Helpful Hints About Preventing Mold in Your Commercial Building
4/16/2018 (Permalink)
Mold is an expected part of the natural world. By clearing the earth of items that are no longer living, mold is a critical part of nature’s reclamation program. But, when mold tries to reclaim the inside of a commercial building in Chicago, IL, humans often begin to fight back. The problem with mold is that it doesn’t know the difference between a broken leaf and a sheetrock wall. With a voracious appetite, mold has been known to consume fallen trees and abandoned buildings alike. To fight back against the fungi attacking the walls and ceilings inside your building, consider the following mold prevention tactics to stop it before it can spread.
The Battle Against Mold
Fighting mold at the first sign of a colony growth can often prevent widespread contamination from spores. It takes less than 24 hours for a colony of fungi to grow from a single spore to a mature collection of propagating spores. That means a day-old mold growth colony can send out thousands of spores to attack walls, floors, and ceilings. Stay on the offensive by following these steps in your mold prevention battle:
• Lower heat, but don’t turn it off completely.
• Fix leaky faucets and pipes.
• Do not put area rugs or carpets in moist areas such as basements or bathrooms.
• Use mold cleaning products when scrubbing the bathroom, laundry room, or kitchen areas.
• Add mold inhibitors to paint if you live in a humid climate.
• Insulate cold water pipes that produce condensation.
• Clean up leaks and spills to deter standing water damage.
• Routinely check for fungi behind and under appliances.
• Use fans or dehumidifiers to keep humidity between 40 and 60 percent.
• Vent moist rooms by opening windows or turning on fans.
The Fight Against Growth
Fighting mold can be as easy as removing it at the first sign. However, if you discover a large colony, contact a mold remediation service to help you prevent it from spreading throughout your building. Mold prevention often requires constant vigilance and a lot of elbow grease.
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