need to maintain yours to avoid a number of serious issues, such as:

* Smoke damage to your home and belongings

* Blockage of the vent, which can lead to a buildup of unsafe air in your home

* House fires

Luckily, maintaining your furnace correctly is a fairly simple task when approached properly, and costs much less in the long run than paying for professional fire cleaning or smoke cleaning services when things go wrong.

3 Tips for Preventing Chimney Fires

1. Filtration

The easiest thing you can do to prevent the need for fire cleaning in your home is inspect and change your furnace filter regularly. Your filter prevents dirt and debris from entering the furnace. An extreme buildup on these filters can lead to furnace malfunction, which may, in turn, lead to a house fire.

2. Clean Your Vents

If your exit vents become clogged with dirt and dust, the hot air your furnace creates will have nowhere to go. The buildup of heat in your ducts can not only damage the furnace and its channels, but can very well lead to more serious issues down the road. Cleaning your vents is a quick, easy way to reduce strain on your furnace.

3. Inspect the Fan

Your furnace fan is, of course, the component that gets warm air moving throughout the vents to warm your home. If the fan is malfunctioning, hot air will simply stay in place and may cause overheating of various furnace components. Having a professional check out your fan or ensuring it’s working correctly yourself is always advisable when maintaining your furnace.

Following these steps helps to reduce the likelihood of furnace-related fire and smoke damages occurring. At the end of the day, spending a little more time on maintenance is much better than spending your hard-earned cash on fire cleaning services. 

Rain Isn’t the Only Source of Storm Damage

4/25/2019 (Permalink)

Commercial office Suffered from Storm Damage.

A burst pipe is common in the winter season. Often, businesses will close during a winter storm. While it is important to keep you and the employees safe, you should also consider your building. When it comes to dropped temperatures or power outages, the building can severely drop in temperature. This extreme level of cold can cause a frozen pipe to burst.

What to do when that happens.

Shut off the Water

Once a pipe bursts, the first step that you should take is to turn off the water. The more water that floods your building, the worse the damage might be. Standing water is a haven for mold growth and only gets worse as it rises. Turning off the water gives you the ability to control the depth.

Assess the Damage

Once the pipes burst, your building can become quickly flooded. This leads to standing water. Some people have spread the misconception that mold does not grow in colder water, but it still can. The moisture will seep into the walls and carpeting and leave you with black mold and mildew. Once you have drained the water, it is time to assess the damage done.

Call a Mitigation Company

A professional service will be able to judge the work that needs to be done on your building. Without a professional, it is difficult to test what can and cannot be salvaged. In addition, a company will be able to tell you if the flood damage from the burst pipe will require a complete restoration of different areas.

Winter storms are dangerous for a number of reasons. What most people do not consider, however, is how storms lead to flood damage. The best way to prepare for floods during a winter storm is to make sure your pipes are taken care of. A burst pipe not only costs you money with the plumber, but it can also lead to damage throughout your Chicago, IL, building.

3 Problems Caused By Leaking Water

4/16/2019 (Permalink)

A water leak might not seem like a big deal, but it can cause quite a few problems for your Rosemont, IL, business if it isn’t taken care of right away. Here are a few issues that you might end up dealing with if you have a leak in your building.

1. Higher Water Costs

If there is a pipe break in your building, it can cost you a lot of money over time. The worse the leak, the higher your bill. Sometimes, you can have a leak for a long time before you notice it, so it is a good idea to perform regular maintenance to prevent this from happening. If you believe that your water bill is higher than it should be, this might be the cause.

2. Structural Damage

Not only can the leak itself cost you money, but it can cause water damage that will be costly to repair. If it is not fixed quickly, the leaking water can weaken the structure of your building by causing the walls and floors to begin warping or rotting, depending on the materials used. Eventually, they will need to be replaced, which can cost your business both time and money.

3. Mold

Another common problem that can be caused by a water leak is mold growth. While this will not usually affect the structure of the building, it can still cause damage. This fungus spreads quickly in moist environments, so if you have a persistent leak, you may find mold growing inside of your walls. It can cause discoloration as well as a strong, musty odor if not removed.

Despite the problems it can cause, if you do find a water leak in your building, there is no need to panic. A water damage repair company can help you by stopping the leak and repairing any damage it has already caused. Regular inspections of your building can help prevent any long-term problems caused by water.

Be Proactive About Mold Prevention

4/9/2019 (Permalink)

Contact a license restoration contractor like SERVPRO for your mold damage

Mold Prevention

When business owners think about water damage, they likely consider flooding or broken pipes. However, the mold is probably the furthest thing from their minds. Fungal development is a serious side effect of leaks and flooding, and it is something that can spread well beyond the initial contamination site. Unfortunately, its growth does not only occur after significant catastrophes. In fact, your property may have a mold problem right now and you don’t even realize it. Therefore, to reduce your financial risk, it may be beneficial to become proactive about mold prevention sooner instead of later.

1. Repair Seals and Known Leaks

Mold growth most often occurs around sources of moisture. To prevent its development, you should inspect your property, particularly around windows, doors and rooflines where seals may have worn away or sheathing may have been damaged. If you find any weak points or cracks, replace these areas. Additionally, if you know of any small leaks in your plumbing, repair them.

2. Control Moisture Levels

While water damage is an obvious source of mold development, you should not limit yourself to only inspecting areas prone to leaks. Check areas where humidity is higher than average, such as basements and attics. Keep humidity levels consistent throughout the property by installing dehumidifiers on the premises.

3. Improve Ventilation

Beyond controlling humidity and moisture levels with dehumidifiers, you can also use proper ventilation methods by installing HVAC systems and fans. Air returns that are built into HVAC units help to keep air moving, while fans help to reduce the level of humid air in kitchens, laundry rooms, bathrooms and attics.

4. Install Mold-Resistant Products

Contact a water damage remediation specialist in the Rosemont, IL, area to see about putting in mold-resistant products. Drywall and even fabrics exist that repel mold growth.

While water damage is a significant source of fungal development, it is not the only source. Control the level of moisture in your building by ensuring seals are tight and humidity is regulated through the use of humidifiers and ventilation systems. Be proactive.

How to undertake restoration emergencies

3/25/2019 (Permalink)

When your in need of water restoration, call the professionals.

Since the prospect of water damage in a building can be extremely stressful, it is vital to have as much information as possible. A faulty plumbing system can cause leakages that might result in extensive damages. The following tips will enable you to deal with such a problem in a better way:

Address the problem immediately

Remember that as the water seeps into the wooden furniture and floors, it can lead to huge losses. Before you contact your insurance company, it's important to turn off the water to stop the leak. An emergency plumber can repair the leak. Once the leak has stopped it is important to remove the water as fast as possible. SERVPRO of Park Ridge, N. Rosemont & S. Des Plaines has the necessary extraction equipment to remove most of the excess water. We also have the drying equipment that will remove the rest of water from wet surfaces. Water damage can be extremely costly to repair, but if you tackle the problem quickly, you can prevent the loss from becoming more costly.

Mold Growth Prevention

Water cleanup is the best way to reduce the impact of the mold growth in business floors and furniture. The sure way to prevent mold growth is to dry the building completely. By eliminating the water, you will keep the mold spores from having the moisture they need to grow. Acting promptly after a water loss is the best way to prevent mold growth. In addition, failure to remove the water in home floors and other wooden surfaces can lead to significant destruction and possible mold growth. 

Contact your insurance company

If you do not have a policy for water damage, you might have to handle the repair costs alone. Insuring your home against water damage will help you to cut the cost of restoration significantly. While the insurance company will help you with the restoration, you must also take the mitigation seriously. If your home insurance policy does not cover the cost of flood damage, you will struggle to undertake the restoration and repair jobs.

Water cleanup and drying

Water cleanup in the quest to avert the flood damage can save you a huge amount of money. If you experience the damage of water in home or office surfaces, ensure that you engage a specialist to tackle the problem. The pollution levels of the water in home storage tanks will also have an impact on the damage. If the water in business reservoirs and tanks has some impurities, they can affect the wooden surfaces in a negative way.

Whenever you want to mitigate the negative effects flood damage, water cleanup is the priority. Whether you are experiencing the leakages of water in business premises or at home, you require the help of a competent contractor. The contractor will remove the damaged elements and salvage some materials to save money. Drying the wet wood can help to reduce the overall cost of restoration compared to undertaking an overhaul.

Flood damage mitigation

The best way to protect you home from such problems is to come up with the right mitigation measures. While you may not have the special drying equipment, you can avoid the problems by repairing your plumbing system. Replacing a faulty faucet is one of the best mitigation measures if you are looking to save on home restoration significantly. Reduce the damage by water in business furniture by taking the right measures to mitigate the problem.

Avoiding the future leakages

Stopping a leakage before it occurs is your best defense against the problem. A competent contractor will take the necessary precautions while repairing your home to prevent such damage in the future. Applying varnish and sealants in the wooden surfaces can help to reduce the seepage. Some of the most prevalent causes of water damage are:

• Leaking roofs
• Burst pipes
• Flawed door and window installations
• Leaking and broken water lines
• Leaking toilets
• Leaking faucets
• Faulty water reservoirs

Visit us for more information on water damage.

What Storm Services Does SERVPRO Provide?

3/23/2019 (Permalink)

Storm restoration by SERVPRO of Park Ridge

A storm can cause a great deal of stress for property owners and insurance adjusters in Park Ridge, IL. Storm restoration services should provide relief rather than causing more frustration. Rely on a company that offers a wide range of services and responds Faster to Any Size Disaster.

Fast Response

SERVPRO can arrive at a location more quickly than other mitigation companies. The franchise model prioritizes timely storm response and site visits in several ways:

  • Local franchises
  • National corporate support
  • Call response within one hour
  • On site within four hours

A local franchise can be on location within a matter of hours. If a severe storm increases the volume of service requests in an area, nearby franchises can help to manage the workload.

Damage Mitigation

Certified damage mitigation and storm restoration professionals are prepared for almost any disaster. The Disaster Recovery Team has the expertise and equipment necessary to handle most incidents:

  • Flood damage
  • Hurricanes
  • Tornadoes
  • Storm surges
  • Winter storms
  • Wildfires

SERVPRO can mitigate damage from inclement weather or disasters as soon as possible. Whether standing water needs to be pumped out of a structure or a building has suffered severe damage, disaster mitigation and restoration services are available at the same one-stop shop.

Complete Restoration

After mitigation measures have been taken to limit the damage, restoration is still necessary. A company that provides both mitigation and restoration services can deliver a more complete estimate. This can prevent unexpected costs or delays later on in the process. SERVPRO also uploads information to an electronic Claims Information Center to make processing and settling claims easier for insurance agents and adjusters.

All of these services set SERVPRO apart from other mitigation and restoration companies located inPark Ridge, IL. Property owners and insurance agents who are in need of storm restoration services should rely on a one-stop shop capable of responding quickly to any incident.

Fire Damage

3/20/2019 (Permalink)

If your in need of a fire restoration company, call us today!

Fire Damage Restoration

If you have ever seen the aftermath of commercial fire damage, a fire in home or fire in business, well, it's not a pretty site! Fire damage is not only deadly it can disrupt families as well. And if you live near a fire engine building and you hear a siren on a regular basis, you know that some person or family may be in the process of being introduced to some type of fire loss, smoke damage, soot damage and a sudden monolithic change in their air quality.

They will also be looking at a disturbing fire cleanup that will cost them money. Is Your Crystal Ball Still Working? Some people who have never been involved in any type of fire damage like a fire in home, fire in business, commercial fire damage or any other type of fire loss, may chalk that up to those visits to a psychic and that magic crystal ball she uses. Sounds good, but that won't help if Mother Nature has her way.

The only certain way you get the jump on fire damage like a fire in home, fire in business, or commercial fire damage, is to make attempts to not let a fire loss, soot damage, or smoke damage ruin your day in the first place. One major step is to educate you and all family members on the cause of these conundrums.

Soot Damage, Smoke Damage Plus Fire Cleanup Can Ruin Air Quality! Any type of fire damage that includes fire cleanup will without a doubt, disturb your air quality. That said, keep in mind that you do have some parachutes at your disposal to keep fire loss, fire damage, fire restoration, a fire in home or fire in business or commercial fire damage to a minimum. Several of those parachutes belong to fire cleanup professionals who handle soot damage, smoke damage for a living.

Fire damage and fire loss as well as restoration is not for a "rookie" like your Uncle Fred who told you he knows all about that stuff. So, leave him out and use a professional. Fires Are Especially Devastating To Homes And Businesses! Professionals will insure that your carpet and upholstery are cared for plus that fire loss and fire cleanup smell (odor) is gone which is a major consideration since that smelly soot damage and smoke damage has a tendency to hang around long after the fire trucks leave. Professional who handle a fire in home, fire in business or commercial fire damage will do their best to insure the air quality, and fire cleanup is restored to a pre-fire condition. And while these professionals are at it, they will make sure that you and all members of your family will not be required to use any more of those white surgical masks that work to keep you breathing good air quality, not smoke damage or soot damage. In the future make attempts to be prepared and think the boy scouts motto: Be Prepared.

Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on fire damage.

Mold Removal and Remediation

3/20/2019 (Permalink)

Mold Removal and Remediation and What it Means

Mold is more common than most people think and just because they don't readily see it all of the time doesn't mean that it is not there. It grows from tiny, microscopic spores that it puts off and these spores float through the air until they land in a nurturing spot where it can grow.

It needs an area that is dark, has no moving air, and has a source of moisture to take root and grow. Ideal spots are basements, crawl spaces, attics, closets, behind walls where there are pipes leaking and similar spots. It starts out as a small, microbial growth and it will cover an entire wall and ceiling in a matter of a week.

Mold can look just like a fungus or mildew, but it is far more pervasive and dangerous. It can grow in the midst of mildew and fungus, and it could be disguised by that. It comes in various colors from red, green, red, brown, white, yellow and black. Black is the most insidious as it is the most difficult to get rid of and it seems to be more toxic.

People should not attempt to remove it themselves because that just stirs up the spores and can cause it to spread more rapidly and to be in the air more which can be more unhealthy to those around the area. If mold is suspected a homeowner or business owner should call in professional help, headed by an environmental hygienist, who can examine the substance and determine whether or not it is mildew, fungus, or a moldy area.

A formal mold cleanup and mitigation project should be arranged with an environmental hygienist at the helm. This will ensure that the proper steps will be taken and that no one's health will be compromised. The environmental hygienist and the accompanying workers will wear protective clothing and masks which will prevent contamination of clothing and avoidance of breathing the spores into the breathing passages.

The microbial growth of the corpus of the substance can occur quite rapidly, and this growth can put off spores that can be dangerous quickly. That is why the sooner mold cleanup and mitigation can take place the better.

The environmental hygienist can determine exactly what kind of mold is present and will prescribe the exact treatment that will not only get rid of the substance but will also prevent is from recurring. It is not uncommon for a mold cleanup and mitigation to have entire rooms torn down and reappointed from wall to ceiling, carpeting, and furniture was thrown out and everything refurbished.

Many times areas that are full of mildew and fungus are hiding the microbial growth of moldy areas, so those areas are dealt with accordingly. Once the areas where the infestation is identified and labeled, the mold cleanup and mitigation can proceed, and everything is made as new.

Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on mold removal and remediation.

3 Tips for Water Damage Claims

3/13/2019 (Permalink)

Bursting pipes are not the only issue that could prompt the need for water remediation services in your home. So many different factors can play into filing your insurance claim that you may not know where to begin or how to decide if the damage to your home in Park Ridge, IL, is covered. Here are three ways to improve your confidence that your claim will be accepted.

1. Review Your Policy

Most homeowners' policies cover sudden or accidental water damage, but not every repair associated with it is necessarily covered. For example, your insurance will likely pay for the damage caused by a busted pipe but not to fix the broken pipe itself. Depending on the exemptions in your coverage, you may be able to pay for the remediation of any secondary damage that happens as a result of the original issue if it was covered by your policy. Your insurance agent can help you understand exactly what your policy covers.

2. Perform Regular Maintenance

The key to an accepted claim is often your own vigilance. Have bursting pipes repaired as soon as you notice the problem. Perform regular inspections and maintenance on all your plumbing. Make sure that your roof is intact, and have any weak points fixed immediately. If damage happens because you neglected to take care of your home, your claim may be denied.

3. Keep Accurate Records

Keeping a file with records of the repairs that plumbers and other maintenance professionals have done can help you back up your insurance claim. If your action on an issue is called into question, you have proof that you stayed on top of the problem. Accurate records also help keep you on track so that you remember when your last inspection or update was performed.

Whether water damage was caused by bursting pipes or some other type of leak, responding quickly and keeping an account of how you responded is important. Your fast action and knowledge of your policy can help you file a successful claim.

Testing To Assess Mold Damage in Your Home

3/5/2019 (Permalink)

Eliminating mold in a Park Ridge, IL home

Mold Assessment

Any level of mold in a home can be alarming, and while there are times when it may be safe to remediate the problem on your own, most instances require professional assistance. That being said, there are a variety of mold assessment choices that can alert you to not only the presence of mold but what type of mold it is. Keep in mind, however, that while not all mold is life-threatening, it can still be problematic.

1. Test Kits

There are several mold test kits available for consumer purchase. These kits do not cost as much as a professional assessment and typically require you to take a sample of the suspected mold, sending it away to a lab and waiting for your results.

2. Mold Varieties

A mold assessment will attempt to determine the mold species and its level of toxicity to humans. Therefore, an evaluation will try to determine whether the environment is safe for mold remediation. While it may be disconcerting, high levels of mold infestation, especially when deemed to be toxic black mold or other harmful varieties, may result in the condemning of a property. For that reason, you should never jump into a mold cleanout.

3. Air and Surface Testing

While mildew is a surface problem, mold can be a surface and air problem because of spores, which is why performing multiple tests are often required. Additionally, knowing the level of airborne spores means that you can take the appropriate safety precautions before cleaning and removing materials.

4. Professional Help

A mold remediation specialist in the Park Ridge, IL, area is the best qualified to perform mold removal because they have the certifications and experience to handle potentially toxic materials safely. When you have a mold problem in your home, it is necessary to handle contaminated materials carefully to reduce the risk of spread, which is why professionals are best.

While a mold assessment can be performed on your own for less expense, it may not be the best decision. Trust a professional and protect yourself.

Why Mold Removal Needs to Be a Top Focus

2/19/2019 (Permalink)

If you have had water damage to your home or business at one time or another, it’s possible that you now have mold damage. The problem with mold in home or even commercial mold damage is that it will often spread until you focus on mitigation and remediation. This will allow you to get the problem under control and ultimately eliminated.

Why Mold Removal Needs to Be a Top Focus

Mold and Mildew Can Spread

It’s important to understand that mold and mildew are a form of fungus. Fungus has the potential to grow, especially when it is around moisture. This means that until you work on mold removal, the problem is going to continuously get worse. You don’t want to have this in your home or business, which means you need to do something about it.

If you have mold in home, it might be growing behind the walls, in your flooring, and more. You might notice a smelly odor before you see the mold damage itself. If you don’t get it under control, it could spread to different rooms and start to eat through wood and other materials.

Commercial mold damage needs to be controlled as well. You could lose a big part of your investment because of fungus. With mitigation, you get the problem under control and then with remediation, you get to schedule the mold removal so you don’t have to worry about it spreading any further.

The more it spreads, the more it's going to cost you. This means you have to get the situation under control quickly. Whenever there is still a lot of moisture in the building, you are essentially feeding the fungus, which is going to pose more problems for you.

Mitigating the problem allows you to stop the growth.

It Smells Bad

Many people experience a smelly odor long before they see any kind of mildew or mold damage. This means that there’s the need for deodorization. There’s nothing worse than walking into a business and immediately recognizing commercial mold damage because of the strong odor. This means that you have to do something about it right away because it could scare off customers. A well-trained nose will know that it's mildew and this could be a way to ruin the reputation of your business instantly. It doesn't have to be this way. 

Deodorization is something you can schedule for your business as well as when you have mold in home scenarios. You can’t just use room spray in order to deal with the smelly odor, either. This will only mask the fact that you have mold damage inside the building. It will continue to spread and the smell could get worse. You need to focus on mitigation and remediation in order to get the mold removal scheduled so you can say goodbye to the smell once and for all.

The Structure is in Danger

Mold and mildew will continue to break down the plant materials in your building. With mold removal, you can focus on mitigation, remediation, and deodorization. Otherwise, the fungus is going to continue to do structural damage.

 You don’t want to get into a situation where mold in home areas are causing you to lose drywall and the structural integrity of your home. If you have commercial mold damage, it might also start to affect inventory that you have.

 The reality is that the smelly odor and the appearance need to be controlled. With deodorization and professional mold removal, you can get the improvements needed to save your home or business.

CIC and ReportER: How SERVPRO Is Helping the Insurance Industry

2/18/2019 (Permalink)

Using the CIC system through SERVPRO is likely the quickest and most reliable way to go.

How SERVPRO Is Helping The Insurance Industry

Researching an insurance claim is a large part of an insurance adjuster’s job, and that process can be slowed down by unreliable sources or other time-consuming issues. While there are many ways for an agent in the Park Ridge, IL area to verify and estimate payout, using the CIC system through SERVPRO is likely the quickest and most reliable way to go.

1. Claims Storage and Organization

For an insurance agent, it is about receiving reliable information and being able to get that information in a quick and organized way. The CIC, or Claims Information Center, gives agents the ability to search for claims by type and location within one platform, meaning that they can perform tasks quicker and more efficiently.

2. Database and Structure

The database is called ReportER and is accessed through the Managed Dashboard, allowing agents to use the CIC. These tools provide the necessary structure for the CIC to be not only useful but effective. Insurers are able to upload an insurance claim and check the progress throughout the life of the restoration.

3. Accessibility and Ease of Use

The entire system that SERVPRO has developed is designed to simplify the claims process for agents and making it approachable through the Managed Dashboard. It is here that insurers can review claims and other working projects, allowing them to compile all significant information in one place.

The research involved in the insurance claim process can be incredibly time-consuming, but when an agent is inundated with unreliable sources, the process becomes unproductive. To ensure that an agent is equipped with the right data sets, it is important for them to start with the right tools, but more importantly, it is necessary to be able to track their progress. The Claims Information Center allows for all this and more. With the incorporated Managed Dashboard and the ReportER database, an agent has everything they’ll ever need.

Hurricane Season: Making Sure Your Business Is Covered

2/12/2019 (Permalink)

Make Sure Your Business Is Covered

Storm insurance, in the most general sense, is likely covered under most commercial policies. However, when you start to specify natural disasters into categories like hurricanes, earthquakes and floods, your policy is not as all-inclusive as you thought. To adequately protect your business this hurricane season, you may want to invest in some insurance riders and policy upgrades.

1. Hurricane and Flood Rider

Typical commercial insurance coverage will cover things like wind storms, but these are not hurricanes. Hurricanes are a different extreme breed of a storm, and as such, they require a specific rider. This is the same for flooding. These specific natural disasters are not general enough to be all-included, meaning that these disasters are typically regional and not nationwide.

2. Business Interruption

Your storm insurance coverage under your standard policy will likely not include business interruption insurance. This means that when your business is forced to close for renovations due to storm damage, your losses will not be covered possibly placing your operation in financial trouble.

3. Business Owner’s Policy

A business owner’s policy will likely bundle property, general liability and interruption insurance under one cohesive plan, but this is dependent on your insurance provider. Many owners find the convenience of bundling beneficial while others prefer to shop around.

A flooding and storm specialist in the Park Ridge,IL , area or your insurance provider can offer more insight and clarification into the specific policies and their benefits. Also, they can help you decide which options are best for you and your business. These decisions are primarily tied to location and climate zones, so it pays to get an informed decision.

Storm insurance, specifically coverage for certain severe natural disasters, is beneficial depending on your specific circumstances. Not every business owner requires hurricane coverage, but for those that do, it is helpful to know that a typical policy requires additional riders for that coverage.

Fire Remediation: From Start to Finish

2/4/2019 (Permalink)

The fire restoration process can be a long one. It starts when a professional fire remediation company assesses the damage to your home and ends only when your home is restored to its former glory. Here is a look at the whole process divided into its two main parts - mitigation and restoration.


Mitigation is the process of getting rid of the causes of the damage to your home in Park Ridge,IL , as well as the damage itself. When dealing with the aftermath of a fire, you aren’t just looking for items that are burned. Technicians must also deal with other damage:

  •  Water damage from efforts to extinguish the fire
  •  Smoke damage from the haze created by the fire
  •  Structural damage from fire itself

Experts start the process by assessing how much the fire destroyed. Then, they remove excess water and affected items so they can get to the structure itself. They remove the walls, floors and ceilings that are waterlogged or otherwise compromised. The parts of the structure that remain must be cleaned before fire restoration can begin. Smoke and soot must be removed from surfaces and cleaned out of crevices. Everything must be disinfected to ensure that no bacteria or harsh chemicals remain.


After damage cleaning is complete, technicians can begin to put your home back together again. Walls and insulation that were torn out are replaced. Ceilings, cabinets and flooring are rebuilt. The finishing touch comes when the restoration crew makes sure that the new parts of your home match the areas they were able to salvage. When they are finished, your home should look “Like it never even happened."

When looking for a company to handle fire restoration for your home in Park Ridge,IL, it can be helpful to choose a company that specializes in both mitigation and restoration. By incorporating the two parts into one process, you can expect a smoother recovery.

Why Mold Returns Even After You’ve Removed It

1/22/2019 (Permalink)

Hire a professional mold remediation specialist

4 Facts About Mold

If you have removed black mold from your Chicago,IL , home, you might be surprised to find that it has returned. For many people, mold can be a continuous problem. If you find yourself frustrated and wondering why you just can’t get it to stay away, these facts about mold might help you understand the issue a little bit better.

1. Mold Is Almost Everywhere

One reason mold is so difficult to get rid of is because it simply exists almost everywhere. As a result, it is impossible to remove all of it during mold cleanup. The good news is that most mold does not cause any problems for you or your home.

2. Mold Is a Living Organism

Another reason that mold tends to return after you have removed it is because it is a living organism that reproduces and spreads. Even if just a small amount of black mold remains after you have cleaned your home, this mold will multiply, making it a repetitive problem.

3. Mold Spores Are Microscopic

Even if you remove all visible mold from your home, there will be mold spores that you cannot see. They can float through the air or hide inside air conditioners and other small spaces. Because they are so small, mold spores can enter your home and start growing without your knowledge.

4. Mold Thrives in Moist Places

Once mold spores have entered your home, all they need to grow into a bigger problem is a bit of moisture. Moisture causes mold to grow quickly, so any damp location can become a home for mold.
Because it can be difficult to keep black mold out of your home on your own, it can be helpful to hire a professional mold remediation specialist. While a professional may not be able to remove mold from your home completely, he or she can help keep harmful spores from returning and causing damage.

Which Water Heater Noises Indicate Attention Is Needed?

1/17/2019 (Permalink)

Your home in Park Ridge,IL , is filled with the normal noises of a home. Floors may creak and ceiling joists may pop. Your freezer and refrigerator whir and hum through their cycles. Your furnace or air conditioning unit may produce a fan noise. But when you start hearing noises coming from your water heater you may feel a bit uneasy and worry about whether it is safe. In the natural course of its function, sediment may collect at the bottom, calcium may build up on the sides, or an element may vibrate loose. What do the sounds mean

Normal or Unusual Sounds Your Water Heater May Produce

  • Screeching or singing noises mean a valve needs to be opened
  • Humming may mean the element needs to be tightened into place
  • Tapping and ticking sounds are normal and can be caused by cooling cycles
  • Knocking or hammering is usually from the abrupt shutoff of the tank, for instance following a shower, or wash load finishing
  • Popping, crackling or rumbling usually indicate mineral buildup on the element and it should be replaced or you should perform a water heater flush

So, what can be done about some of the noises that need attention? Inspection and regular maintenance of your water heater can eliminate many of these noises. Performing a water heater flush using a deliming solution can help prevent sediment and mineral build up on the walls of your tank and may also keep your element cleaner. You may also find that installing a water softener may be of great help in keeping mineral build-up to a minimum.

If you hear something more bothersome, calling a water damage control specialist in Park Ridge,IL , may ease your mind. They will be able to help you assess and repair any damage that may have happened as well. Dealing with a water heater problem on your own can be intimidating. With regular maintenance you can increase your chances of having a happy and healthy water heater for years to come.

What To Expect From Fire Remediation Professionals

1/10/2019 (Permalink)

Commercial restoration in Chicago, IL

The work completed as part of fire damage restoration services can leave your property in pre-fire condition. In some cases, much of this work can be completed while you continue to operate your business. Most of the time, fire and smoke damage remediation professionals will work quickly to allow you get back to normal operations as soon as possible.

Professionals Services Include …

What can you expect from these professionals?

  • Emergency Response
  • Damage Assessment
  • Roof Tarping and Security
  • Cleanup Services
  • Repair and Restoration

These five steps are conducted efficiently to prevent further damage from occurring. The professionals may also work closely with your insurance company.

Types of Damage

In addition to flames, your property may be at risk from water, smoke, and soot damage. Hidden behind the stains and smoke damage, there may be structural damages. As professionals complete the assessment part of their work, they will take note of walls, ceilings, and floors that have been affected by the fire.

Attention for the Roof

The roof gets special attention because the work of the firefighters often involves holes for ventilation. The holes make the building vulnerable to damage from the weather and from looters or vandals. The professionals use tarps and plywood to temporarily patch the openings.

Repair and Replace

As part of the cleanup, repair, and restoration services, professionals will address stains and smells with specialized smoke cleaning procedures. Some items may be removed for cleaning, and others may be treated while on the property. Some of your furnishings and possessions should be thrown out and replaced for the continued safety of your workers and clients.

Final Consultation

Fires are often preventable. After working through the previous steps, fire restoration professionals may discuss fire safety and prevention with you. They may offer valuable insights into where to position smoke detectors to prevent future fires.

If your business has been affected by fire, knowing what to expect can help. Once Chicago,IL, professionals are involved, you can return your focus to keeping your business active.

4 Ways To Avoid Secondary Damage

12/31/2018 (Permalink)

Water damage can result in major problems at a building in Rosemont,IL. Additional damage, such as black mold or structural issues, may be caused by primary damage. Here are four ways to limit the risk of secondary damage.

1. Clean Up Primary Damage

The best way to prevent additional damage is to mitigate primary damage as quickly as possible. Water damage can make a structure and contents more susceptible to corrosion, mold, insect infestations, and rot.

In situations involving minor damage from a pipe leak, a building owner or manager may be able to call a plumber and dry the affected area. For major damage or incidents involving contaminated water, it can be beneficial to call in a service that specializes in water damage cleanup.

2. Dry the Damaged Area

In addition to removing water and cleaning or disinfecting the affected area, it is crucial to dry water damage in a timely manner. Most additional damage is due to residual moisture. Restoration professionals may recommend lowering high humidity levels or increasing ventilation.

3. Check For Signs of Mold

Once an area has been cleaned and dried, a building owner or manager should regularly check for any signs of fungus growth. Stachybotrys or black mold is only one of over 100,000 varieties of mold. Fungi can grow in a variety of colors or patterns, but will generally have a fuzzy texture. A telltale odor may indicate the presence of hidden mold.

4. Rely on Damage Restoration Experts

Restoration professionals can make the best choices from the start of the mitigation process onward. This can prevent aspects of primary damage from going undetected and causing further damage.

Secondary damage may range from structural issues or infestations to black mold. These methods can help property owners and managers stop additional damage from occurring after water damage at a building in Rosemont,IL.

What Is the Best Equipment for Draining a Flooded Basement?

12/19/2018 (Permalink)

Dehumidifiers used during water loss in Chicago,IL

Potentially caused by anything from a major storm to a burst water pipe, a basement flood can be a major cleanup job for any homeowner in Chicago,IL, to tackle. If this is your first experience with draining water from the basement, you may need to obtain a few basic pieces of equipment to get started. Consider the following list of helpful tools for cleaning up a flooded space.

Submersible Water Pump

One of the most commonly used tools for water removal is an electric water pump. Be sure to look for a pump that is fully submersible and waterproof. When attached to your household garden hose, this pump begins the process of removing water from the inside of your home. You may need additional equipment such as the following:

  • An electrical generator
  • Nylon rope
  • Heavy-duty extension cord

Wet/Dry Vacuum

In the case of a broken pipe, you may be able to catch leaks in the early stages before water levels get too high. For cleaning up a smaller water mess, you should consider using a standard wet/dry vacuum. Most models hold up to 5 gallons of water at a time and are easy to maneuver as you tidy up a small basement flood.


As with any case of residential water damage, getting moisture dried up as quickly as possible is the best way to prevent substantial water damage. Sitting water is one of the quickest ways mold and rot can develop in your home. A dehumidifier may help expel moisture in the walls and floor until professional flood cleanup services arrive at your home.

Check your home insurance coverage for information related to residential water cleanup. Many Chicago,IL, residents already have insurance policies in place to offset the cost of major water damage and repair. As you begin draining water from a basement flood, consider using one or more of these useful pieces of equipment.

What You Should Know About Beeping Fire Alarms

12/19/2018 (Permalink)

A fire alarm is a useful item to have in your home in Park Ridge,IL  and can help alert you in case of a fire. However, hearing constant beeping or chirping noises can quickly become frustrating. With a solid understanding of your alarm, you are more likely to know how to react if your alarm won’t stop beeping.

Why Is My Alarm Beeping?

A smoke detector going off is not always an indicator of danger or smoke damage, especially when the detector is making a chirping noise. The following could cause your alarm to beep:

  • Dirt and dust may have caused buildup and the alarm needs to be cleaned
  • Batteries need to be replaced
  • The alarm may be faulty

How Often Should You Change Your Smoke Detector?

It’s often common for a smoke detector to beep if something needs to be changed. Tips on maintaining your fire alarm include:

  • Change batteries yearly
  • Test the function of your alarm frequently
  • Replace the smoke alarm at least once every ten years

How Can You Stop the Beeping?

If you are unsure what is causing the chirping noise from your alarm, it’s often best to try several methods to fix common issues. The following can often stop an alarm from continuously beeping:

  • Replace the batteries
  • Clean the alarm
  • Reset the alarm

If none of the above techniques work to quiet your alarm, consider replacing the alarm. Often, there will be a date on your alarm noting the year it was made, and if ten years or more have passed since this date, it’s likely that you need to replace the alarm entirely.

Having a thorough understanding of how your fire alarm functions can help you put a stop to chirping noises and can keep you safe in case of an emergency. If your home has been damaged by a fire, consider contacting fire damage restoration experts.

Getting Your Family’s Emergency Escape Plan Right

10/23/2018 (Permalink)

Even small fires in Rosemont,IL, can be deadly. To keep your family safe during a fire, you must be certain everyone in your group knows what to do in an emergency. By developing a reliable fire escape plan, you increase your odds of achieving peace of mind.

Here are four tips for drafting your family’s emergency escape plan

1. Use Online Resources
The fire safety experts at the American Red Cross have extensive knowledge about preparing an emergency preparedness plan. In fact, the organization has a checklist of tasks that anyone can use to be certain a plan is effective.

2. Walk Around Your Home
Before creating your family’s fire escape plan, walk around the outside of your home and thoroughly examine it. Be sure the following are clearly visible or accessible:

  • Your house’s street number or address
  • Front and rear entry doors
  • Emergency release latches for security bars

3. Find an Outside Meeting Place
Taking family attendance during an emergency is essential to making sure everyone is safe. As such, you need to find a safe outside meeting place. Be sure it is in a well-lit area. During everyday conversation, routinely remind your children of the location of your meeting place.

4. Give Everyone a Stake
Ask your kids to help you create your family’s emergency plan. Give the young ones a piece of paper and ask them to draw their bedrooms. Then, have them identify two ways out of the rooms where they spend the most time. Don’t forget to routinely test your escape plan. When the smoke detector sounds, it is time for everyone to evacuate.

If your home goes through a fire, you can contract with a professional restoration service to return your Rosemont,IL, house to its pre-fire condition. Remember, things are replaceable, while people are not. By formulating and routinely drilling a fire escape plan, you can rest assured your family knows what to do in the unlikely event of a fire or other emergency.

Why Are Flood Waters Classified as Black Water?

10/17/2018 (Permalink)

When flood water washes through a community, officials quickly warn residents to stay away from the area. Why isn't it okay for commuters to travel their normal route to work? Why not conduct business through shallow areas? There's more at risk than damage to vehicles and the threat of being washed away, although both are significant risks. The primary danger may be the health hazards lurking in the water.

Water Categories

There are three classifications for water:

  • Category One - Clean: Water that is safe to touch, such as rainwater and tap water.
  • Category Two - Gray: This water may come from dishwashers or aquariums. It must be treated for contamination before it is consumed.
  • Category Three - Black: This water contains bacteria, chemicals, and biological hazards. Sewage is a familiar example of black water.

Flood water is treated as black water because it may have picked up many contaminants as it traveled through the community. It may have come into contact with sewer mains, waste dumps, ditches, septic tanks, and toilet backflows. When water floods into your building, you can't tell where it's been or what it has picked up.

Dangers of Black Water

Black water may have been contaminated by fecal matter or by dangerous chemicals. It may carry bacterial or viral diseases. During floods, water may carry toxic waste or raw sewage. If your building has been affected by flood water and storm damage, contact an emergency restoration service immediately. These professionals can assess the level of danger and provide safety guidelines and a plan for remediation. These professionals have the equipment and training necessary to move through the cleanup plan in compliance with guidelines established by the EPA.

Don't plunge into cleanup efforts on your own. If flooding has filled your Park Ridge,IL, property with water, stay out of the area and wait for professionals to handle the mess. There are plenty of other recovery efforts you can undertake.

How To Handle a Toilet Overflow

10/11/2018 (Permalink)

Water damage cleanup after sewage backup in Chicago,IL

Most people have to deal with a flooded toilet at some point. You press the handle, and the water rises, but instead of draining, it flows over the rim and onto your bathroom floor. Water from the toilet is most likely to be Category 3 water, which means it's highly contaminated. If your bathroom has sewer damage from an overflowing toilet, there are several steps you can take to mitigate the problem.

Assessing the Severity

If only a little water escapes and it doesn't contain fecal matter, you may be able to clean up the mess yourself. You will need to call a sewage company that specializes in water remediation, however, if certain factors are present:

  • A large amount of standing water on the floor
  • Wet, contaminated carpet
  • Water damage on walls, floors or cabinets

Professional mitigation technicians have the tools and the knowledge to make sure all the excess water is extracted, and all sewer damage is remedied.

Unstopping the Toilet

In order to prevent the toilet from overflowing again, you can take care of the problem that caused it to do so. If you can use a plunger to get rid of the clog, that is ideal. If your efforts do not produce any results, however, you may need to enlist the help of a plumber.

Sanitizing the Bathroom

No matter how big or small the problem is, any instance of a flooded toilet requires that all the surfaces impacted by the water be sanitized. Whether you hire professionals to take care of the disinfection or you decide to do it yourself, gloves can be worn to protect hands from the contaminated water. A benefit of hiring specialists to clean up your bathroom is that they can do post-cleaning tests to make sure the area is thoroughly sanitized.

If the toilet in your home in Chicago,IL, overflows, you will likely need to hire professionals for the cleanup. They can assess the situation, mitigate the sewer damage and sanitize the room.

Mold Always Follows a Flood

9/16/2018 (Permalink)

Once a flood invades your home, the mold isn’t far behind. It won’t wait for the water to recede or for your home to dry out. In 24 to 48 hours you can expect that mold growth has begun and there is only so much you can do until the moisture is removed. Before you start the cleanup, contact your insurance agent and take pictures of the damage. Following that, there are several things you can do to hurry the cleanup along.

• Eliminate standing water using pumps and wet/dry vacuums.
• Discard items in the flooded area that will not be restored.
• Send items that are to be restored out for restoration.
• Put undamaged items into storage to be brought back later.
• Treat wet areas with disinfectant to minimize the negative effects of bacteria.
• Tear out damaged sections of walls and floors but not structural components.

Remove the Moisture From What Remains

Typically, this means opening windows and operating fans to circulate the air and send the moisture out of the house. You can find nearby restoration specialists in Chicago, IL, who will bring their experience and specialized equipment to help with the drying process.

It Is Never Too Soon to Start Looking for Mold

While this moisture removal is underway, use your eyes and nose to look for evidence of mold growth. Assume you will find some. A mold problem can be addressed even if your house Is still wet, but removal cannot be declared complete until the house is dry and carefully inspected. Also, bear in mind that mold needs to be removed. Covering mold with caulk or paint is not an effective method of control.

Don’t Finish the Restoration Until You Are Certain That the Mold Is Gone

Before you start the final restoration, you want to make certain that mold growth is no longer a problem. You didn’t go through all this effort only to bury mold behind walls and under floors. Your restoration specialists can help you determine that you are ready to complete the restoration.

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Salvaging a Flooded Company: How to Ensure Your Employees Are Protected during the Cleanup Process

9/16/2018 (Permalink)

A flooded company is a devastating thing that can stem from a broken pipe or a flood in the Chicago, IL, area. When this type of disaster occurs, it can be second nature to want to begin the cleanup process immediately with all hands on deck; however, there are certain precautions that you may want to take to protect the health and well-being of your employees.

1. Enforce Hygiene Practices

Standard practice when cleaning up any water damage should be the washing of hands before eating or touching your face. Depending on the type of water damage, you may be working in a contaminated space that can pose health risks just from contact.

2. Enforce PPE Requirements

As to avoid any further health risks, workers should wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This equipment includes facemasks, waterproof gloves, rubber boots, goggles, and water repellent coveralls.

3. Enforce Vaccination Requirements

In addition to any protective clothing, employees should be up-to-date on their tetanus shots as well as hepatitis A and B vaccines. You can speak to an emergency manager to find out if there are any other vaccinations required.

4. Ensure Appropriate Training

Before entering a flooded company, you may want to provide employees with the appropriate training necessary for the particular damage they will encounter. This training should cover the above requirements and practices, ensuring that everyone is aware of their risks and responsibilities.

5. Call in the Calvary

Depending on the level of damage and the significance of the health risks, it may be beneficial for a company to pursue restoration specialists with the appropriate certifications, training, and experience to protect their employees and their business. While a burst pipe may result in a small flood, corrected with wet vacs and a dry cleaning delivery, that is simple enough for an in-house team to handle, large floods may require more skilled hands.

A flooded company, while devastating, can provide opportunities for team building; however, it is essential to prepare employees for the cleanup process by ensuring they abide by the appropriate requirements, practices, and training. Their safety is your ultimate responsibility.

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Black Mold and Why It Shows Up in Homes

9/11/2018 (Permalink)

Mold exists in many natural forms and is found naturally in indoor and outdoor environments. Most of the time, mold isn't a problem, but it can quickly develop into one when it spreads throughout , homes. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to prevent black mold from spreading through your home.

1. Control Moisture

The most effective way to prevent and control the growth of black mold in your home is to keep moisture at bay. If you live in an area where humidity is consistently high, you may want to invest in a dehumidifier. Other steps you can take include immediately cleaning up any spilled or leaking water, keeping appliances and appliance filters clean and dry, clean and repair roof gutters, and remove condensation from windows. Make sure you have adequate ventilation wherever water is used in the home.

2. Guard Against Leaks

It isn't unusual for older pipes to weaken and develop leaks. You may find that your pipes burst during an especially hard winter. Learn as much as you can about the potential for leaks in your home and then take steps to prevent them. For example, removing hoses from the outdoor spigots and protecting spigots from winter weather is a good way to guard against flooding in the spring.

3. Respond Immediately to the Presence of Mold

If you do find that mold has developed in your home, act immediately to arrange for mold cleanup. This means thoroughly cleaning the area and then using appropriately cleaning materials to kill remaining mold spores. If drywall or carpeting was affected, you may need to contact mold remediation professionals for stronger cleanup measures.

Remember, black mold is a living organism that lives in your home because it thrives in moist places. You can take steps to prevent mold growth and there are many professional resources available for when mold gets out of hand. As soon as you notice mold, take steps to eliminate it for the long-lasting well-being of your home and family.

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Your Business and Hail Damage: What You Should Know

8/19/2018 (Permalink)

If you are a business owner in Chicago, IL, chances are that you have worried about hail storms at one point or another and wondered what roof damage they could cause. There are some types of hail damage that you need to be aware of so you can protect your building from it and understand how to make repairs if this unfortunate destruction should occur. The two main types are as follows.

1. Superficial Damage

Damage to your roof that affects how it looks but does not necessarily harm the building in any way is superficial damage. Some examples include spots on the roof that are darker than they should be and areas that simply look battered. Surface-level problems such as these may not be as alarming as ones that affect the more fundamental areas of the structure, but they should still be repaired so you can get your business back to looking good as new.

2. Critical Damage

Damage that affects the usefulness of your roof could be classified as critical damage. It is usually more crucial to have such issues corrected sooner than more superficial damage, as they can lead to other troubles with your roof’s as well as your building’s overall integrity. Things such as cracked or missing shingles, as well as wet insulation, could lead to problems such as water leaks, which could cause mold growth in the future.

Your best defense against roof damage to your Chicago, IL, business is to equip the premises with the most hail-resistant roofing material available. You will want to do some research, as there are many roofing supplies available to meet different businesses’ needs. If you have had the misfortune of already facing hail damage, a commercial storm damage restoration company will be your best bet for assisting you in correcting any problems that a hail storm has caused. Being prepared and knowing what resources are available allow you to be in a better position to handle any weather-related mishaps that could come your way.

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The Importance of Security Fencing

8/19/2018 (Permalink)

Your commercial property in Chicago, IL, may be protected by various security measures when it is fully functional. If a fire ravages your building, however, it can become vulnerable to those who are inclined to take advantage of others' misfortune. A security fence around the perimeter of your property can protect it while it is uninhabited or undergoing fire mitigation. It can also save you money with your insurance company.

Insurance Savings

Your insurance adjuster assesses the property to decide how much the insurance company will pay to recover your damages. If more losses occur because you do not take the appropriate building security precautions, however, your insurance company is not going to cover those losses. There are several problems that could stem from a lack of security:

• Theft of personal property
• Vandalism
• Physical injury

When the insurance adjuster sees that you have taken the initiative to put up a security fence, this can simplify your claims process and get you a bigger settlement. If the area is secure, the adjuster is likely to determine that most if not all of the damage occurred as a result of the fire.

Trespass Prevention

Security measures can give you peace of mind. They keep people out, which in turn keeps out all the problems that trespassers could cause. You protect yourself from intentional offenses, such as theft or vandalism. You also protect yourself and others from accidents. Security fencing can keep children and wayward pets out of the area, keeping them safe from the dangers of a building that has suffered fire damage. For a little bit of effort, you can avoid a lot of potential problems.

Putting up a security fence while your building is being restored is the smart thing to do. It keeps out people who are up to no good as well as those who are merely wandering away from their usual path out of confusion or curiosity. In the long run, it can save you stress and money.

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Can My Wet Carpet Be Saved?

8/14/2018 (Permalink)

Can My Wet Carpet Be Saved?

Flooding at your home in Chicago, IL, can be overwhelming and confusing. What needs to be thrown away? What can be restored? For some contents of your home, the decision to keep or discard after a pipe break may appear cut and dry. When it comes to carpet, however, there are multiple factors that go into the decision.

To Save

Oftentimes, wet carpet can be saved when professionally dried and cleaned by a water restoration company. Follow the tips below to know when your carpeting can be rescued:

The source of the water is the most important factor when making this decision. If the water came from a clean source, like a pipe break or supply line, it is likely salvageable.
Consider the amount of time that the carpeting has been wet. Usually, less than 24-48 hours is a good rule of thumb. Mold can develop and spread quickly, so it is important to act fast.

Not To Save

In certain instances, water damage to the carpeting is irreparable. Know which situations necessitate taking it out with the trash:

If the source of the water is contaminated, such as from a sewage backup, the carpeting must be discarded for safety reasons. Black water contains viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms hazardous to your health.
Regardless of the type of water, carpet padding cannot usually be saved because it is so difficult to clean.
Carpeting that is under standing water or damp for more than 24-48 hours is at high risk for mold growth. Once mold is present, it should be replaced to avoid further problems.

Regardless of whether you choose to clean or replace your carpeting in Chicago, IL, it is critical to take immediate action. After a pipe break or other source of water damage, call a water restoration specialist and your homeowner’s insurance agency to begin the process of drying and restoring your home.

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Avoiding Space Heater Fires

7/23/2018 (Permalink)

Experts estimate that one third of all house fires that occur in the winter months are caused by a burned space heater. Following a few simple tips can keep folks living in Chicago, and the rest of the country safe when using space heaters. In the event of a fire from a portable heater, professionals can help with smoke clean up and restoration.

Space Heater Fire Prevention Tips

A well-placed space heater on a cold winter day or evening can offer welcome comfort and coziness. Reduce the risk of a burned space heater by remembering some simple rules.

• Make sure the space heater has a high safety rating.
• The heater should have a shut off feature for tip-overs or overheating.
• Do not use a space heater around water.
• Do not use a space heater with an extension cord.
• Use a heater on the floor on a hard, level, nonflammable surface.
• Do not use a space heater in a child’s bedroom or play area.
• Keep children and pets at least three feet away from the heater.
• Do not use a heater near flammable materials such as solvents, paints or gasoline.
• Keep the heater at least three feet away from combustibles like curtains and bedding.
• Do not share the outlet the heater is plugged into with another appliance.
• Turn off the space heater when you leave the area.
• If the space heater has a filter, inspect it regularly and clean or replace it as necessary.

These pointers should prevent the inconvenience of a burned space heater. An easy way to remember to keep children, pets and combustible materials at least three feet away is to reframe the word “space.” Think of the word not only to describe the confined area that is in need of warmth, but also as a reminder to give the portable heater its “space.”

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Three Unexpected Ways FEMA Can Help Your Home Recover From a Storm

7/23/2018 (Permalink)

After a damaging storm strikes your home in Chicago, you may experience flooding and find yourself overwhelmed with a seemingly impossible recovery project. Even smaller storms can create a number of problems for your home:

• Structural damage to your roof and home supports
• Water damage, especially on lower floors
• Broken windows and burst pipes

Though you may struggle to repair all of the damage yourself, FEMA can assist you in finding a firm starting point for your work. With the guidance of its on-site crew and external resources, you can begin repairs in confidence and rebuild your home stronger than ever.

Let Them Assess the Damage

FEMA’s contracted inspectors are experienced professionals who can provide you with a comprehensive overview of the damages your house has suffered and how you should prioritize your repairs. This is especially important after a flood, in which water damage can pose a time-sensitive threat.

Find a Team To Fit Your Needs

After an initial inspection, FEMA can help connect you with the appropriate repair contractor for your home’s damage. Its networks of connections in inspection and repair fields can be broad enough to ensure that whether you’ve suffered fire, flood, or rain damage, you can easily find a team of professionals to expedite and safeguard your repairs.

Get Direct Assistance

Depending on the level of damage your home suffered in the storm, you may also qualify for a governmental grant to help reimburse some of your losses. These supplements can apply to several aspects of recovery, like storage, moving, and essential household item purchases.

Though any storm damage is a significant burden, it becomes even more difficult to manage if you attempt to handle it alone. If you use its services wisely, FEMA can prove a great asset to your recovery efforts; with their help, you can worry less about the present and more about your future.

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4 Ways To Prevent Mold in the Office Fridge

7/18/2018 (Permalink)

Maybe your breakroom fridge in Chicago isn't as bad as the one at an office building in San Jose, CA, where, in 2009, 28 people became sick from fumes of spoiled food and disinfectants. Perhaps your office fridge isn't that bad yet, but you can use this as a cautionary tale to coworkers. Here are four tips on preventing fridge mold at your office:

1. Store food the right way. This sounds straightforward, but the USDA recommends repackaging foods into smaller portions for efficient chilling. This is especially important after work events where large quantities of food were shared. When deep containers of warm food are placed in the fridge, the center may stay warm long enough for bacteria and mold to grow. Be sure to cover food to help keep moisture in and better maintain humidity of the fridge environment.

2. Maintain the proper temperature and humidity. Mold can live at temps of 40-100° F, but you can reduce the opportunity for fridge mold by keeping the temperature at 40° F or lower. Buy a thermometer to keep inside of the fridge for easy monitoring and don't keep the doors open for long periods of time.

3. Know when to throw away food. Don't rely on mold smell to motivate you. Food should be removed weekly and never left over the weekend. Food that has sat at greater than 40° F for more than 2 hours is not safe to eat, so throw out all food when the power has been out that long.

4. Use proper cleaning methods. For disinfecting fridge interiors, don't use harsh cleaners that may transfer odors to foods. Frequent cleaning with baking soda and dish soap are all you need. Pay attention to high humidity areas that are higher risk for fridge mold, like crisper drawers and seals.

Hopefully, you won't need a hazmat team to help your office through a disinfecting fridge cleaning, but mold remediation specialists are available to help with any mold problem in your building. With their knowledge and special equipment, they make sure to cleanup mold while preventing the further spread of spores.

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Use These 5 Simple Steps To Flush a Water Heater

6/26/2018 (Permalink)

Water heaters can last a long time if properly maintained, but the appliances are often neglected. The old adage, "out of sight, out of mind" can be especially true of the water heater because it is often hidden away in a dark closet, basement, or garage in your home in Chicago. To prevent costly repairs or replacement of the unit, consider establishing a regular maintenance program. By taking the following steps, you can keep your home's hot water flowing for years to come.

1. Turn off the power or gas feeding the water heater. For a gas unit, simply make sure the pilot light is extinguished and no live electric lines feed into the tank. For an electric heater unit, turn all electrical lines off at the circuit breaker.

2. Screw a garden hose or drainage hose to the drain valve. Make sure the tubing is long enough to deposit water outside or into a tub. The water will almost certainly contain mineral-filled sediment, so draining the water outside is preferred.

3. Check the drain valve and move to the open position. The water should flow freely for several minutes; if it does not, call a water specialist to assess the situation. If the water begins flowing and then slows down, open a kitchen or bathroom hot water faucet. Wait for several minutes, and close the water supply valve. The water flow will eventually stop.

4. Close the drain valve after the water heater flush is completed. Turn the water supply line back on and watch the faucet’s flow to make sure the air is flushed out of the system entirely. Once the tank is completely full, the faucet water will flow smoothly with no air gushes.

5. Check again to make sure the water tank is full. Turn the gas or power back on. After restoring power, check the heating element to make sure it is working. Turn the kitchen or bathroom faucet off and enjoy your restored heater.

Regularly draining the water heater can help keep the hot water flowing. It can also save you money on tank repairs or replacement units.

For more on Chicago click here

Understanding Fire Damage

5/31/2018 (Permalink)

A fire can occur for hundreds of different reasons, yet the results are always the same - a devastating amount of property damage and loss of possessions. Dealing with fire damage can seem like an
overwhelming task, especially at first. That's why every homeowner should  prepare for such an emergency before it occurs and know what to do if it does happen.

Preventative Measures

In some cases, fire damage happens due to unpredictable circumstances
and can not be avoided. Storms and hurricanes cause thousands of residential fires each year. Also, if a property suffers a serious fire on a windy day, neighboring houses tend to be affected as well.

That being said, most fires can easily be avoided, especially in areas like Park Ridge and Chicago (Illinois) where weather tends to be moderate. Here are some basic safety tips that can help homeowners prevent a devastating tragedy:

Keeping a close eye on every potential fire hazard is the most important step one could take to mitigate fire loss. Since most residential fires start in the kitchen, it is vital to make a habit of making sure the stove is off after using it. For smokers, the same rule should apply to ashtrays as well as trash cans. People who want to go the extra mile to ensure they don't have to deal with extensive fire loss install heavy fireproof doors in the kitchen. They are designed to prevent flames from spreading throughout a property. These can be costly but, of course, they're not nearly as expensive as recovering from fire damage.The second most common fire hazard is the backyard, especially if it contains a garden. On a hot summer day, vegetation can dry up and easily catch on fire. As such, it is important to keep all plant life properly hydrated
in the summer. It's no secret that fire alarms and smoke detectors are a must-have for all homeowners. However, most people aren't aware that IL fire safety protocol recommends changing the batteries on these devices every six months. Smoke detectors which don't require batteries should be tested just as often in order to ensure
that they are operational.

Staying Prepared

Unfortunately, there's just no way to rule out the possibility of a residential fire. That's why being prepared to deal with the fallout is simply paramount. There are two main steps homeowners can take to make sure they'll be ready to deal with such an event.

The fist step is to do some research and find the best local fire restoration company in your area. For example, residents of Chicago and Park Ridge should look for an agency based in Illinois. The most
significant thing to consider when making the choice would be the reputation of a company. The right firm will have numerous references and recommendations from other IL residents.

Of course, the most effective way to prepare for fire loss is to fully insure both the property and its contents. A truly comprehensive insurance policy covers the full cost of fire restoration and damages to furniture, personal belongings and any other possessions destroyed in a fire.

Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.comfor more information on fire damage.

Dealing With the Aftermath of a Fire Damage

5/31/2018 (Permalink)

After a fire, it's very important to remember that restoration must begin as soon as possible. If soot and water damage are left unattended, they can cause more harm than the fire itself. 

Understandably, those who suffered a fire tend to be under a lot of stress immediately after it occurs. However, that's no reason not to get the restoration process started ASAP. Here's what a professional 
restoration company can do if they are contacted within 48 hours of a fire:

First off, if the damage is bad enough, a house may need to be sealed with specialized tarps. Fires are likely to cause holes in the roof or walls, which need to be covered up in order to prevent further damage. Thus, the first step of proper fire cleanup is sealing these holes and any other areas that may leak if it rains before repairs are finished.

Secondly, a restoration company will prepare a comprehensive assessment of damages and losses. This is a basic list of repairs that are needed and things that must be replaced. The assessment is necessary for the restoration company to provide an accurate quote as well as to start 
filing an insurance claim.

The next step is a general, yet comprehensive, fire cleanup session. Most importantly, this involves cleaning up the dust to minimize soot damage and improving air quality by minimizing smoke damage early on. Another concern is the contamination (caused by water damage from the fire) which is eliminated by sanitizing the property.

Once the premises are safe again, the primary concern should be obtaining a "fire report" and filing an insurance claim. A fire report is filed by the local fire department. It discusses the state of a damaged property and includes the "incident number" necessary to file a claim. Plus, any water damage from fire department efforts will be 
indicated in the report.

Apply chemical products that eliminate soot damage and smoke damage. Perhaps the most harmful part of fire loss is the soot that settles afterward. If it is not deal with, residents may experience a variety of respiratory disorders due to deteriorating air quality. The most common of these products is TSP - tri-sodium phosphate. It is practically harmless and it works within hours of being applied. 

If any items have been damaged beyond repair or have been badly covered in contaminated water, then it will be necessary to simply dispose of them and this is another service these companies offer.

Finally, after contractors finish with structural repairs, it is absolutely necessary to thoroughly vacuum the entire property. This ensures that no harmful residue is left inside the premises. No matter if it is a hot summer day or if it's freezing cold - vacuuming should be a prime concern. A quality fire restoration company will thoroughly 
clean all fire residue from any site they work on. 

Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.comfor more information on fire damage.

Why is flood water dangerous?

5/22/2018 (Permalink)

Flood water that hits from the outside can have all kinds of trouble contained within. Among the bad ingredients are raw sewage, pesticides,
fertilizers, viruses, petroleum products and many pieces of debris and garbage. People should not even touch flood water as it could be contaminated.

If there is standing water you should not touch it or walk into it  because you may not know whether the water is covering a live electrical socket which could electrocute you if you touch the water.

In a serious flood situation, you should evacuate your home or business  and call professionals to provide mitigation for your situation. A professional service has the expertise, the proper clothing and the equipment to get the job done, and you do not. Especially if you have a water in home or a water in business situation.

How to remove water from you home ?

5/22/2018 (Permalink)

Once you have made arrangements for someone to come and begin the water damage and the flood damage mitigation, a high-speed pumping system will be set up to remove the standing water to the outside or to a tank truck. It won't take very long to remove water with this system, probably just a few minutes.

When all of the standing water has been removed, a drying process will begin by using large industrial fans to create air movement over the entire area that was flooded. This is also a part of water cleanup
process and it might take three or four days for it to be completed. When the drying process has been completed by the air movement then the fans are removed and the next part of the water cleanup can continue.

Remember to call SERVPRO of Park Ridge if you have need of our services.

4 Tips for Controlling Mold in Your Home

5/12/2018 (Permalink)

You may have heard that it’s impossible to wholly get rid of mold because of how it pervades every aspect of your Chicago, IL, home, including omnipresent spores in the air around you at all times. That doesn’t mean you can’t control mold, however, and both prevent its spread and return. Take a look at a few tips for managing your mold problem and ensuring mold prevention.

1. Fix Those Leaks

One of the worst culprits when it comes to mold growth is leaks. Not only do leaks cause water damage, but they create spots of damp where mold proliferates as the moisture and organic matter feed the spores. Check your roofs, windows, appliances, and walls for dark spots and other signs of leakage, and address them promptly with proper repairs and mold remediation.

2. Respond Rapidly to Flooding

If you’ve had a flood in your home, you may be dealing with more than just water damage. You may have an environment ripe for mold growth in stagnant standing water and soaked furnishings. Immediately remove any waterlogged furnishings or carpeting, and dry out the area as much as possible. Be aware that you may be dealing with water soaked beneath the floorboards or into the drywall.

3. Properly Ventilate Your Home

Proper ventilation can go a long way toward drying out any damp areas in your home where mold may grow. It can also prevent condensation, which can be another source of water damage that leads to mold. Open windows and run fans to keep a proper airflow, and use an air filtration device as needed.

4. Eliminate Humidity

You may be noticing a common trend. Moisture is the most prevalent factor in mold outbreaks, and in humid environments you’re asking for another infestation. Dehumidifiers can work wonders to dry out a room and prevent another mold attack. This can be particularly useful in climates where humidity is the norm.

For more on Chicago click here.

Helpful Hints About Preventing Mold in Your Commercial Building

4/16/2018 (Permalink)

Mold is an expected part of the natural world. By clearing the earth of items that are no longer living, mold is a critical part of nature’s reclamation program. But, when mold tries to reclaim the inside of a commercial building in Chicago, IL, humans often begin to fight back. The problem with mold is that it doesn’t know the difference between a broken leaf and a sheetrock wall. With a voracious appetite, mold has been known to consume fallen trees and abandoned buildings alike. To fight back against the fungi attacking the walls and ceilings inside your building, consider the following mold prevention tactics to stop it before it can spread.

The Battle Against Mold

Fighting mold at the first sign of a colony growth can often prevent widespread contamination from spores. It takes less than 24 hours for a colony of fungi to grow from a single spore to a mature collection of propagating spores. That means a day-old mold growth colony can send out thousands of spores to attack walls, floors, and ceilings. Stay on the offensive by following these steps in your mold prevention battle:

• Lower heat, but don’t turn it off completely.
• Fix leaky faucets and pipes.
• Do not put area rugs or carpets in moist areas such as basements or bathrooms.
• Use mold cleaning products when scrubbing the bathroom, laundry room, or kitchen areas.
• Add mold inhibitors to paint if you live in a humid climate.
• Insulate cold water pipes that produce condensation.
• Clean up leaks and spills to deter standing water damage.
• Routinely check for fungi behind and under appliances.
• Use fans or dehumidifiers to keep humidity between 40 and 60 percent.
• Vent moist rooms by opening windows or turning on fans.

The Fight Against Growth

Fighting mold can be as easy as removing it at the first sign. However, if you discover a large colony, contact a mold remediation service to help you prevent it from spreading throughout your building. Mold prevention often requires constant vigilance and a lot of elbow grease.

For more about Chicago Click here.

Salvaging the Contents of Your Business After It Floods

4/8/2018 (Permalink)

Salvaging Content after Water Loss

A broken pipe or a leak can cause significant water damage to your business in Park Ridge, IL. Water remediation specialists will likely handle the big job of saving the building where your flooded company resides, but what about all the items in the building? Electronics, furniture, documents and textiles may be salvageable if you get to them in time. As long as you take the right safety precautions, you may be surprised at how much you can save.

Safety First

Before you attempt to handle anything affected by the flood water, you must protect yourself. Protective equipment is necessary to keep germs and bacteria off your skin and out of your body:

• Rubber boots
• Waterproof rubber gloves
• Waterproof or water-repellent coveralls
• Face mask
• Goggles

Your flooded company is likely swimming with bacteria and other toxins that can be harmful to you if you ingest them, so make sure you are fully outfitted with protective gear before you start sorting items to save.


Many modern electronic devices come equipped with measures to protect them against water damage. After wiping them down with an alcohol-based solution, use an apparatus that forces hot air in while forcing water vapor out.

Furniture and Textiles

First, take all furniture and textiles outside to remove mud and large bits of debris. Most furniture can be salvaged once completely dry. Dry cleaning is generally effective in sanitizing fabrics such as curtains.


Paper can be damaged just by being near flood water, as it increases humidity. Lay out waterlogged papers on an absorbent paper product, such as plain paper towels. This can help draw the water out of the pages.

Just because items have water damage, that does not automatically mean they are lost completely. If you follow these tips, you might be able to save more of the contents of your flooded company in Park Ridge, IL, than you thought possible.

Visit us at http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information. 

What Is the Best Air Filter for Mold?

3/27/2018 (Permalink)

Mold Remediation in Chicago Home

You probably want an easy answer when you ask for the best air filtration system to get mold spores out of your home's. However, like anything else when it comes to home ownership in Chicago, IL, choosing the right air purifier is far from simple. It's a balancing act that involves taking various factors into account.

The most common considerations in the area include:

* Cost of the system
* Type of unit
* Effectiveness in mold removal or control

Whatever you choose, HEPA filter purifiers are generally the most effective. In a way, you could say that these filters are the best and choose whichever fits your individual restrictions in terms of budget, size and other factors.


HEPA filters are designed to remove particles from the air in your home. Mold spores are particles, so you're using the right tool for the job when you choose these physical filtration systems. In contrast, some other technologies are mean to make the air smell better. You might want to use a combination of purifiers, but definitely include one that removes particles if mold is a problem.

Filter Ratings

Filters are given a number rating when they're manufactured. The higher the number, the more complete the filtration. However, you should be careful: The higher numbers also might be more expensive to purchase and operate. The lowest air filtration rating that catches mold spores is 13, and the true HEPA is rated 17. Most major retailers around Chicago, IL, should have a variety of options.


Your new air filter is only as effective as you allow it to be. Make sure that you use it as recommended by the manufacturer. The maximum amount of air that passes through a filter is limited, although more expensive models tend to cover more real estate. This sometimes means you will end up buying multiple machines, or else operating them in sealed rooms.

Air filtration is an important step if you want to control a mold problem or prevent a relapse of mold in your home. You might also want to consider dehumidifiers or ventilation, as mold often grows in wet environments.

Visit us at http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information. 

3 Effects of Secondary Damage After Flooding

3/22/2018 (Permalink)

Water Loss in IL Home

When flood waters rise, they can do a great deal of damage to your Park Ridge, IL, home. However, the presence of water may not be the only issue caused by flooding. Black mold, saturated belongings and damaged electrical systems that prevent you from running fans or your air conditioner to battle humidity can also impede cleanup and drying efforts. This secondary damage can have long-term effects on your home, so knowing how to handle it can be an important step in making repairs after a flood.

1. Damp Air Can Saturate Items

After a flood, water evaporation indoors can cause high humidity that makes drying out rooms and their contents a challenge. Because of the warm, damp air, items that were not affected directly by flood waters may become damp or feel moist. Wooden furniture can be especially vulnerable, as humidity can contribute to warping or discoloration. Having a professional storm cleanup and restoration crew come in to lower humidity with specialized machinery can prevent further damage to your belongings.

2. Mold Can Grow Quickly

After a flood, black mold can begin to develop on affected surfaces as soon as 24 hours later. This type of mold can be difficult to treat once it starts to spread. High humidity levels can also encourage mold growth, so drying out rooms as soon as possible may help you control and impede this issue once flood waters recede.

3. Surfaces May Soak Up Contaminated Water

The longer flood waters remain in your home, the better the chance that your floors, walls and furniture may soak up contaminated water. Not only may this water contain dangerous pathogens, it may cause the room to retain an unpleasant odor. Having the water removed as soon as possible and having a storm restoration company deodorize your home can prevent these bad odors from lingering.

Black mold, unpleasant odors and other issues caused by flooding in your Park Ridge, IL, can have far-reaching effects on your home. However, mitigation services and acting quickly might help you reduce the damage.

Visit us at http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information. 

Mold Damage Caused by Ice Dams

2/19/2018 (Permalink)

Mold damage is every business owner’s nightmare. Unfortunately, there are many who assume that mold is not as much of a problem in the winter. This isn’t true. In fact, there are many different reasons mold might grow in the winter. One of these reasons is through ice dams.

What Is an Ice Dam?

The first thing you may be wondering is what an ice dam is to begin with. An ice dam forms as the result of heat escaping the building’s attic. This causes the roof to heat up and the snow and ice piled on it begins to melt, building up ice on your gutters and causing pooling water on the roof. As the sun warms it, this water can begin to trickle behind your walls.

What Kind of Mold Damage Can Ice Dams Cause?

Water trickles down behind an ice dam and this is what causes mold growth. Keep in mind that it only takes about 24 hours for mold to grow after a trickle of water has plagued your business. This means you have to act quickly to avoid the problem spreading. It’s important to remember that mildew and mold grow at a high rate and can get out of control quickly.

What Can You Do About Mold Damage?

The mold cleanup can be simple with the help of a cleanup service. With professional help, you can have your business taken care of in no time. Keep in mind that mold can be difficult to clean on your own. Not to mention, it can be hard to make sure that you got rid of everything. Mold spores can spread quickly and black mold grows fast. It’s important that you have it taken care of as efficiently as possible. A mold cleanup can be effective when handled properly and professionally.

Make sure that you always pay attention to the ice on the roof of your Chicago, IL business and the moisture it can cause. Mold growth can happen quickly and anywhere, so it is important to stay on top of the issue.
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on mold.

How To Create a Fire Escape Plan

2/12/2018 (Permalink)

Disaster and calamity can strike your home at any time. No matter how diligently you prepare, you can’t always prevent accidents and mishaps such as fires. It is possible, however, to be ready to get out of your home safely if a fire starts. Every family should have a fire escape plan. If you haven’t developed one yet, there are resources to help you. Once you’ve created and practiced your emergency escape plan for your home in Chicago, IL you can have peace of mind.

1. Meet and discuss what you’ll do in case of emergency. The nature of emergencies is they often come with little or no warning. To help prevent major injury, you must be prepared to act immediately. To begin your fire escape plan, meet with the members of your family and talk about things such as what emergency alerts you have in the home and which ones you need; what the best route is out of the home and where you will go once you’re safely outside.

2. Evaluate your specific needs. Every family is different, so your emergency escape plan won’t be like the next person’s. Consider the ages of those in your family and think about physical limitations anyone may have. Include pets in your plan as well. Give every family member an assignment.

3. Practice your escape. If you practice your plan, chances of success are better in the real event. Time how fast you can get out of your home and to your safe spot. Then, work on shaving the seconds off that time. The more you practice, the more confident and comfortable everyone will feel.

A good fire escape plan from your home in Chicago, IL will help minimize the confusion and panic if a real fire occurs. If you need help with your emergency escape plan, the American Red Cross has some excellent resources. Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on commercial fire damage.

What to Keep and What to Throw Out After a Flood

2/5/2018 (Permalink)

After dealing with a flood in Chicago, IL one of your first questions may be how to handle content cleaning for items that have been exposed to water. Even after the water has been removed, flooding can leave behind extensive damage to your possessions. Furniture, appliances, and other belongings may need to be evaluated to determine if they are worth keeping. It can be difficult to decide what can be saved and what needs to be thrown away, but with the help of a few guidelines, you should at least know where to start.

Porous Materials

Porous materials are items water can penetrate or soak in to. These materials may have absorbed contaminated black water during the flooding and can therefore be a risk for mold and odors.
Some common porous materials can include:

• Carpet
• Rugs
• Upholstered Furniture
• Blankets or bedding

Since water can be absorbed into these items, it can be hard to repair damage done to them. For the sake of safety and comfort, it might be best to replace them.

Non-Porous Materials

Non-porous materials are items water cannot easily soak in to. They can include things such as wood, metal, and plastic items. While they are usually salvageable, it can be a good idea to decontaminate and clean them, as flood water is not safe and can leave behind dangerous microorganisms even after it is gone. A restoration service can help you take care of the content-cleaning process so you can get your items back in usable condition as soon as possible.

Cleaning up your belongings after a flood may seem like a daunting task, but can be done without too much difficulty in the end. The first step should be throwing away anything that can’t be saved. Contacting a restoration service to help you manage content cleaning can also be useful and save you a lot of stress.
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on storm damage.

Addressing Mold Before It Turns Into Secondary Damage

1/31/2018 (Permalink)

Most commercial building owners only think about the immediate damage in front of them when addressing a flood. However, there are many dangers a flood presents, and they may take days to develop. This includes black mold, which only needs 24 hours to grow. The presence of high humidity and abundant bacteria makes flood water an ideal environment for mold to thrive. When you hire a professional in Chicago, IL you hire someone to handle the obvious damage and prevent secondary issues from occurring.

1. Tearing Out Damaged Structures

There are a few things you might be able to do on your own to help with the restoration efforts. You can promote air circulation by opening windows and moving out items that have not touched the flood water. After that, experts need to be brought in to tear out damaged flooring and walls. Wet carpeting will need to be taken out. It may be salvaged, but there is a good likelihood it will need to be tossed, especially if the flood water is contaminated. The insulation behind the walls will also need to be removed in case black mold forms there, too.

2. Resolving the Environment for Mold to Grow

The reason why flood cleanup should be left to the experts in Chicago, IL  is that the water can contain harmful contaminants. Professionals have the gear necessary to remain safe. This is particularly beneficial when it comes to mold removal. Experts will treat the surfaces of the room with special chemical compounds. Applying bleach on your own is not going to be enough. Additionally, they will inspect every area of your commercial building to make sure the flood water did not spread to other areas you are unaware of. Do not allow black mold to compromise the structural integrity of your building, and hire professional immediately upon finding a flood or evidence of flooding. Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on mold.

3 Steps to Take After a Pipe Bursts

1/31/2018 (Permalink)

Bursting pipes can cause significant water damage in Chicago, IL. Not only do homeowners need to fix a broken pipe, but you must also worry about salvaging belongings and preventing potential mold. Luckily, you can restore your home in as few as three easy steps:

1. Turn off the water
2. Call a cleanup company
3. Fix the pipe

That’s it! Pretty soon, that flooded room can be a distant memory. Here’s some further insight into each step.

1. Turn Off the Water

Before you can fix the damage, you must stop the water from coming through the pipe. In some cases, you can accomplish this by turning off the valve for the specific pipe. However, some bursting pipes require you to turn off the main water supply to the home. If the water is near any electrical outlets, you may want to cut off the power for that part of the house as well.

2. Call a Cleanup Company

Water damage from a broken pipe can cause all kinds of trouble if you don’t remove it properly. First, the water itself can cause floors and walls to become structurally unsound. However, even if you remove the standing water quickly, secondary problems, such as black mold, can cause trouble.

Mold grows because of the humidity in the room, so it can affect any part of the area, even if it looks like the water never touched it. That’s why it is important to call a professional company to restore your home.

3. Fix the Pipe

With the water out of the way, you can assess the damage and fix the broken pipe. For small breaks, you may be able to fix it yourself. However, more complex cases may require a plumber’s expertise.

Bursting pipes can cause all kinds of trouble and water damage in Chicago, IL. Expedite the cleanup and repair process with these three steps. Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on water damage.

Handling your commercial business after a flood.

11/22/2017 (Permalink)

After a heavy rain storm your business could be severely affected by flooding. Mass amounts of rain could shut down your business for an unseen amount of time.

What is the best way to remove water from my business?

The first thing is to contact a restoration company such as SERVPRO of Park Ridge. They will send team members on site immediately to start the restoration process. Once all of the water is extracted, they can start placing drying equipment to get the facility dry and ready to be reopened. 

Loss of business can be one of the toughest things in a storm event. It is important to know your policy with your insurance company to make sure you are covered if your business is forced to shut down. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at anytime. We are happy to help, 24/7, 365 days a year. 

What do I do after flooding in my home?

11/22/2017 (Permalink)

Flooding can be a stressful situation. It is important to make sure you take the right steps to get your property mitigated and prevent secondary damages from happening. 

1. Contact your insurance company to find out details in your policy. Once you get a claim number you can reach out to a restoration company like SERVPRO of Park Ridge to schedule someone to get on site. 

2. The mitigation process typically starts with extracting all of the standing water. This is important so the drying process can begin.

3. Once all of the water is extracted, drying equipment can be placed. This equipment will typically run for a few days. 

4. SERVPRO will monitor the job daily to make sure it is drying on schedule. They will also take accurate job notes and pictures from start to finish. 

What do you do if you experience flooding in your home?

11/21/2017 (Permalink)

A flood can be a traumatic time for you and your family. SERVPRO of Park Ridge is alway there to help in case of an emergency. Here are some basic steps of what to do if you experience a flood damage in your home. 

1. Do not enter the home until a professional restoration company like SERVPRO of Park Ridge can walk the home and make sure it is safe. 

2. Getting the water out of the facility is critical. SERVPRO typically will use extractors to start removing water from a structure. 

3. Once all of the water is removed, drying equipment can start to be placed to expedite the drying process. 

4. SERVPRO will monitor the drying process daily and update you with progress. 

If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to us at anytime. 

Facing a Winter Storm as a Property Owner

11/20/2017 (Permalink)

Facing a Winter Storm as a Property Owner

Winter storms are often the biggest cause of commercial property damage. Wind, precipitation and freezing temperatures all do a number on commercial buildings under the right circumstances. There are a few types of storm damage that commercial property owners should watch for.

Burst Pipes

Sudden drops in temperature can quickly result in frozen pipes or even a devastating pipe burst. Inadequate insulation and a failure to turn on the heat early enough are the usual causes of frozen pipes and the resulting collateral water damage.

Roof Damage

Another frequent point of failure for a typical commercial property during a winter storm is the roof. High winds can easily rip off asphalt shingles and corrugated metal panels if they're not secured properly. Furthermore, ice dams that form along the eaves allow substantial amounts of water to seep into the structure.

Mold Growth

Commercial properties that suffer from burst pipes and roof damage are far more likely to develop mold that festers behind the scenes for years. While mold is an obvious health hazard, it's also a threat to the structural integrity of a building when left untreated.

Protecting Commercial Properties from Winter Weather

Before the winter arrives, it's wise to prepare a commercial property for the storms that will come. Performing a little preventative maintenance ahead of time is a lot easier than dealing with a pipe burst or a leaky roof while the weather is at its worst.
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on commercial storm damage.

What to do After a Residential Electrical Fire

11/20/2017 (Permalink)

What to do After a Residential Electrical Fire

If you have recently experienced an electrical fire in your home, you are probably wondering what you should do so that you can save your smoke damaged home. Faulty wiring and old appliances are often to blame when electrical fires take place, and not everyone knows how to respond to this terrifying situation. Once firefighters have extinguished the flames and eliminated the threat, you will need to repair your smoke damaged home.

If you need a team that won’t let you down, enlist the help of a fire restoration company, and you will be glad that you did. The team will promptly get to work addressing the fire damage and giving you peace of mind. Once they have removed your items from the smoke damaged home, they will begin cleaning soot from walls to eliminate the lingering smoke odor. At another location, the team will strive to restore your personal belongings, and you will be pleased when you see the outcome.

When you have a trained team doing what it takes to meet your needs at every turn, they will fix the fire damage in no time, and you will be thrilled that the lingering smoke odor is gone. Our team will let you know when they are done cleaning soot from walls and performing other restoration tasks, and they will make your home safe as soon as possible.
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on fire damage.

How do I get rid of mold in my home?

11/19/2017 (Permalink)

Mold damage in Park Ridge, IL

Getting rid of mold can be a stressful situation. Here are some steps that you can do to get rid of mold in your home. 

1. Contact a licensed environmental hygienist to come out and test the microbial growth you have in your home or business. 

2. Once the report comes back contact SERVPRO of Park Ridge to complete the mitigation process. SERVPRO will look over the report and make sure they understand all recommendations for treatment. 

3. It is critical that proper containment is set up to prevent the spread of mold throughout the facility. Sometimes secondary damages can be worse than the original damages that occurred. 

4. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to SERVPRO of Park Ridge at anytime. You can contact them directly at (847) 795-9200.

Elements Necessary for a Fire to Start

10/25/2017 (Permalink)

Fire damage in Park Ridge, IL

Elements Necessary for a Fire to Start

A fire in home is the result of a build-up and mixture of elements. It was requires fuel, air, and the right spark to get a fire going. But once it has flames, smoke, and heat begin to spread inexorably throughout the home. The flames of a fire are particularly destructive. They burn up, consume, and leave nothing but ashes of everything within their path. But the flames, and the destruction caused by them, are not the only things to worry about after the blaze has been put out.

When dealing with the aftermath of a fire, you will of course be upset while viewing the charred remains of what you loved and cherished. This is a perfectly reasonable response, and it is right that a considerable part of your recover efforts be focused on reclaiming as much as you can from what has been burned. However, if you are to do fire damage restoration properly you must take a larger view of the potential damage.

Fire damage restoration includes a thorough fire cleanup. The fire will have no doubt left a great mess. If you are to regain control of your house, you will need to clean out the refuse caused by the outbreak. A professional fire damage restoration company can help you plan and execute a fire cleanup strategy that will ensure you are able to save as much as you can, and remove the charred and damage parts of your home from the premises quickly and safely.

Just as important in your fire damage restoration and fire cleanup efforts is dealing with the effects of heat and smoke. These are aspects of a fire that people tend to forget about, but they can be just as destructive and dangerous as the flames.

A fire in home will inevitably lead to smoke damage and soot damage as well as fire damage. These tend to manifest themselves as black streaks on the walls and other surfaces. The stains left by smoke damage and soot damage can only be removed through the use of special chemicals and solvents. The fire damage restoration and fire cleanup service you work with will be the only ones equipped with such solutions. Smoke damage and soot damage can permanently mar the appearance of your home. The longer they are allowed to remain the harder it will be to remove the stains and recover the affected walls and furnishings. You should ensure that the company you work with gives due attention to reversing the effects of smoke damage and soot damage.

An additional worry of fire in home is the possible warping of its infrastructure by heat. Fire does a great deal of damage that is not seen. The restoration company you work with must possess the technology to examine the internal structure of your home—to look beneath floors and through walls and assess what if any heat and fire damage has been done.

A fire in home will also leave a smoke smell. This is one of the hardest things to deal with. The release of smoke and chemicals will put a terrible stench into the air and into your furnishings. Such a smoke smell can only be eliminated with special solvents and treatments. And these can only be expertly applied by the professionals employed by a restoration company. The smoke smell is not something you will be able to live with. It is much too unbearable for any human nose to contend with. As soon as your fire cleanup is well underway, you should have the experts from the restoration company deal with the smoke smell.

Parts of your home might be unsalvageable. If that is the case, then you should get a professional board up done. Your home will be unsightly until you are able to do a complete renovation. But you don’t need to settle for a bad board up. Don't allow fire damage to completely ruin the community. The professionals you work with can do a board up that looks neat. They can do a board up that will give some order and tidiness to your damaged home.

Commercial fire damage or fire in business can also be handled by restoration company professionals. The have experts trained to deal with the fire damage incurred by corporate entities. If you are trying to cope with commercial fire damage or fire in business, you should call them. They can provide you the right expertise and service. A commercial fire damage or fire in business can come with additional complications. But working with the right company can help you sort out the consequences of a commercial fire damage or fire in business
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on fire damage.

What You Should Know About Commercial Fires

10/25/2017 (Permalink)

What You Should Know About Commercial Fires

What happens in case of a fire accident at home or business premises? Fire causes monetary severe fire damage to properties when not contained in time. Fire damages may reduce one to zero when not careful. However, some features may not necessarily burn into ashes like the building or furniture which now will require the hiring of commercial fire damage restoration company to help recover the property and bring it back to normal state. The fire restoration companies may even assist in putting off the fire since they have firefighters, fire truck and a fire hose that will be of great help if you contact them in good time. Informing the fire restoration firms in time will help in fire suppression before more damage occurs to the properties.

What to do after fire erupts at your premises

In case if the electrical fire starts at your house don't try to put off the fire alone since it may be strong and end up burning. Here are the tips on what to do the fire starts immediately;

• Ensure everyone is in a safe place –quickly think of getting people inside the house under fire into a safe place. Life is more important than any property. Call for help from neighbors when it becomes difficult to save the family members alone.

• Now call the professionals to put off the electrical fire –it's essential always to have contacts of the firefighters in the nearest town who can respond quickly. The utility room fire firefighters have reliable equipment such as fire truck, fire hose and fire sprinkler system that will overpower the fire soon.

• After the fire is put off, now call the fire damage restoration company for fire restoration services and restore the fire damages from soot damage to smoke damages. Also, inform the insurance company of the loss which is the primary policy after an accident occurs to make them aware of the cost to start making plans for compensation.

How does the fire damage restoration companies' work?

The utility room fire property restoration work starts immediately receiving a call from a client; they quickly respond since they understand the danger of delaying which may lead to extreme damages. The restoration companies work in following ways;

1. Calling step

This is the point the fire suppression process begins after calling the company they will ask client some questions to make them understand the cause of fire so that they can send the right professionals and tools to restore the property.

2. Inspection

The restoration agency professionals after arriving at the scene of a fire they will first evaluate the level of utility room fire damage to help them plan the next action. The fire suppression inspection determines the smoke damages, soot damages, and other damages also the cause of fire like the electrical fire which require special treatment. Even the fire sprinkler system and a fire truck or fire hose may cause some commercial fire damage while firefighters were at work, determination of all losses happens at this stage.

3. Removal and sorting of burnt properties

The removing of properties consumed and sorting them into more damaged to less damaged takes place and keep them in a secure location free from further commercial fire damage. The sorting includes also putting aside properties with soot damage or smoke damage and the electrical fire damage.

4. The removing of smoke and soot from all surfaces begin

The cleaning of the surfaces affected now starts from the walls to furniture with smoke damage, soot damage, and electrical fire damage. Cleaning includes scrubbing the walls from the utility room fire to other commercial fire damage rooms affected during the fire suppression by professionals or by the fire sprinkler system.

5. Real restoration process

The final stage of the fire restoration process includes the repair of furniture and replacement of drywalls by repainting and installing new carpet in your house. At this level, the home and the assets get full treatment returning them to the previous look before the fire damage.

Lastly is advisable to seek the fire restoration service from a credible company with relevant equipment to get quality services. The removing the soot damage or smoke damage require professionals for productive work. Also, it can be of great help to be in contact with the nearest firefighters company which can help in time of fire accidents they should have fire hose or fire truck and fire sprinkler system to put off fire easily and avoid extreme damages.
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on commercial fire damage.

Professional Water Damage Restoration Techniques

9/28/2017 (Permalink)

Professional Water Damage Restoration Techniques

Water damage. Restoration. A pipe break. These are things no home owner or business manager wants to have to think about. Unfortunately, these things can happen whether you live in an area prone to flooding or not. Hurricanes, flash floods, and storms can affect anyone, so it's important to know when it's time to call a professional about the water damage in your area.

After you experience a flood, restoration becomes an important part of water cleanup and recovery. While you might feel like drying and mitigation will come naturally, the truth is that both water mitigation and restoration often require additional help. Dealing with water in home isn't easy. You might feel overwhelmed or nervous about the cost of mitigation and restoration, but keep in mind that a professional can help restore even the most damaged of homes.

When you decide to contact a restoration company, understand they can help you with a variety of mitigation and restoration techniques. A restoration company can help you with:
Water in home
Water in business
Water cleanup
A supply line break
Preparing for future flooding

You don't have to deal with water cleanup on your own, and you shouldn't. Water damage affects businesses and homes across the globe, and the right professional can assist with water cleanup and mitigation to prevent future flooding, as well.

How can you tell when it's time to call a professional?

Is there water in home? How about water in business? Is there standing water near the exterior of your building? Have you experienced a supply line break? How about a pipe break? Has your area experienced recent storms that have caused water to leak into your building?

Flood damage doesn't always mean you have a flooded home. Flood damage could appear on the exterior of your building or even in your yard. Many homeowners experience water in home after a flood.

For some homes, a supply line break may have caused a flooded home. If you suddenly notice large amounts of water in your home, you may be dealing with a pipe break or supply line break. This can lead to a flooded home and flood damage inside your house.

When it comes to water in business, understand that a restoration company can help with flood damage and drying. Water in business can affect your company's earnings, so it's important to deal with drying as quickly as possible. If you're experiencing local flooding or you've experienced a pipe break, don't wait to call a restoration company.

Remember that dealing with a flooded home or business isn't something you have to do alone. The right professional can help you manage these issues quickly, effectively, and safely so you can continue to lead a normal, productive life and get back to your regular activities as quickly as possible.

If you're facing water issues, make sure you deal with them as quickly as possible. Never postpone repairing flood damage simply because you're busy or don't want to pay for it. Water damage can not only lead to issues with your building's foundation and structure, but can lead to physical health problems for you and your employees, as well. Did you know that water damage, when left untreated, can lead to mold growth in your building? Because of this, it's vital that you seek assistance from a restoration company as soon as you notice you're experiencing flood damage in your building. The right professional can help remove flood waters, repair pipes, and assist you in drying your building quickly.
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on water damage.

What to do After a Commercial Fire

9/28/2017 (Permalink)

What to do After a Commercial Fire

Most buildings have fire suppression mechanisms, such as fire sprinkler systems. The system plays an important role in reducing the spread of fire damage. The fire sprinkler system has the ability to put off or contain the fire from spreading. It sprinkles a lot of water on the fire, thus reducing its effect. However, there are still buildings that have not adopted the fire sprinkler system to handle instances of utility room fire and electrical fire. In this case, a commercial fire damage is more devastating.

Burning items create a strong odor that spreads in all the rooms and becomes absorbed in porous items. It requires deodorization to remove odors and make the office habitable again. Soot damage is visible from the black painting and ashes that are left on ventilations. It requires a professional approach to remove soot damage during fire restoration.

A professional approach to fire restoration is the most effective and efficient way to ensure that your business does not suffer excessive loss recovery time. They ensure that everything goes back to near normal of what it was before the utility room fire or electrical fire outbreak. Hiring professional services is easy and ensures a faster completion of the job.
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on fire damage.

Confronting Water Damage In The Home

8/29/2017 (Permalink)

Confronting Water Damage In The Home

Flooding is one of the most common forms of water damage in a business or home. The mere sight of a water flooded home can be paralyzing. After all, all of your personal belongings and memories reside within that home. Seeing it threatened by water in the home can temporarily make it very difficult to know what to do. Thankfully, water damage can be contained at first until a professional restoration team can arrive in the home.

Causes of water damage

Water damage has an almost endless list of causes. Natural flooding, a pipe break, a supply line break, broken appliances such as dishwashers, plumbing issues, and more can all cause water in the home. Water in a business can be caused by many of these same problems. Without prompt action, water damage can be extremely expensive. Some estimates can be thousands of dollars to repair, so it's imperative to get a restoration team on the scene as soon as possible so that drying can begin quickly. The sooner drying begins, the sooner the damage will be minimized.

Flood damage can be especially costly because it is not "clean" water like from a dishwasher. Dirty flood damage can mean losing many of the prized possessions in a home, so if the water that is causing a flooded home is dirty or has chemicals in it, it's natural to want an emergency response to the situation. Mitigation, water cleanup, and restoration are all best started as soon as possible. Supply line breaks and pipe breaks require a different course of action than other forms of water flow that have already stopped.

While waiting for restoration professionals

There's no need to leave the scene as-is if there's something that can possibly be done to reduce the damage while waiting for mitigation crews to arrive. While it's never a good idea to go near electrical outlets or appliances when there is water in the home, in some cases you can remove unaffected objects and save them from suffering from the water in the home.

Mitigation is the process of preventing further damage from a flooded home and then implementing the process of water cleanup afterwards. Basically, professionals are there to mitigate between the flooded home and the damage it faces. While waiting for professionals, you can begin mitigation in simple ways, such as removing unaffected items from a floor or mopping in places where there is no electrical currents. Depending on how bad the flood damage is already, it may not be wise to do this. For example, if there is a foot of standing water in the entire kitchen, go to a room or place where something might be salvageable. Never risk safety to do any of these things. Professionals will immediately begin preventing further damage through mitigation as soon as they arrive. To reduce flood damage, it's advisable to begin drying rooms by turning on a central air unit. This won't even begin to complete the extent of drying needed, but it's a small start toward water cleanup. A restoration company will continue when they arrive.

Welcome the restoration company

Anyone who has ever suffered flood damage knows the relief that you feel when a cleanup crew arrives. They have industrial dryers, air movers, and air blowers that accomplish things you simply can't with your limited tools. Whether your damage is coming from a supply line break, a pipe break, or an actual natural flood, you're going to appreciate seeing industrial drying equipment that can quickly dry your possessions and make restoration possible.

Water cleanup begins with inspecting the area and determining a course of action by the restoration company. Water in a business will be inspected in just the same way, though water in a business might have a different source. If the reason for the flooding is because of something like a supply line break or a pipe break, there will be a different course of action to prevent further damage. If it's from a flood that has passed, assessing damage and beginning cleanup and drying is possible. A restoration company is always going to be more efficient at cleanup, mitigation, and restoration than anything a novice could possibly do for water in a home or water in a business.
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on water damage.

The Aftermath of a House Fire

8/29/2017 (Permalink)

The Aftermath of a House Fire

A fire can do tremendous damage to your home. The flames dealt out damage and destruction wherever they spread. The charred remains of items and images precious to you are all that is left. Smoke is second only to flame in the havoc wreaked. In many ways, it is the hardest form of fire damage to recover from because it spreads the fastest and goes the furthest. Soot damage and grime are likely to be found on walls and other surfaces not touched by either the heat or the flames.

Recovering from fire damage requires a plan. In order to formulate one that is effective, and that can be implemented with relative ease and dispatch, you must work with fire restoration professionals. The latter are the only ones who can help you with the fire cleanup, and the subsequent effort to salvage what is possible and reclaim the space for rebuilding, resurfacing, repainting, and rejuvenating.

Such professionals can help you in the following way. After clearing out the burnt refuse and allowing you to recover the items you can, they will get to work on the grime and muck left by the fire. This can only be done by specially made chemical solvents. Applied in the right way these will dissolve the grim and unsightly stains that are among the most grotesque and disturbing traces of the conflagration that has consumed your home—or at least part of it.

Fires also produce bad odors. The restoration company you hire can locate their source and take measures to rid your house of them.

No matter how large the fire and how long it burned, it produced a tremendous amount of heat. The fire damage done by the heat is plain to see in the resulting wreckage. But intense heat also impacts structures below the surface. The professionals of the fire damage restoration company you hire are equipped with and expertly trained on imaging devices that are able to detect any degradation to the foundations of your home. You need to know whether there has been any weakening of the structural integrity of your home. This information is essential as you begin planning your restoration and repairs. It is best to know the extent of the damage, if any, sooner rather than later. If it is allowed to linger, things will only grow worse and you may in the end be forced to pay for a catastrophic failure or collapse. Working with a restoration company will provide you with an accurate assessment of your home’s material condition.

Rejuvenation of the spaces affected by the fire is the final component of fire damage restoration. After you have cleared out the wreckage, dealt with stains, odors, and structural degradation, you must turn your attention to restoring the appearance of your rooms.

You may intend to reset the furnishings, layout, and colors exactly as they were before the fire. Or, you may be interested in doing something completely different. No matter your idea, a restoration company can provide you with advice, expertise, and other consulting services in interior design. Choosing new furnishings, rearranging or redesigning spaces within your home, knocking down walls, pulling up floors, lowering ceilings, building new structures—these are all actions that require the guidance of experts in refurbishment.

Refurbishing and redesigning your home should be incorporated in the general process of restoration. It is much less expensive and much more efficient to do it this way. You should allow the company that has been working with you to reclaim your home from the ravages of the fire to take part in filling it up again with beauty, atmosphere, and liveliness.

Indeed, it is important to work with a fire damage restoration company that is full service—that is, one that offers to work with you through every phase of the reclamation and restoration process. This is the best way to formulate and implement a coherent plan. Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on fire damage.

Fungus Amongst Us? Best Call the Pros

8/29/2017 (Permalink)

Fungus Amongst Us? Best Call the Pros

Mold, it is a problem that can strike terror into any home or business owner. The media has only exacerbated the fear, advertising the myriad issues in black mold, dry rot, and the inconvenience of mold in a home. Contrary to popular belief however, black mold is the least of a homeowner’s worries when it comes to mold. Mold damage can effect structural integrity of a building, resale value and gives off that unique mildew smelly odor only frogs can enjoy. Additionally, fungus and mildew problems are often born on the back of water damage, adding yet another major issue on top of an already frustrating one. Mold removal is a herculean task, and whether it is mold in a home or commercial mold damage, remediation is best left to professionals. Many believe that certain household cleaners are capable of removing mold in a home, but in reality mold growth continues and is rediscovered later on when an inspector finds black mold, dry rot, or mold growth behind walls. Due to the difficulty, mold removal and remediation are best left to the professionals. A restoration company employs talented experts and follows tried and true methodologies to accomplish mold removal and remediation.

The first step in mold removal is to inspect and assess the mold damage. This is a crucial step and is definitely best left to professionals who know exactly where fungus and mildew hide. This is because mold growth does not necessarily happen in plain sight. Mold growth behind walls, fungus behind baseboards and dry rot on wood are common problems because mold is so permeating. Inspectors from a restoration company know where to look and how remediation needs to be prioritized to streamline the mold removal process.

Once the inspectors know where the mold in a home is, the next step is to stop mold growth and prevent the mold damage from spreading. There are multiple tactics used by a restoration company to contain mold growth to already contaminated areas. Generally, all fans and heating systems are turned off to prevent the mildew and fungus from spreading spores via air currents. Mold growth behind walls can still occur however, so often times a restoration company will employ negative air pressure to prevent even the well-hidden fungus spores from branching out.

With the mold damage contained, air filtration to remove the spores flying about begins. For residential and commercial mold damage, a key to mitigation is removal of the spores so that mold cannot return. Removing the spores floating through the air will also begin deodorization of the awful, smelly odor that accompanies mold damage. Professionals typically utilize specialized air scrubbing equipment to filter out the mold spores in the air.

Air filtration is both restoration and mitigation as it prevents future mold reemergence, but the next step is to physically begin removing mold and mold infested materials. This is another particularly difficult task in the process, as mold growth behind walls can sometimes require entire sections of wall be replaced. For commercial mold damage, this can be an extensive overhaul, as businesses are often larger structures than singular homes. During this process, other issues such as dry rot and black mold are further identified and removed as necessary.

After the mold and mold infested materials are physically removed from the facility, cleaning the contents and interior of the structure begins. For homes this means ensuring personal possessions are either destroyed or properly sanitized. For commercial mold damage this equates to identifying what equipment might need replacement and other mitigation that might be required in the form of specialized sanitation. Professionals utilize the full spectrum of sanitization for mold mitigation and cleaning, depending on the extent of the contamination and damage.

The final step in the process is the restoration of the structure to its pre-mold state. This includes deodorization to rid the facility of the smelly odor. Deodorization is more than simply spraying air freshener. Only further air filtration, proper sanitization and replacement of contaminated materials can accomplish deodorization. Ergo, anything and everything from carpets to drapes are subject to cleaning, repair, and replacement in order to remove the smelly odor and renew the beauty of the building. Once complete, mold remediation is accomplished and the owner can return to their normal day-to-day operation.
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on mold.

Benefits Of Engaging With A Professional Fire Damage Restoration Company

7/25/2017 (Permalink)

Benefits Of Engaging With A Professional Fire Damage Restoration Company

A fire can cause extensive structural damage to a home or business. Not only does a fire in home walls cause considerable damage to the structure, but the soot damage can also lead to a host of other issues. The key to home restoration after fire damage is to call a fire damage specialist as soon as possible. Even after dealing with the aftermath of the fire in home walls, you might have to undertake a thorough fire cleanup on the floors. Board up involves repainting the roof and the ceiling after a fire. Such repairs come in handy since you protect your structure from strong winds or heavy rainfall as you do the repair work. Remember that the water used by the firefighters will spread across the wooden floor, cause it to rot, encourage mild growth, or develop some tough stains. The fire in business premises is no exception since it might also wreak havoc on the office equipment that might cost a fortune to replace. A reputable contractor will undertake the board up, deal with the smoke smell, undertake the fire cleanup, and take care of any problems that result from the fire in home floors and roofs.

Fire cleanup

Once you get rid of the dirty water, you can embark on the fire cleanup. The fire cleanup process will involve collecting the charred materials and safely dispose of them. Beware of nails or any other sharp materials that could result in injuries. For many restoration companies, the process of fire cleanup is not complete without disinfection. Fire damage is a chemical process that might result in the introduction of stains and toxins in your home. The fire in home ceilings can result in the development of soot. The fire in business columns and beams can weaken the structure. A home inspector will analyze the effect of fire in business beams and columns. Commercial fire damage restoration entails board up and soot damage restoration. A competent contractor can work to your advantage, especially if you are grappling with fire in home surfaces or fire in business premises. Start by removing the residues that remain after a fire in business building materials. Avoid the temptation to start renovating your home without getting rid of all the charred materials. Be sure to get a restoration company to help with the commercial fire damage. such a restoration company can help you to undertake the smoke damage repair, deal with commercial fire damage, and eliminate the smoke smell.

Fire damage restoration

Fire damage restoration entails undertaking the cleanup and handling the soot damage and smoke damage with the help of the appropriate detergents. Commercial fire damage repair involves handling all issues that emanate from the event of a fire in business premises. These effects include smoke smell, discoloration, roof replacement, board up and water damage. Whenever the firefighters spray water to the walls, such water will percolate to the floor and initiate some chemical processes. The cost of fire damage restoration will depend on the level of the fire damage. However, you should not hire the first restoration company that you encounter. While hunting for a restoration company, you should ask for as many bids as possible if you want to get quality work at a reasonable cost. Whether you are dealing with fire in home walls, commercial fire damage, smoke smell, or smoke damage, ensure that you hire a reputable contractor who will deal with the soot damage as well. Soot can cause some unsightly marks on the walls or some discolorations on the floor. Getting rid of the soot damage and the smoke damage should be your priority. You can salvage some materials to cut the cost of restoration.
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on fire damage.

Mold Cleaning: When to Engage a Professional Service Provider

7/25/2017 (Permalink)

Mold Cleaning: When to Engage a Professional Service Provider

Black mold is often perceived as an unfortunate, yet inevitable consequence of nature. With its tiny spores, the fungus is hardly visible, and it's capable of floating through the indoor and outdoor air while landing on anything on its path. It is therefore understandable that mildew and its spores are virtually impossible to eradicate. Nevertheless, mold in home becomes a threat to the structural integrity of building once its spores settle on wet and damp surfaces, at which point mold growth and the accompanying smelly odor is experienced.

After the presence of mold becomes evident, it is imperative to engage the services of a certified mold removal and restoration company to avoid household mold damage or even commercial mold damage. While it's possible to employ self-help methods when cleaning a small patch of a mold infested area, in most cases mold mitigation and remediation is best left to the experts. Some of the factors to consider when determining the best approach to employ for effective mitigation and rectification of mold damage situations include:

The Extent of Mold Growth and Damage on the Property

Basically, the EPA recommends that homeowners and commercial property managers should adhere to specific guidelines for mold removal and remediation after the damage has spread beyond 10 feet by 10 feet area. This includes the use of personal protective gear, specialized containment equipment, precise practices as well as procedures. Adherence to such practices is not a walk in the park to the non-professionals, which renders the engagement of the technicians from a fungus restoration company all the more important.

Household and Commercial Mold Damage in a Wet Basement

Having to deal with water damage in a wet basement is sufficiently challenging, it gets even worse when one has to address the aftermath of the disaster when confronted with another unwelcome menace in the form of mold in home or commercial mold damage. Once the basement has been attacked by mold, it is only a matter of time before experiencing mold growth behind wall, on the carpet, and on upholstered furniture in which case it could cause dry rot and possible smelly odor.

The presence of black mold in even unfinished basements could cause extensive damage to the items in storage, including eating away at the floorboards and causing dry rot on the wooden structures. It is, therefore, essential to professionally compound the problem, which is achieved by locating the cause of the water problem and fixing it before beginning the remediation process that includes deodorization to curb possible smelly odor.

The Presence of Black Mold in Hidden Areas of the Home or Commercial Building

There are peculiar situations in which there are no visible signs of mold growth like dry rot on wood, yet someone can detect the smelly odor that often indicates mold in home or commercial mold damage. This is especially true when fungus is growing in hidden places, such as mold growth behind wall. Fortunately, the professionals from a mildew restoration company come prepared with appropriate equipment for assessing the black mold in concealed places, which can be particularly troublesome for untrained individuals.

Appropriate removal of mildew from concealed places such as mold growth behind wall will often entail removing the wallpaper and ceiling tiles among other materials and subsequent deodorization for the elimination of the smelly odor. This could release substantial amounts of fungus spores, which is especially true when done incorrectly.

The Presence of Mildew in the HVAC System

With the presence of moisture in the HVAC system, black mold is bound to be in there. This is often an unfortunate situation as the fungus spores could proliferate throughout the building when the system is running to aggravate the mold damage in home or commercial mold damage. It is therefore imperative to hire a professional mitigation and restoration company for effective mold removal and cleanup in preventing further mold damage. These professionals will ensure that all the vital components of the system are appropriately cleaned, including employment of deodorization for the eradication of smelly odor if any.

It is no secret that mold growth can cause extensive structural damage. Mildew can grow anywhere; it's possible to witness mold growth behind wall, on the carpet, ceiling or even on food as it feeds on damp, organic materials. It is also not unusual to witness mold in home growing on wood, which could cause dry rot on a home's frame, weakening the floors, walls, and ceilings. Effective mold removal and remediation will, therefore, involve the removal and possible disposal of such porous materials as carpets, ceiling tiles, and insulation, which cannot be properly accomplished without the professional assistance of a mitigation and mold damage restoration company.
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information mold.

Overview of Vital Water Damage Mitigation

6/26/2017 (Permalink)

Overview of Vital Water Damage Mitigation

A residential or commercial property owner must have reliable, reputable professional assistance in the aftermath of flood damage, or some other type of similar event. When seeking a reputable water damage mitigation specialists, there are a number of key factors that a home or business owner must bear in mind. In addition, a home or business owner is best served by considering these factors, and identifying appropriate service providers before the need for emergency water mediation services exist.

Remediating Water in Home

When a person faces water in home because of a flood, or some other reason, he or she best remediates the situation by immediately calling upon a professional. The reality is that there are experts who have specific experience in addressing water damage, mitigation, and restoration in a residential environment. These professionals understand the unique needs of addressing water in home issues.

A key element to bear in mind when seeking a water in home recovery specialist is emergency response. A home owner must be able to access a water and flood damage specialist that can be at a residence immediately.

Remediating Water in Business

The reality is that dealing with water in business differs significantly from addressing water in home. A business owner manager must have access to a water in business professional with specific expertise in water cleanup, restoration, and mitigation in a commercial setting.

Not only does water in business present truly unique challenges, time truly is of the essence. As is the case with residential water damage restoration, a business must be able to get immediate emergency response when flooding, or some other type of water damage, occurs. However, a business oftentimes is unable to operate in the aftermath of a flood until the aftermath is remedied. Therefore, a business must have professional assistance with a proven track record for rapid drying, water cleanup, mitigation, and restoration.

Comprehensive Drying

A key to limiting the extent of flood-related damage is comprehensive and thorough drying. With this in mind, not only must the premises themselves be thoroughly dried, by personal or business property maintained in the premises must be promptly and completely dried as well.

When seeking a water recovery specialist, attention must be paid to the type of equipment a professional service provider utilizes in the drying process. In addition, a consideration must be made of the experience and background of the water damage specialist that will oversee the drying process.

Restoration Services

Not all flood damage recovery specialists are created equally. For example, there are professionals that are well-equipped to address water cleanup and mitigation. However, they may not have the background necessary to appropriate address restorative efforts.

Ideally, a water recovery professional can provide comprehensive services, that include full-scale recovery efforts. By engaging a professional that can provide comprehensive services, a home or business owner is in the best position to ensure an effective and efficient water recovery effort.

Flood Damage Specialists

A key consideration when seeking professional assistance for everything from water cleanup to restoration is the background and experience of the team of professionals assigned to a project. A home or business owner needs to select a service provider with a team of specialists that are duly licensed, certified, insured and bonded.

Price Comparisons

There can be considerable disparity when it comes to comprehensive water and flood recovery services. By taking a proactive stance, and becoming familiar with service providers before an emergency occurs, a home or business owner is the best position to have access to a remediation expert at a reasonable price, should the need arise. The time for price shopping is not after a water event occurs and a property is facing significant damage.
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on water damage.

Some Guidelines To Fire Damage Restoration

6/26/2017 (Permalink)

Some Guidelines To Fire Damage Restoration

Restoration after fire damage is an activity that requires skill. In order to curb with fire damage, you are better off engaging the services of fire damage restoration personnel. Any DIY approach can potentially lead to further fire damage as most people will not know what is needed to be done. The details about fire damage restoration needs to be studied and understood thoroughly, whether it is fire in business premises or damage to residential areas.

In the case of a fire in home or fire in business, you need to inform the insuring agency. If you are renting the place and there is some weird smoke smell in the premise, it is prudent to alert your proprietor as soon as possible. The inspector from the insurance agency would be able to connect you with the right fire cleanup agencies. The same goes to business owners when they encounter fire in business outlets or office building that they are renting in.

These agencies can recommend on how to prevent any further damage and go about doing their fire cleanup procedures, whether it is fire in home or commercial fire damage. These fire cleanup service providers help clean up and remove the residual smoke smell, smoke damage and soot damage. Get an estimate for their full fire cleanup services. The estimate may look high at first glance, but it will help if you go through the estimates with them and try to understand the activities they will undertake. Do remember, however, that you will be paying for their specialized knowledge in dealing with commercial fire damage, soot damage and smoke damage. As part of the fire damage restoration, they will let you know what items you can refurbish and what are beyond economical repair.

The heating system filters may need cleaning often to remove the residual soot damage. You will also want to clean up furniture and dry them to clear them of any smoke damage. You may also want to take up the other items. Cleaning of all metallic objects will be possible at this stage. All furnishings like drapes, upholstery, carpets will need to be deodorized to clear any soot damage or smoke damage that may result from the fire. Cleaners who specialize in fire in home or fire in business premises are the best bet in this. Smoke smell, soot removal and cleaning of undamaged household items are necessary parts of the fire damage restoration process. If you find problems persist after your efforts to get rid of the soot and smoke smell on your items, you should get the professionals called in.

We all hope never to be there, but when a disaster happens to your home, you want to be sure that you have the right coverage on your insurance to help you through those tough times. Most commercial fire damage are covered by insurance and it is only fair that you do the same for the home that you live in.

However, some people may not realize that finding a fire damage repair company can be even harder. That is when a person will want to know how to find one of these fire in home restoration companies to get the best results possible to get their life back on track quickly.

The internet can provide a wide variety of results. The problem is that a person needs to be specific about the area they are looking for to guarantee that they can get the help they need in the area they reside in.

Something else that a person may want to try doing will be to contact the companies that they find information on in the various forums on the internet. However, when a person posts questions on the topic they may want to consider all the various answers that they can get, and some of them will provide a person with the names of specific companies to look into. Those that provide services for commercial fire damage may be able to look into your case as well.

You may consider looking at the various review sites that are available on the internet. The review sites can be a wealth of information for a wide variety of reasons, but mainly because a person can learn about all the different experiences that people have had with the company before they hire that company.
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on fire damage.

An Overview of Mold Damage

6/26/2017 (Permalink)

An Overview of Mold Damage

Mold damage occurs when moisture and humidity work together to create a welcome environment for fungus to grow. Whether it begins with a few spots of mildew in a bathroom or an unnoticed leak in a wall, mold damage can occur virtually anywhere at any time. It’s not easy to predict and there’s no way to guarantee it won’t happen in any building, but it’s fairly easy to prevent mold damage from occurring in many places. Mold in the home and commercial mold damage are both preventable if homeowners and business owners take the time to get to know the proper techniques for preventing mold in the home or commercial mold damage from occurring.

Preventing Mold in the Home and Commercial Mold Damage

Mold in the home always seems much worse than commercial mold damage simply because no one lives at work. However, both are dangerous, and both are gross. To prevent either from occurring, it helps to know what causes mold damage to occur.

Fungus loves moisture, and it also loves humidity. Anyone who owns a home knows how easy it is for mildew to form in some locations such as around the bathrooms and basements where there is excess moisture and high levels of humidity. Mildew might not be as damaging as mold, but mildew is a telling sign mold could form easily in this area. Mold is fungus. It’s a fungus that lives in the air in the form of mold spores. These spores look for moisture. They look for humidity. When they find both together anywhere in a home or office, they begin to put down roots. It takes mold hours to form and less than a day or two to spread rapidly.

The best form of prevention is to learn the proper remediation and mitigation techniques taught by professional mold removal companies. This includes controlling humidity levels and moisture levels. Anywhere there is excess moisture must be remedied immediately, and the moisture must be brought under control.

Recognizing Signs of Mold in the Home

The first sign of this fungus is the presence of mildew. If it can grow, so can mold. The other sign is a smelly odor. It’s easy to smell it and decide deodorization in the form of some spray or even lighting a candle is all it takes to handle it, but it’s not good enough. Deodorization only works to mask a smelly odor. While no one wants to smell a smelly odor, deodorization is only good to improve the overall smell of a home or office while mold is located and removed.

If anyone notices a smelly odor at home or work that takes on a musty smell, go ahead with the deodorization for sanity purposes before calling for professional mold removal services. Mold removal is necessary when it’s found in a home or office. Mold removal services use the correct equipment to handle the issue, and they know where to find it at its source.

Remediation and mitigation are not things to ignore or avoid when mold is present. Remediation fixes the problem, and mitigation helps home and business owners learn to recognize the issues and prevent them later. Both remediation and mitigation are worth the price up front. It’s been proven time and time again that not calling for help removing mold immediately allows it to spread quickly before becoming a much larger problem.

Perhaps the biggest benefit of professional mold removal is the guarantee it’s all removed. A homeowner might assume mold can be wiped off a baseboard, but they might not think to check behind the baseboard or even behind the wall for further damage. It’s necessary, and it’s the kind of thing professional do to ensure there is no reason to worry mold might get worse over time or cause future damage that's worse.
Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on mold removal and remediation.

Do I Need Professional Fire Damage Restoration Services?

5/15/2017 (Permalink)

Do I Need Professional Fire Damage Restoration Services?

A fire in home or fire in the business can cause smoke smell, soot damage, smoke damage and other remnants of fire damage. Business or homeowners may not be in a position to conduct a thorough fire cleanup. This is why they need to consider the professional services offered by commercial fire damage restoration companies. Commercial fire damage services can help clients get back to their normal lifestyle in little time. The level of work involved in damage restoration often requires skill, manpower, and experience. Business and home owners contemplating hiring the services of a commercial fire damage company should consider the following reasons.

Fire Cleanup

Once the immediate danger of the fire has been eliminated, the business or home owner is left dealing with smoke damage, soot damage, smoke odor and other forms of fire damage. If the damage is left unattended, the smoke and the ash can cause lingering odors, extensive corrosion, discoloration and etching of the walls. The best way to handle this is by conducting a professional fire cleanup immediately. Commercial fire damage restoration companies have trained and experienced experts who will strive to get their clients back in business as soon as possible, this is regardless of whether the client has suffered a fire in home or a fire in business.

Commercial Fire Damage Restoration

Ash residue, soot damage, smoke smell and smoke damage can cause further damage to the remaining property. Ash easily discolors surfaces, things made from plastic can discolor within hours. Fiberglass finishes can also turn yellow after a fire damage. The ash can also cause walls to discolor, along with upholstery and clothing. Vinyl and wood finishings also need immediate attention since the metal on them corrodes easily. The smell can also cause irritation and respiratory issues. This is why it is important to bring the fire cleanup experts on board immediately after the fire has been put out.
In most cases, home and business owners delay in bringing in the commercial fire damage professionals. This works to their detriment because restoration costs can easily spiral out of control if the damage is not contained after a fire. The effects of smoke odor, soot damage, and smoke damage should not be underestimated. Again, bear in mind that ash is acidic, this means that it can easily cause destruction in a few days or weeks.

Commercial Fire Damage Professional Services

The fire clean up, and restoration industry is highly regulated. The oversight agency is the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). All their technicians and professionals are expected to go through extensive coursework before they are given a license to operate in the fire damage industry. They are expected to uphold all regulations and standards set by the (IICRC). This is why business and home owners need to ensure that they are working with certified professionals.

When a certified, professional and trained commercial fire damage restoration expert is brought on board after a fire in business or fire in the home, they begin by conducting an assessment of the damage. The primary goal at this stage is to prevent further damage. They also pay attention to ash residue because it spreads easily. These experts will remove the ash built-up and asses what can be salvaged. They will also look out for the sources of smoke smell and other fire related odors. Specialized cleaning agents are used to neutralize the odor. The rest of the items are treated to prevent the smoke smell from spreading and permeating the air.

The type of fire clean up services used will depend on the extent of the fire damage. In the wake of a fire, the main goal is for the homeowner or business owner to protect what is left. The best way to prevent further losses is to enlist the expert services of fire damage restoration companies. Their expertise and experience can help business, and home owners recover faster after a fire in home or fire in business. Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on fire damage.

Water Damage Restoration

4/25/2017 (Permalink)

Water Damage

Water Damage Restoration

Water damage does not only occur as a result of flood damage. In fact, it is the small leaks we underestimate, which lead to most water in home or water in business cases. Therefore, it is important that we contract professional plumbers immediately we notice small leaks. However, if we have taken every water damage mitigation measure, yet water in home and water in business occur, all we can do is mitigation of water damage.

Here are some tips for flood damage and water damage restoration. Shut Water and Electricity Mainlines It is a no-brainer that water and water and electricity do not mix. If they do, you could be electrocuted and could even die. Therefore, you need to immediately shut off power from the main switch. While doing so, ensure that you are stepping on dry ground and that your hands are dry. And, also make a point of unplugging any electrical, which might be plugged to sockets reached by water.

After you have shut off power, now find your water mainline and shut it. If the water damage is a due to a plumbing issue, you can stop the flow by shutting water from the mainline. Salvaging Items Once you have shut of the water mainline to ensure that water in business or water in home is no longer flowing and that electrical danger is avoided, you can now start salvaging the items. First move items that have been affected by the flood damage or water damage. Take them where there is a lot of air movement.

The air movement will help in drying this items quickly. After you have handled the wet items, now remove items that might be reached by water and take them to a higher ground. Water Cleanup Once you have salvaged the dry items and taken wet items to an airy area, for drying, you can now start the cleanup process.

Start drying the water. Dry as much water as you can, therefore, the mitigation of secondary damage. From there, all that is left to do is call a water cleanup expert. They have the right equipment to identify any cranny that has moisture. Calling a water cleanup pro to dry water in home or water in business will ensure mitigation of mold growth.

An environmental hygienist should be able to check the air movement and determine whether it could foster the growth of these pathogens. This is a very important step in water damage restoration. Claiming Once drying, water cleanup and air movement has been handled, you now need to start making claims for the water damage restoration. Ensure that you have document all you can. Use photos and videos to evidence that there indeed was a water damage. Also keep receipts to evidence water damage restoration.

It is also important that you keep contact of the water restoration professional that you hired. This will be very important when it comes to compensating you for flood damage or water damage. Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on water damage.

Knowing Where To Begin After A Fire

4/25/2017 (Permalink)

Knowing Where To Begin After A Fire

A fire in business or a fire in the home can lead to serious fire damage. This is because there is fire loss, soot damage, smoke damage as well as the impact on air quality. The damage is due to flames, heat, smoke as well as water. The things that were not impacted by fire damage may get ruined by smoke damage or water that was used to put out those flames. Hence anything that you wish to save or reuse after a fire cleanup will have to be cleaned carefully first especially after commercial fire damage.

Any fire in home or fire in business may require the firefighters to cut holes in the walls of the premises. This is done to look for any flames that may be hidden there and erupt later and lead to fire damage. To minimize smoke damage and soot damage, holes may have been cut in the roof to let the heat out. Fire cleanup requires time and patience as the fire loss gets assessed.

Any commercial fire damage gets mitigated to a large extent if there was a fire sprinkler system. A fire cleanup requires understanding the risks to safety and health even after the fire has been put out. There can be soot damage that can affect health. The air quality can make a person sick and aggravate fire damage. It is important to be careful after any fire in business to reduce fire loss. It is best to take the advice of the fire department before touching any object that has been damaged by fire.

The restoration specialists must be consulted before doing any fire cleanup. To reduce fire loss, windows may be broken, and holes may be cut in the roof to allow for ventilation and slow the growth of the fire. This removes dark smoke making it easy for firefighters to see. It also helps to reduce smoke damage and soot damage. This reduces commercial fire damage and can help to save lives and property too. Holes may be cut in the walls to ensure that the fire is out completely and not hidden anywhere leading to fire loss later.

Before the fire cleanup, the fire report is required to provide information to the insurance company and such other officials regarding soot damage and smoke damage besides air quality. After assessing the fire damage in case of fire in a home, it is important to take care of the family. They may need a place to stay, food, clothing, good air quality and maybe even medicine. There must be a safe place to live in for some time. Plenty of rest is required along with a lot of help, especially in the case of fire in business. It is not possible to do it all alone. In the case of commercial fire damage, it is important not to breathe in anything that was near the flames. The air quality may have been impacted by smoke or soot.

Any fire in home impacts the pets too. Find them and comfort them. They need calm and gentle care. After the fire in a home or a fire in business, enter only when the fire department says that it is safe. There can be commercial fire damage as fires may start again, even after appearing to be out. There can be fire damage if the damaged roofs or floors fall. Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on fire damage.

The Business of Water Removal and Restoration

4/25/2017 (Permalink)

Water Damage Cleanup

The Business of Water Removal and Restoration

Professionals in the water cleanup world have that helps them to find moisture that's far from plain site. Water damage restoration contributes to reducing moisture and removing water in your home after flood damage and other types of water damage. Here is how a water damage restoration specialist can help you remove water in a business or water in a home.

Checking Out the Damage

The water cleanup process will start with an assessment of the water damage. It is likely that everything will need to be removed from your home to allow for a complete water damage restoration. Flood damage can often leave moisture and water in a home that can be hazardous to your health. The moist human conditions are breeding ground for mold. This mold can cause respiratory issues and have a pronounced effect on someone with asthma or other respiratory diseases.


The mitigation against this mold is a proper water cleanup followed by a thorough drying if needed. If flood damage has left deep water in your home, a water pump can be used to get the largest amount of water out. After that, a wet or dry vacuum can help get even more of the liquid gone. Once you are finished with the vacuum, continue to trying fight water damage by using a few high-powered fans. They will produce air movement that aids in the drying process.

A dehumidifier will continually remove moisture from the air while it's on. Water is in Business This air movement and drying is the key to keeping the mold out of your house. It is the same for water in a business setting. Moisture and water are in business if it is not made to dry and evaporate. This is the mitigation against the mold that's trying to grow in your home. The air movement and dehumidifier removes more moisture than any other option. A complete drying is the only way to combat water damage.

Before the Job is Done Once you have completely dried everything in you home to the best of your ability, you can start moving things back in. Don't bring back furniture that was soaked. The material holds bacteria very well and, even if it's now dry, it can still be harmful to you and your family. No water damage restoration is complete without a water cleanup and a thorough drying that includes high air movement. Flood damage and other types of water damage can turn your home into a mold farm. Seek mitigation against the mold by following all of these steps to stop mold growth in your home.

Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on mold removal and remediation.

What to do if You Encounter a Water Loss

4/4/2017 (Permalink)

What to do if You Encounter a Water Loss

If you live in Park Ridge, Il and you have water damage or flood damage, there are certain steps you should take to protect the health of you and your family. Pipes can break, sewers can back up, and even flooding can occur. In Northern Illinois, near Chicago, there is a flood plain, and when some of the violent storms come through, floods can occur.

When the suburbs get built up, the storm sewers can become clogged with leaves and debris to the point where it backs up and causes all kinds of which gets very tiresome for residents. The biggest thing to remember that if you have any standing water in your building, whether it be water in home or water in business situation, you should leave it alone
as it can be dangerous.

Visit http://www.SERVPROparkridge.com for more information on water damage restoration.


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